Roosevelt Island Public Safety Reports 3/22 - 4/18- Cell Phones Snatched, Unlicensed Drivers, Smashed Motorgate Car Windows, Robbery, Burglary & More
UPDATE 10/2/10:
4/19/10-7:00 AM to 4/20/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- Dog barking in a patio. PSD responded. Resident was vacuuming the apt and had two small dogs in the patio. Complainant advised if barking continues to notify Urban American.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Graffiti-In a building. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. UA notified.
Robbery Off Island- An Island resident reported that she was robbed in Times Square yesterday.
resident is Japanese and will have her daughter call NYPD to translate for her. No injuries.
Graffiti- At the Island House Playground. PSD responded and conducted search with negative results. RY porter to clean it up.
Graffiti- Rear of River cross. Reported saw two youths write graffiti and fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Criminal Mischief- A security closed circuit TV was taken down and unknown substance placed on the lens of the camera. PSD and NYPD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD to check video history. Camera put back up.
Found Property- Keys in a bag. Property secured in PSD.
Aided- An ill person was seen by EMS but refused transport to the hospital. he will see his personal doctor.
4/20/10-7:AM to 4/21/10-7:00 AM
Domestic Dispute- Between a female and common law husband over a lap top computer. PSD responded. NYPD refused. No injuries. Matter was resolved.
Investigation- Resident reported a female was harassing her. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused. No injuries.
Aided- An elderly male fell in apt. PSD, UA and EMS responded. Aided was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Dispute between two female youths. PSD responded. No injuries. Youths escorted to PSD. Parents were notified. Guardians took the youths home. NYPD refused.
Noise Complaint- Between two residents. PSD responded and spoke to both residents. They agreed to stop the noise.
Hazardous Condition- A hole by the Motor Gate garage on the grassy area. PSD responded and placed a cone over it. RIOC personnel was notified.
Disorderly Youth- Youths throwing rocks at the Tennis Bubble. PSD responded. No damages and no injuries. PSD spoke to youths. They left the area.
Explosion/Investigation- A loud noise heard on the Island. PSD responded and conducted a search of the Island with negative results. All properties and buildings were in order.
4/21/10-7:00 AM to 4/22/10-7:00 AM
Lost Property- An earing. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Found Property- A wallet. It was secured in PSD.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Illegally Parked Vehicle- A vehicle parked in a reserved spot which was not his. The customer to whom it belonged made a complaint. PSD responded and issued a summons to the vehicle.
Lost Property- A hand bag. It was secured in PSD.
Minor Vehicle Accident- Between two private vehicles. PSD responded. No injuries. Minor damages. NYPD responded. Motorists will handle the matter on their own and contact the insurance companies.
Aided- A hospital personnel called and requested emergency contact information on a resident who is in the hospital. PSD provided assistance.
Unsecured Premises- The door was opened to a former business establishment. PSD responded. All in order. UA Super reported that work is being done inside.
Public Photos- RIOC Bus driver reported that a male was taking photos of the passengers. PSD responded. Male deleted the photos. PSD report filed.
0700hrs 04/22/10 - 0700hrs 04/23/10
Aided- Elderly female not feeling well, EMS responded, aided was transported to hospital.
Graffiti- PSD observed graffiti, took pictures and notified UA.
Investigation- Tenant reports after leaving her apartment and returning she noticed that things have been moved around, NYPD refused, UA notified, tenant was advised to change her locks.
0700 hrs 04/23/10 - 0700 hrs 04/24/10
Aided - Elderly female not feeling well was transported to the hospital by EMS.
Aided - Male aided residing at a group home attempted to hit another member residing in the home. PSD and EMS responded. EMS transported aided to the hospital for evaluation. NYPD was on scene.
Investigation - Victim reported to PSD that while she was dropping her kids off at school off Island, female subject walked up to her gave her the middle finger and called her a foul word. Victim reported that she has a order of protection against subject's husband. PSD responded to subject's apartment with negative results.
Investigation(Unauthorized Vehicle) - Dept. of Health received complaint from RI FDNY that an unregistered ambulance is parked on their property. Complainant stated that vehicle will be towed.
Verbal Dispute - PSD responded to dispute between two parties arguing over a dryer. Upon PSD arrival, one of the parties left scene. No injuries were involved.
Investigation - PSD responded to a community room for possible trespassing. PSD made search with negative results. Call was unnecessary.
Criminal Mischief - PSD received complaint from reporter that unknown person kicked in glass door causing it to shatter. PSD responded made search with negative results. Door will be boarded up by maintenance.
Aided - PSD responded to elderly female not feeling well. EMS responded and transported aided to the hospital.
4/24/10-7:00 AM to 4/25/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Subject attempted to used another person's credit card to purchase items in a store. Store Owner notified PSD. PSD responded. Subject fled. Search conducted with negative results. Owner had previously canceled the card.
Hazardous Condition- A hole with exposed wires by the Blackwell House. PSD responded and coned off the area. RIOC engineer notified. No injuries.
Unlicenced Operator/Tint Violation- Vehicle stopped for extremely dark tint on windows. PSD further investigated and the motorist did not have a driver's license. Summonses issued to the motorist. A licensed driver friend of motorist drove vehicle.
Vehicle Accident- Between two private vehicles. A cab was parked and motorist inadvertently
backed up into the cab. PSD responded. No injuries. NYPD responded. Minor damages to the vehicles. Motorist to handle the matter on their own.
4/25/10-7:00 AM to 4/26/10-7:00 AM
Robbery/Burglary/Assault- 4 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Domestic Dispute-Between a male and common law spouse. No injuries. NYPD refused. Card returned to female. PSD report filed.
Petit Larceny- Subject caught by a security guard with items unpaid for from Gristedes Supermarket. PSD responded and issued a trespass notice to the subject. Complainant refused to press charges.
Hazardous Condition- Large sink hole in the 580 Main Street Breeze way. PSD responded and placed cones. RIOC personnel notified.
Car Alarm- At the Motor gate garage. PSD notified the owner. The vehicle was checked and owner stated all was in order.
Reckless Endangerment- Unknown subject threw an aluminum bat out of the window of a building. PSD responded and conducted a search for the subject with negative results. No injuries.
Hazardous Condition- A broken beer bottle in front of an apt. PSD responded and conducted a search for the subject with negative results. UA Super notified. Porter cleaned it up.
