Friday, April 16, 2010

Working On Roosevelt Island Tram Towers, Cables & Cabins Removed, Tower Tops & Hanger Arm Installed Next - Will Americas Next Top Models Be Back Soon?

Did you notice the construction crane and increased activity near the Roosevelt Island Tram Tower on the West Channel Road recently? That's because the Poma-Leitner construction crew brought in a crane

and started work assembling the new tower tops.

Work Started On New Roosevelt Island Tram Tower Tops

About the Tram Modernization Project, Roosevelt Island Operating Corp. (RIOC) President Steve Shane writes in his latest report to the community (Item 2 A):
After 6 weeks, the construction is proceeding on schedule. Cables and old cars are removed, demolition and removal of old machinery is almost complete. Tower tops are next. We are monitoring closely.
Assembling The Tram Tower Top

I was surprised to see the work starting first on the Roosevelt Island Tower because as reported in this February 28 post:
The construction plan schedule for the Tram Modernization has been altered slightly. Initially, RIOC and POMA planned working on the Tram Towers on the Roosevelt Island side first, which they say will be easier, in order to gain some experience prior to working on the more difficult Manhattan side towers. That has changed because RIOC was informed by NYC that the Department of Transportation is scheduled to start working May 15 in the same 59th street area on a water tunnel project. POMA will now work on the Manhattan side Towers first so that there is no conflict with DOT's projected May 15 water tunnel start date
Tram Tower Top

It was later decided to be more important to start on the Roosevelt Island Tram Tower because the Manhattan Tower will be a much more difficult job and the experience gained by working on the Roosevelt Island Tower first would be very helpful. According to Mr. Shane:
The timing of when they choose to schedule work is up to the contractors. As might come as no surprise, the H2O work is delayed. Crane permitting and street closure scheduling is all up to DOB and DOT.
Tram Tower Top

Earlier today a Tower Hanger Arm was delivered and is resting alongside it's new home to be.

Tower Arm Hanger

More information on Roosevelt Island Tram Modernization construction schedule available here.

Work is also going on at the Roosevelt Island Manhattan Tram Station.

Manhattan Tram Station

What do you miss most about taking the Roosevelt Island Tram - the convenience, awesome NYC skyline and waterfront views

Image from the CW Source

or being hit on by Americas Next Top Model.

Image From Buddy TV

Remember last November Americas Next Top Model shot some scenes on Roosevelt Island and one resident tweeted:
Omfg they are shoooting ANTM's new Season on Roosevelt Island near my apartment.. Yesss I see ms.Jay and Nigel Barker.. Can't rake pixxz :(
Here's the scene from Americas Next Top Model on the Roosevelt Island Tram.

Happens every day - doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

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