4/26/10-7:00 AM to 4/27/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- Male was irate with a Manhattan Park Secretary. PSD responded and male had left. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Driving Wrong Way- A motorist was driving the wrong way rear of Gold Water Hospital. PSD stopped the motorist and issued two summonses to the motorist.
Hazardous Condition- A wooden panel of the Meditation Steps was missing. PSD responded and placed a cone over it. RIOC Engineering Dept notified.
Investigation of a stolen vehicle (off Island)-PSD assisted NYPD and conducted a search of the island with negative results.
Smoke Condition- In an apt. PSD and UA responded. Resident accidently burnt food. No injuries and no property damage. Hallway windows were opened to air out the smoke.
Investigation- NYPD responded to the island on a report of two males possibly armed with firearms. NYPD and PSD conducted a search of the island with negative results.
Noise Complaint- In the hallway of a building. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Violation of an Order of Protection- Resident reported that a male in her apt with whom she has an Order of Protection. PSD responded and conducted a search. Male was inside and fled. PSD conducted a search with negative results. NYPD responded and filed a report.
4/27/10-7:00 AM to 4/28/10-7:00 AM
Possible Aided- PSD and UA responded to an apt. Resident not home. UA Super locked and secured the apt.
Hazardous Condition- Broken glass in the hallway of a building. PSD and UA responded. Glass was cleaned up by UA porter. No injuries.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Q 102 Bus passenger reported that a NYC ambulance was blocking the roadway by the entrance of Gold Water Hospital. PSD responded and confirmed with Gold Water Hospital Police that there was an aided being attended to by EMS. Passenger advised of same.
Aggravated Harassment- Male youth sent an email to face book that contained profanity. PSD and NYPD responded and filed reports.
Aided- PSD, NYPD and EMS responded to an unconscious child. The child and parent were taken to the hospital. Child had regained consciousness.
Unsecured Door- At a building. PSD responded and conducted a search. All in order. The door was locked and secured by PSD.
Found Property-A bag of medicine was found on a RIOC bus. PSD responded and returned it to the owner.
Disorderly Conduct- PSD arrested ` subject.
4/28/10-7:00 AM to 4/49/10-7:00 AM
Hazardous Condition-A pot hole at the 625 Main Street crosswalk. PSD responded. RIOC personnel repaired it.
Graffiti- In the Motor Gate Garage bathroom PSD responded and conducted a search for subject with negative results. Central Parking notified and removed it.
Investigation- Odor of illegal substance in a stairwell of a building. PSD responded and conducted a search for the subject with negative results.
RY Management notified.
Investigation- A subject who was wanted by NYPD was seen in a building. PSD notified the NYPD Detective who stated subject had already been spoken to.
Investigation- An exchange of words over children throwing a ball in a park at youths skateboarding. PSD responded. Both parties apologized to each other. Matter resolved.
Disabled Elevator- In a building. No one inside. PSD and UA responded. Elevator repair company repaired the elevator.
Investigation- Report that an unknown person was inside a rest room in 546 Main Street on the 10 th floor. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Trespass/Unlawful Possession of Marijuana- PSD arrested three subjects.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Missing Patient- A Gold Water Hospital patient. PSD responded and conducted a search of the island with negative results.
0700 hrs 04/29/10 - 0700 hrs 04/30/10
Missing Property - Owner stated to PSD that she lost a wallet while visiting a friend. PSD filed a report.
Aided - Resident was not feeling well and was transported to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation - Resident came into PSD with documentation that her older son doesn't live with her. Documentation was filed with PSD.
Possible Fire - PSD and FDNY responded for possible fire. FDNY stated it was a false alarm.
Lost Property - PSD retrieved lost property. Owner picked up property from PSD.
Aided - PSD responded to male aided falling on the sidewalk. Aided refused medical attention and stated he will go to the hospital on his own. Aided was escorted to his apartment.
Open Container - Male subject was issued summons for open container by PSD and released.
Criminal Mischief - PSD officer discovered crack in window of apartment building. Search was conducted with negative results. Management was notified.
Unsecured Premises - PSD conducted search and area was in order. Door was secured.
Criminal Mischief - Unknown person knocked over flower pots. PSD conducted search with negative results. PSD corrected condition with flower pots.
Verbal Dispute - PSD responded to dispute between mother and daughter. PSD spoke to both parties. The mother was referred to the youth officer. No injuries were reported.
Failed to Exhibit License - PSD stopped a vehicle for moving violation. Subject failed to produce license. PSD issued summons. Motorist was released after friend produced his license.
4/30/10-7:00 AM to 5/01/10-7:00 AM
INVESTIGATION- A confrontation between youths from PS-217 in which one was threaten; left the Youth officer to escort victim youths to subway station with no further incident. Youths parents notify by the school.
DISORDERLY CONDUCT- Two individual were arrested by PSD for being involve in a physical altercation in public. both subjects sustained minor injuries but refuse medical attention. Subjects were issue criminal court summons and released.
UNSECURED VEHICLE- While on patrol PSD came upon a vehicle with passenger side window down. Motor Gate attendant notify, he contacted vehicle's owner. Owner came to the scene stated that all appeared in order and proceeded to secured vehicle.
GRAFFITI- On wall by North Town Park. Search for possible subject (s) conducted with negative result. Condition forwarded to RIOC for clean up.
5/1/10-7:00 AM to 5/2/10-7:00 AM
Noise Complaint- Loud knocking on an apt door. PSD responded and discovered it was the sister in law of the resident.
Vehicle Damage- while searching for a missing person PSD officer accidently backed the vehicle into a pole. Passenger side mirror cracked. No injuries.
Aided- Female passed out on the ground. PSD responded and female got up and refused EMS and left. FDNY responded and advised female left.
Domestic Dispute- PSD and NYPD responded. Both parties left area. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Graffiti- On an apt door. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused. UA notified.
Reckless Endangerment- Three youths throwing rocks. PSD responded. The youths were escorted to PSD. They were released to their parents. No injuries.
Aided- a youth while playing a game fell on a fence and sustained a cut over eye brow. Parent on scene. He was transported to the hospital by EMS.
Vehicle Accident- A vehicle struck a male on a bicycle. PSD responded. Male was taken the hospital by EMS.
Vehicle Accident- An unknown vehicle struck a parked vehicle. No one inside. No injuries. But the parked vehicle had damages. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Missing Persons- Two Gold Water Hospital patients. PSD conducted a search with negative results. One patient was found in a relative house.
Aided/EDP/Intoxicated- Male intoxicated had fallen and sustained laceration to the head. PSD responded. Male became agitated. Additional officers and EMS responded along with NYPD. PSD officer sustained injury to his hand and was taken to the hospital. NYPD escorted the ambulance with the aided to the hospital.
5/2/10-7:00 AM to 5/3/10-7:00 AM
Missing Person- A Gold Water Hospital patient. PSD conducted a search of the island with negative results.
Investigation- A youth made a threatening phone call to another youth. PSD spoke to all of the parents. NYPD refused. Incident referred to the PSD Youth Officer.
Aided- A male felt dizzy and fell in North Town Park. PSD and EMS responded. EMS transported the male to the hospital.
Aided- Female on Oxygen having difficulty breathing. PSD escorted aided to apartment to obtain more oxygen. EMS responded. Aided refused transport to the hospital.
Investigation- A youth threaten another youth and broke his skateboard. No injuries. Father refused NYPD. Incident referred to the PSD Youth Officer.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Missing Person-Two Gold Water Hospital patients. PSD conducted a search of the island with negative results.
5/3/10-7:00 AM to 5/4/10-7:00 AM
Aided- Female fainted. PSD, NYPD and EMS responded. Female refused transport to the hospital.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Noise Complaint- In an apt. PSD responded and knocked on the door and no response. PSD continued to check the area. No further complaints.
5/4/10-7:00 AM to 5/6/10-7:00 AM
Found Property- Barns and Noble Box. PSD responded to the owner's residence and no answer. It was secured at PSD.
Suspicious Package- At the R.I. Bridge. PSD responded. Package was a large insulated food bag which was empty. The bag belongs to the Bridge Contractors.
Open Container- PSD issued a summons to the subject.
Verbal Dispute- Between a RIOC Bus driver and a passenger who in a past incident threw a rock at the RIOC Bus. PSD responded. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana- two subjects arrested by PSD.
Unsecured Vehicle- Vehicle parked on Main Street found with an open trunk. PSD responded. NYPD obtained owner information via computer. PSD notified the owner who secured the vehicle.
5/5/10-7:00 AM to 5/6/10-7:00 AM
Water Leak- UA and PSD responded to an apt. Resident not home. Water leak elsewhere. UA locked and secured the apt door.
Investigation- Male made threatening remarks to a person about another individual. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Unsecured Premises- The Light House. PSD responded and escorted two persons out. It was locked and secured.
Larceny- Two bicycles from the 425 Main Street bike room. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
ACS visit-NYPD notified PSD Administration of Children Services needed access to an apt. Tenant refused to open door. Later the resident complied and opened the door.
Open Container- PSD issued a summon to the subject.
0700 hrs 05/06/10 - 0700 hrs 05/07/10
Attempt to Serve Papers - PSD attempted to serve civil summons to resident. Tenant was not home.
Verbal Dispute - PSD responded to a store for dispute between merchant and customer. Matter was resolved on its own.
Aided - PSD responded to an aided inside apartment. EMS responded and transported aided to the hospital.
Vehicle Accident - Between RIOC bus and passenger vehicle. No injuries reported. NYPD was notified.
Vehicle Accident - Between two vehicles. No injuries reported. NYPD responded.
Found Property - Person turned in ID card to PSD. ID was secured at PSD.
Missing Property - Tenant reported to PSD that home attendant took money from her apartment. NYPD was on scene and money was found inside apartment.
Aided - Intoxicated male at the subway. PSD responded. Hospital police came and transported aided to the hospital.
Aided - PSD responded to an apartment for possible aided. Aided refused medical attention.
Court Papers Served - PSD responded to an apartment to serve court papers. Papers were served without further incident.
Aided - PSD responded to a restaurant for aided in bathroom. PSD spoke to aided and she refused medical attention.
5/7/10-7:00 AM to 5/8/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Smoke Condition- A resident accidently burnt food. PSD and UA responded. No injuries or property damage. Hallways windows opened to air out the hallway.
Aided- Child accidently hurt himself with a bat while playing baseball. PSD and EMS responded. Child transported to the hospital by EMS. He was accompanied by his grandmother.
Open Container- PSd arrested a subject.
Verbal Dispute- Between two Island residents over a previous incident. PSD and NYPD responded. No injuries.
Trespass- PSD arrested a subject.
Trespass- PSD assisted NYPD with arrest of three subjects.
0700hrs 05/08/10- 0700hrs 05/09/10
Order of Protection- Resident requested Family Court Paper be served. PSD responded but resident not home.
DOA/ Aided- R.I. resident deceased of natural causes. PSD, NYPD and EMS responded. Deceased removed by Medical Examiner.
Escort-PSD provided escort to an adult male to remove his clothing. Escort completed without incident.
Aided- Male was running down steps and fell. He sustained injury to the ankle. PSD and EMS responded. EMS transported male to the hospital.
Verbal Dispute- Between an owner of an establishment and a terminated employee. PSD responded and provided an escort out of the establishment. No injuries.
Investigation- Terminated employee of a business establishment made a complaint against the manager.
Carstop/Unlicesed Driver-Motorist made a moving violation and was stopped by PSD. Motorist did not have a driver’s license. PSD issued two summonses and a licensed driver later drove the vehicle.
Investigation Follow up- Child Care Supervisor of a group home had requested information on truancy matters PSD Youth Officer conducted a follow up investigation.
Aided- A youth had an object stuck on inside of mouth. Youth went to see the school nurse who checked the airways. They were clear. The nurse gave the youth water to drink. Youth stated she was fine. PSD responded. EMS was notified.
Water Leak- PSD and UA responded to an apt. The resident was not home. UA conducted necessary repairs on the water leak. UA locked and secured the apt.
Larceny- Youth was in the Library and left cell phone on table. Youth stated a male had sat near her. Upon her return the cell phone and the male where gone. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. Parent notified PSD. NYPD refused.
Aided- Adult female on medication for a mental condition had not taken her medication. PSD, EMS and NYPD responded. Female was taken to the hospital by EMS. No injuries.
Aided- Intoxicated female in a business establishment had fainted. PSD responded female regained consciousness. PSD responded. A friend escorted her to the apt. EMS refused.
Cocaine Possession- PSD arrested subject.
Noise Complaint- In the balcony of an apt. PSD responded. Resident had a party. He escorted guest into apt. Later another noise complaint. PSD returned. Resident complied with PSD.
Found Property- A bicycle. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner came and retrieved it.
5/9/10-7:00 AM to 5/10/10-7:00 AM
Hazardous Condition- A large tree branch fell down at Light House Park. PSD and grounds responded. Grounds moved the branch and PSD placed caution tape around branch Grounds Supervisor notified.
Graffiti- At the Light House. PSD conducted a search with negative results. Grounds Supervisor notified.
Investigation- A window screen was damaged due to high winds. A child in the apt was throwing objects out of the window. PSD responded and spoke to the parent. UA notified to install a new window screen. No injuries.
Criminal Mischief- Scratches on an outside window of Roosevelt Landings. UA Super notified and reported this was a pre existing condition. NYPD refused.
Found Property- A wallet. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved it.
Aided- An intoxicated female in a cab. PSD responded. Female exited the cab and left the area. EMS refused.
Hazardous Condition- A large tree branch was hanging off a tree near 580 Main Street. PSD responded. Grounds Supervisor notified. No injuries.
5/10-7:00 AM to 5/11/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- A resident moved and a male asked a mutual friend where did the resident move to. This caused the resident in question to be concerned.
Aided- A female fell while exiting the RIOC bus. Aided sustained pain to both legs. PSD responded. EMS refused.
Past Harassment- An Island resident stated that the day before in the subway he was punched. PSD and NYPD responded. Reports filed victim did not report it earlier because he was not feeling well.
Minor Vehicle Accident- A motorist accidently backed into a Public safety vehicle. No injuries and no damages.
Possible Missing Person- A friend of a resident hasn't heard from the resident in a while. PSD and UA responded. UA did not have a key on file for top lock. PSD report filed.
Water Leak- In an apt. Resident not home. PSD and UA responded. UA shut the water off to the pipe and will make repairs on 5/11/10. UA locked and secured the apt.
Investigation- PSD responded to a trespass complaint. Subject arrested.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
0700 hrs 05/11/10 - 0700 hrs 05/12/10
Smoke Alarm - PSD responded to smoke alarm inside an apartment. Tenant burnt food causing smoke. No injuries or property damage.
Smoke Alarm - PSD responded to smoke alarm. PSD observed strong odor of control substance. PSD conducted search with negative results.
Harassment - Resident came into PSD to make a harassment report against another resident. Complainant stated that the other resident made complaint against his daughter. NYPD responded. No NYPD report was made.
Investigation - Anonymous reporter notified PSD of possible child abuse. ACS was notified.
Aided - PSD responded to possible aided inside an apartment. Resident stated she was having chest pains. EMS transported aided to the hospital.
Verbal Dispute - RIOC bus driver called PSD for disruptive passenger. PSD responded and escorted passenger off bus without further incident.
Alleged Intoxicated Female - PSD responded for possible intoxicated female. PSD officer spoke to female and she was coherent.
Escort - PSD responded for intoxicated male. PSD escorted male to his apartment without further incident.
Verbal Dispute - PSD responded for verbal dispute between two females over property. PSD advised both parties they would have to go to court. NYPD responded and advised both parties of the same.
5/12/10-7:00 AM to 5/13/10-7:00 AM
Aided/EDP- A Male youth struck and pushed his mother. PSD, EMS responded. Youth taken to the hospital for an evaluation by NYPD.
Pictures- Male taken photos of females rear of 2-4 River road. PSD responded. Male questioned to determine if he had a permit. Male and one of the females was rude to PSD officer. All left prior to PSD Sergeant arrival. PSD filed a report.
Noise Complaint- Three females talking loudly in a hallway of a building. PSD responded. Two females escorted out of the building. The third female resides in the building.
Lost Property- A resident lost her wallet. NYPD filed a report. PSD filed a report.
0700 hrs 05/13/10 - 0700 hrs 05/14/10
Noise Complaint - Resident reported to PSD construction crew was making loud noise. PSD spoke to foreman and he complied and started work at the allotted time.
Aggravated Harassment - Female reported to PSD that male subject keeps calling her and harassing her. PSD called subjects phone and left message and advised him to stop calling.
Cross Complaint/Harassment - Male subject made a cross complaint with PSD.
Petty Larceny - Unknown person took money from safe. PSD made a report.
Grand Larceny - Unknown person took a check from office. PSD made a report.
Aided - Aided came into PSD and stated he was not feeling well. Aided was transported to the hospital.
Alarm - PSD responded with FDNY for a alarm. Tenant set off alarm inside her apartment by mistake. FDNY reset the alarm.
0700hrs 05/14/10 - 0700 hrs 05/15/10
Alarm- PSD, NYPD and FD responded to scene, a resident accidentally set off an alarm, alarm reset no injuries.
Vehicle Accident/ Aided- Delivery man got struck by vehicle, victim reports pain to hip and leg, victim RMA had to complete job duties.
Investigation- Male reports while coming out of subway he bumped into a group of people and dropped his wallet, $500 came out he was able to recover 460, NYPD refused.
Investigation- Anon female report dog barking, PSD responded and heard dog barking.
Investigation- PSD responded to UA washroom, upon arrival a search was made with negative results.
Criminal Mischief- PSD reports a bottle was thrown from UA, breaking the skyline window, US super notified, glass was cleansed and area was taped off.
0700hrs 05/15/10- 0700hrs 05/16/10
Investigation- Mother reports school staff is harassing her as well as saying rude comments to her and her son, matter referred to Youth Officer.
Found Property- Taxi driver turned in a bag that was left in the back seat of his taxi, owner later came into PSD and retrieve there property.
Found Property- Ground supervisor found a debit card and turned it into PSD, PSD contacted bank, bank reports they will notify victim and reissue card. PSD cut card in half.
0700 hrs 07/16/10 - 0700 hrs 07/17/10
Found Property - PSD officer retrieved found property. Property secured at PSD.
Investigation - PSD received a call for subjecting taking scrap metal. PSD responded and property was returned. Area will be monitored.
Investigation - PSD observed vehicle inside parking garage with broken window. No broken glass on the floor and no info on the owner.
Water Rescue - PSD and NYPD responded to southgate for boat that hit an island near southgate. Occupants of the boat were rescued.
5/17/10-7:00 AM to 5/18/10-7:00 AM
Verbal Dispute- Female made a complaint that the manager of a store did not want to ring up two sales so that customer could use two coupons.
No injuries and NYPD refused.
Domestic Dispute- Between mother and son. PSD responded. No injuries and NYPD refused. Both were fine. PSD filed a report.
Aided (Disabled Wheelchair)- On a RIOC Bus. PSD responded and retrieved another wheelchair for aided. Aided safely arrived home. PSD filed a PSD report.
Noise Complaint- Resident reported a machine in the wall of her bathroom making noise. PSD responded and unable to locate the source of the noise. UA notified.
Aided- Male fell off a couch. PSD responded and assisted him. No injuries. EMS refused. PSD filed a report.
5/18/10-7:00 AM to 5/19/10-7:00 AM
Burglary- Resident was not home. Unknown subject gained access and took jewelry and money. PSD and NYPD responded and conducted a search with negative results. PSD and NYPD filed reports.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill infant was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Unsecured Premise- Empty Commercial space was unsecured. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. The lock was defective. RIOC personnel responded and made repairs to the lock. The premises was secured.
Aided-/Telephone Failure- PSD assisted elderly resident and called phone company to restore phone service. Service to be restored on 5/19/10.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Fire Alarm- PSD and FDNY responded to a building for the alarm. FDNY stated that steam release from the basement caused alarm to sound. No property damage and all in order.
Arrested- PSD assisted NYPD in apprehending a subject who was wanted by NYPD. No injuries.
5/19/10-7:00 AM to 5/20/10-7:00 AM
Legal Document Served- Family Court Papers served by PSD.
Domestic Dispute/Aided- PSD, EMS responded . EMS stated not an aided. Verbal dispute between two family members. No injuries. NYPD responded and filed a report.
Investigation- Resident reported another unknown resident told her to go home. PSD filed a report.
Petit Larceny- A subject visiting a resident took three new shirts and allegedly cash. PSD and NYPD responded. The shirts were returned. A third party stated another subject was seen with the victims purse. NYPD filed a report.
Alarm- In an apt. PSD and River Cross porter responded. Resident had left the air conditioner on which caused the blinds to move. It caused the motion alarm to sound. River Cross porter locked and secured the apt.
0700 hrs 05/20/10 - 0700 hrs 05/21/10
Investigation - Tenant walked into PSD to report that unknown person rang her door bell in the early morning and left. PSD report was made. Tenant was advised to call PSD if it happens again.
Investigation - Tenant called PSD and stated unauthorized maintenance worker entered her apartment without authorization. PSD responded and spoke to doorman and stated he sent worker to the wrong apartment. Tenant was advised.
Investigation - Complainant reported to PSD that unknown person threw cigarette out of the window. PSD responded and made search with negative results. Super was notified.
Aided - PSD responded to an apartment for possible aided. EMS on scene and aided refused medical attention.
Debris - Landscaping workers drop debris on Main Street. Area was cleaned up by workers.
Noise Complaint - PSD responded to an apartment for a barking dog. Officer spoke to the tenant.
0700hrs 05/21/10 - 0700hrs 05/22/10
Aided- Student was talking about suicide, transported to hospital with guidance counselor parents will meet them at hospital,
Found Property- Anon male turned in a cell phone he found into PSD, PSD secured item.
Water Leak- PSD respond found cause of leak, maintenance responded and corrected condition.
Investigation- Two RIOC employees spoke to youth and parent.
Investigation- Victim reports to PSD his bike was taking from him, PSD observed youth and took them into PSD, youth report they threw bike into River, parents of youth responded to PSD both agreed to pay for bike.
5/22/10-7:00 AM to 5/23/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- Two Roosevelt Island youth seen walking on the Roosevelt Island bridge in the early morning. PSD responded and returned the youth to their grandmother. PSD report filed.
5/23/10-7:00 AM to 5/24/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- A male and a female in the hallway sitting. PSD responded. Male resides with grand mother. Female was his visitor. PSD verified information. Male went home and female left.
Car Stop- Motorist made a moving violation. PSD stopped the vehicle. The motorist did not have his license with him. PSD contacted cab service and NYPD verified motorist was licensed to drive. PSD issued a summons to the motorist.
Investigation- Two food trucks parked opposite 455 Main Street. PSD responded. Neither truck had a RIOC permit. Drivers notified they needed a permit. Trucks exited the Island.
Unleashed Dog- In a soccer field. PSD responded and warned and admonished the dog walker who left with the dog.
Investigation- Regarding inappropriate behavior between two youth. PSD and NYPD responded. Incident referred to NYPD Special Victims Squad who will further investigate the incident.
5/24/10-7:00 AM to 5/25/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- Report of a vehicle speeding on east roadway rear of Gold Water Hospital. Incident occurred on 5/23/10 and reported on 5/24/10. PSD filed a report and PSD monitored the area.
Aided- An elderly male was shaking. PSD and EMS responded. EMS checked his vital signs and they were fine. Wife responded.
Male refused transport to the hospital. Wife and PSD escorted male to apt.
Minor Vehicle Accident- An inattentive cyclist made contact with PSD vehicle. No injuries. Damage to front wheel of bicycle and driver's side front bumper. EMS responded. Aided refused transport to the hospital.
Investigation- Students of a school being harassed by students of PS 217 inside the subway. NYPD notified. PSD to monitor the area.
5/25/10-7:00 AM to 5/26/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken tot the hospital by EMS.
Court paper served- PSD served civil court papers for a resident.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- A student was nudged by another off school grounds. School principal notified. PSD youth officer responded and filed a report.
Possession of Stolen Property- PSD assisted NYPD in arrest of a subject.
Unleashed Dog- PSD summonses a male for unleashed dog rear of Gold Water Hospital.
Criminal Mischief- Unknown subject threw large rocks at the Light House Comfort Station and caused dents. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. Surrounding areas checked and in order.
Aided- Male throwing a ball dislocated his shoulder. PSD and EMS responded. EMS transported the male to the hospital.
Flood- In a vacant apt. PSD and UA super responded. UA cleaned it up.
Aggravated Harassment- Male made verbal threats to a female over the phone repeatedly. PSD and NYPD responded and filed reports.
Aided- Intoxicated female taken to the hospital by EMS. Friend secured the apt.
5/26/10-7:00 AM to 5/27/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- Elderly male felt ill. PSD and EMS responded. Aided refused transport to the hospital. PSD filed a report.
Aided- A child was ill and taken to the hospital by EMS.
Harassment- Between to island residents. The victim will go to the precinct on 5/27/10. No injuries.
Motor Vehicle Accident- A RIOC bus while on 36th Ave was in a vehicle accident with a cyclist. Cyclist and a bus passenger was taken to the hospital for precautionary measures. NYPD and PSD filed reports.
Investigation- Two female youth playing in the South Town Water Fountain which is located in the middle of the street where traffic turns. PSD responded and spoke to the youth they left the area.
Criminal Mischief- In a building there is hole in the hallway. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. UA notified. NYPD refused.
Barking Dog/ Investigation- Report of a dog barking in an apt. PSD responded. No dog barking. PSD filed a report.
Aided- A Gold Water hospital patient was lost on the island. PSD responded and escorted him back to the hospital.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
5/27/10-0700 am to 5/28/10
Aided - A sick female taken to hospital.
Investigation - Bike chain was removed,bike was taken to PSD owner retrieved property.
Vehicle Damage - PSD Officer reports fender fell off RIOC Gem. Gem brought to bus garage for repair.
Graffiti - PSD Officer observed writing inside stairwell. Service was notified.
Investigation - Youth Officer on patrol at subway, reports no incidents.
Assistance - Male resident inside PSD reports he lost the key for his bicycle chain and requested assistance. PSD responded to assist male.
Aided - A concerned tenant called PSD to report a sick female in the hallway. Upon PSD arrival female refused EMS.
Alarm - PSD responded to an alarm at the Main Street Theater, the instructor stated it was false alarm. All appeared in order.
Dispute - NYPD and PSD on scene at group home for two males fighting. NYPD advised males to refrain from fighting. Group home staff on scene, EMS refused, no injuries observed or reported.
5/28/10-7:00 AM to 5/29/10-7:00 AM
Dispute- In a group home between two youth. PSD responded. No injuries. NYPD refused. PSD spoke to youth who ceased and complied with PSD.
Harassment- Between youths and a youth at the subway. Youth with teacher. PSD responded. Youths were gone on arrival. PSD to monitor the area.
Found Property- a hand bag. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved it.
Noise Complaint- A dog barking. PSD responded and knocked on the door. There was no answer. PSD filed a report.
Investigation- A complaint of children playing in the hallway of a building. PSD responded and spoke to the parent and advised that the children could not play in the hallway.
5/29/10-7:00 AM to 5/30/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Water Leak- In an apt. The resident was not in. PSD and UA responded. UA shut the water off and will repair the leak on 6/1/10. UA locked and secured the apt door.
Unsecured Bicycle- Front of 30 River Road, a resident left a bicycle without securing it. Upon arrival it was missing. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Aided- While playing baseball an adult male fell and fractured his left ankle. PSD and EMS responded. Aided taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- A youth in a skateboard almost made contact with a female.
PSD responded and spoke to youth.
Car stop- A motorist committed a moving violation. PSD stopped the vehicle and warned and admonished the motorist.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property- A wallet was turned over to PSD. It was secured by PSD.
5/30/10-7:00 AM to 5/31/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property- A cell phone. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrived the property.
Alcohol/Open container- PSD arrested a subject.
Dispute- Rear of the Blackwell Park. PSD responded. Both males uncooperative. No injuries. PSD refused. PSD escorted both men out of the area. No further dispute.
Assault- Between two youth. 911 notified. PSD spoke to juvenile subject and parent. Matter referred to PSD Youth Officer.
Assault 3 degree- Female assaulted a Gristedes Super Market employee and fled. PSD responded and conducted a search and found the subject. PSD arrested the subject.
Electrical Problem- Lights were out in 546 Main Street, Blackwell Park and surrounding areas, 688 Main Street. PSD responded and checked on residents of 546 Main Street. UA notified. Later electrical power was restored. No reports of injury or distress of the residents.
Property Damage- A lobby door. PSD and UA responded. UA made temporarily repairs until permanent repairs can be made. PSD conducted period checks of the area.
May 31st, 2010 7:00AM to June 1st, 2010 7:00AM
Aided - Female not feeling well was escorted home by Public Safety. EMS was refused.
Aided - Home attendant reports patient not feeling well. EMS responded and aided transported to the hospital.
Water Leak - Pipe in bathroom burst causing a leak in wall. Service on scene and reports no severe damages.
Aided - Female with stomach pains transported to the hospital by EMS.
Aided - Male injured while playing basketball, refused medical attention.
0700 hrs 06/01/10 - 0700 hrs 06/02/10
Criminal Trespass - Reporter notified PSD that a male subject was staying inside the porter room. PSD responded and made search with negative results. Super was notified.
Vehicle Accident - PSD responded to a call of a vehicle accident. A truck backed into a parked car. NYPD responded and made a report.
Grand Larceny -A contractor walked into PSD to report that an unknown person took his wallet and Ipod from his vehicle while he was working. Victim had various credit cards and ATM card. Victim stated he left his door open. NYPD made a report.
Smoke Condition - PSD responded to a smoke condition at the AVAC. FDNY responded and corrected the condition . No injuries.
Aided - Tenant called PSD and stated that his home attendant did not show up for work. PSD notified senior center and arranged for a home attendant.
Noise Complaint - PSD officer responded on a barking dog complaint. The tenant was not home. PSD report was made.
Fire - FDNY responded to Coler Hospital for small fire. FDNY put out the fire. No injuries.
Lost Property - Resident turned in a found wallet to PSD . Owner was notified and will come to PSD to pick up wallet.
Water Leak - PSD received a call for a water leak. Super responded and corrected the condition.
Investigation - PSD responded for a call of a possible trespassing PSD made search with negative result.
0700 hrs 06/02/10 - 0700 hrs 06/03/10
Aided - Resident walked into the PSD office and stated he wasn't feeling well and requested EMS. EMS responded and transported aided to the hospital.
Found Property - Resident found a cell phone on the street and turned it into PSD. Owner was contacted and the property was picked up by the owner.
Found Property - RIOC bus driver found property on his bus. Property was secured at PSD.
Investigation - PSD responded to the subway for FDNY response for possible fire. FDNY reported that there was no fire on the tracks.
Verbal Dispute - PSD officer observed verbal dispute between male and female. Both parties stated it was a misunderstanding and left the island. There were no visible signs of injuries to the female.
Unsecured Premise - PSD officer and handyman responded to unsecured apartment door. Door was secured by handyman. Apartment was in order.
Aided - PSD officer responded for possible aided. Female was wandering the streets and appeared lost. Female refused EMS and left the island.
0700 hrs 06/03/10 - 0700 hrs 06/04/10
Found Property - RIOC bus driver turned in a plastic bag that was found on his bus. Owner retrieved property from the PSD office.
Disabled RIOC Bus - Passenger on RIOC bus reported that the bus broke down on the 59th Street Bridge. PSD notified bus garage and another bus was sent to pick up passengers.
Aided - Aided fell and requested EMS. EMS transported aided to the hospital.
Investigation - Anonymous male reports possible assault. PSD responded and one youth was apprehended.
Arrest Warrant - PSD responded with Parol officers to an apartment to pick up male subject. Subject was not at the apartment. NYPD was on scene.
Aided - PSD responded for male that fell down. Male was bleeding and EMS was requested. Aided was transported to the hospital.
0700hrs 06/04/10 - 0700hrs 06/05/10
Dispute/ Harassment- PSD and NYPD responded to apartment for possible domestic dispute. Upon arrival tenant reports subject threaten her. No injuries observed, no weapon found, NYPD told subject to leave and not return. NYPD and PSD will write reports, all unit resumed patrol.
Unsecured Door- PSD while patrolling observed door open, made a search of area, area appeared in order, PSD secure door and resumed patrol.
0700hrs 06/04/10 - 0700hrs 06/05/10
Aided- Male heavily intoxicated fell and hit his face on the concrete. EMS responded to scene aided was transported to hospital.
Arrest Warrant- PSD, Parole officer, and NYPD responded to residence. Tenant refused to open door and allow search. All units left scene Parole officer left PSD there contact information in the case subject is on island.
Aided- Elderly tenant was not answering phone, PSD and Super entered apartment and found tenant sleep.
Aided- Elderly tenant's home health aid reports no answer from apartment. Super and PSD responded to above location and no one was home, Super secured apartment.
Missing Person- A Lifespire consumer was reported missing, he later returned home, safe with no injuries.
Vehicle Accident- RIOC red bus while driving to Manhattan was cut off by a vehicle causing an accident. Both vehicle have minor damage and no injuries reported, NYPD responded to scene.
Investigation- Y.O. reports no incident at the subway for week ending 06/04/10.
Verbal Dispute- Victim reports motorist took a route she was unhappy with, then out of frustration, she asked for the driver to drop her off before reaching her destination the driver refused, PSD arrived and corrected condition without incident.
Criminal Mischief- PSD responded to a report of hazardous, upon arrival PSD observed glass on the floor and a broken window above. UA notified, handy man responded and cleaned area up.
Harassment- Victim reports youth have been bothering her for months. While in library victim tried to escape youth by running away when she fell and scrapped her knee, mother RMA, matter referred to Y.O.
Open Container- PSD observed subject drink beer in public, subjects were summons and released.
0700hrs 06/05/10 - 0700hrs 06/06/10
Unsecured Door- While on patrol PSD observed an open exit door, PSD conducted a search, all appeared in order. PSD resumed patrol.
Unsecured Property- Two youth report they left bags in front of there building. Went upstairs, when they returned there bags were gone. PSD responded, made a search of area with negative results.
Verbal Dispute- Female entered Sports Park pool area demanding her pool access card, or a refund. Pool attendee informed female she had no card on file, she would have to contact the appropriate RIOC personnel. Female started raising her voice, attendee called PSD, female left. Upon PSD arrival female left scene.
Investigation- Tenants report RIOC red bus has been late every weekend. PSD called bus garage to check and advise, red bus responded to Riverwalk.
Reckless Endangerment- Witness reports to PSD that a bat came from the 7th floor almost hitting a youth. PSD responded to location observed youth, notified there parents.
Unsecured Premises- While on patrol PSD observed apartment door unsecured, PSD made a search, all appeared in order. PSD secured apartment.
0700 hrs 06/06/10 - 0700 hrs 06/07/10
Property Damage - PSD officer observed the southgate fence damaged. PSD report and photos were taken.
Harassment - Parent reported to PSD that a youth was harassing her daughters. PSD made search for the youth with negative results. Incident was referred to the youth officer.
Dog Off Leash In Public - PSD officer observed owner with dog off the leash. Officer issued owner a summons.
Investigation - Motorist reported to PSD that his vehicle is being scratched and dented on a regular basis. PSD officer didn't observe any damage to the vehicle. NYPD was refused. Incident was referred to motorgate manager.
Investigation - PSD received a complaint that a unknown subject threw a sterno can on fire out of a window. PSD made search with negative results. No injuries or property damage was reported.
Water Leak - PSD officer observed a water leak and notified maintenance. Maintenance cleaned up water leak.
Lock Out - Tenant locked herself out of her apartment. Super was notified and opened the door for the tenant.
0700 hrs 06/07/10 - 0700 hrs 06/08/10
Found Property - Super turned in found property to the PSD office. Property was secured at the PSD office.
Public Urination - Resident walked into PSD and stated he saw a wet spot and smell of urine inside stairwell of motorgate garage. Resident stated this has been going on for a month. PSD report was taken.
Larceny Of A Bike - Owner reported to PSD that she had her bike chained up and when she returned, the bike was gone. NYPD report was refused.
Investigation - Parents walked into PSD with their daughter to report that another youth punched their daughter in the face. Incident was referred to the youth officer and NYPD school unit.
Investigation - NYPD notified PSD of a missing female who is deaf and mentally challenged possibly with a male subject. PSD observed the two individuals and notified NYPD. NYPD took subject into custody for further investigation. EMS took female to hospital for evaluation.
Aided - PSD responded to an apartment for aided not felling well. Aided was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property - Cell phone turned into PSD. Property was secured at PSD. Owner retrieved cell phone.
Petty Larceny - Owner reported that unknown person took her rear hubcaps while car was parked inside motorgate. NYPD refused.
0700 hrs 06/08/10 - 0700 hrs 06/09/10
Aided - Reporter called PSD and stated her mother fell and needed assistance. When PSD officer arrived, aided was up and walking. Aided refused to be transported to the hospital. Aided called her own doctor.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to an apartment for aided. Aided was on the floor and was picked up by EMS. Aided refused to be transported to the hospital.
Harassment - Youth came into PSD with his father to report that another youth punched him. The other youth was brought into PSD with his older brother. PSD notified youth's mother. Incident will be referred to PSD youth officer.
Hazardous Condition - Reporter notified PSD that there was a open hole with live wires. PSD responded and cautioned off area. RIOC engineer was notified.
0700 hrs 06/09/10 - 0700 hrs 06/10/10
Gas Leak - PSD officer responded to an apartment for a gas leak. Condition was corrected by the super. Resident was not home and apartment was secured by the super.
Arrest - PSD responded with NYPD to an apartment for a possible domestic dispute. A male subject was arrested by NYPD. No injuries were involved.
Violation Of Order Of Protection - Complainant entered PSD to report that her ex-boyfriend violated an order of protection by contacting her via cell phone. NYPD responded and made a report.
Debris - PSD officer observed silly string on the floor in front of an apartment. PSD along with the super notified the parent. The parent had her daughter clean up the mess.
Aided - PSD observed disoriented patient from Coler Hospital on Main Street. Hospital police was notified and picked up the patient and took him back to the hospital.
Dispute - PSD responded to a dispute between tenant and female he was renting a room to. Both parties came to an agreement. No injuries were involved.
0700 hrs 06/10/10 - 0700 hrs 06/11/10
Aided - PSD officer responded to an apartment for possible aided. Aided stated she needed assistance getting up. PSD helped aided. Aided refused medical attention.
Found Property - PSD officer observed wallet on the ground. Wallet was secured at the PSD office.
0700 hrs 06/11/10 - 0700 hrs 06/12/10
Vehicle Accident - Motorist reported to PSD that unknown person hit his car while it was parked in motorgate. PSD and NYPD responded and made a report.
Investigation - Off Island restaurant called PSD to verify an apartment for a delivery. The apartment was vacant. PSD entered apartment with super and conducted a search with negative results, no one was inside apartment. Stairwells was also checked with negative results.
Aided - PSD responded to an apartment for possible aided. PSD checked apartment and tenant was not home.
Verbal Dispute - PSD responded to subway for verbal altercation between an unrelated parent and youth. PSD spoke to both parties. Both parties went their own way.
Suspicious Males - PSD observed males taking photos by the crane that is being used at the Tram. Subjects were photography student and were advised to go to a safer location.
Noise Complaint - Tenant was complaining of loud music. She was advised it was coming from a scheduled concert that had authorization. Concert was not scheduled to last all night.
0700 hrs 06/12/10 - 0700 hrs 06/13/10
Car Accident - PSD responded to vehicle accident between two motorist. NYPD responded and took report. No injuries.
Found Property - Cell phone was turned into PSD. Property was secured at PSD.
Verbal Dispute - PSD responded to dispute between two females arguing over a dryer. Both parties went there own way.
Secured Property - Male notified PSD that his deceased father had a firearm in his apartment. PSD responded and secured firearm. NYPD responded and advised reporter that he can turn firearm into the nearest Police Station for "gun's for cash program".
0700 hrs 06/13/10 - 0700 hrs 06/14/10
Escort - Female requested an escort to her apartment. PSD provided escort without incident.
Larceny Of Bicycle - Youth took bike belonging to a restaurant delivery person. PSD apprehended youth. Owner refused to press charges. Parent was notified and picked up her son. Bike was returned to the owner.
Aided - PSD responded for aided complaining of leg pain. Aided was transported to the hospital.
Found Property - Found property dropped off at PSD. Owner responded and picked up property.
Domestic Dispute - PSD responded to an apartment for a domestic incident. Dispute was between father and daughter. NYPD responded and took a Domestic Incident report. EMS was refused.
Smoke Alarm - PSD responded to an apartment for a smoke alarm. Tenant stated she burnt food on the stove. No property damage.
Littering - Motorist threw trash from a vehicle window and drove away. Vehicle was stopped and subject was issued a summons.
Lost Property - Owner reported to PSD that he lost his bag. Search was made with negative results. Owner called back later and stated he found his bag.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded for a man that fell down. Aided refused medical attention.
0700 hrs 06/14/10 - 0700 hrs 06/15/10
Reckless Endangerment - School bus driver reported to PSD that an unknown subject threw a bottle from a building and it hit the bus. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. No children were on the bus, no injuries or damage to the bus. NYPD refused.
Escort - Group home supervisor reported to PSD that the youths inside the apartment didn't want to leave for school. PSD responded and youths left apartment without incident.
Escort - Resident requested PSD to escort a male subject from her apartment. PSD esorted male subject from the apartment without further incident.
Hazardous Condition - PSD responded to the playground for piece of broken playground equipment. Equipment presented a hazardous condition. Broken piece was removed from the playground. No injuries were reported.
Found Property - RIOC bus driver turned in a found wallet. PSD secured the wallet. Owner was contacted and picked up the wallet.
Robbery - PSD responded to a possible robbery. Youth had his cell phone taken from his hand. Father will file police report on his own.
Emotionally Disturbed Person - PSD and EMS responded to an apartment for a disturbed youth with knives. PSD and EMS convinced youth to put down the knives. Youth dropped the knives and was transported to the hospital for evaluation.
Public Lewdness - Resident reported to PSD that there were three males running around naked. PSD conducted search with negative results.
Large Oil Drum - PSD officer observed large oil drum floating in the East River. PSD notified 311.
6/15/10-7:00 AM to 6/16/10-7:00 AM
Domestic Dispute- Between mother and adult son. PSD and NYPD responded. No injuries. NYPD and PSD filed reports.
Unsecured Premises-The out door tennis courts had caution tape on door leaving it open. PSD responded and advised tennis instructor the doors are not to be left open. PSD corrected the condition.
Possession of Marijuana/Trespass- PSD arrested three subjects.
Lost Property- An identification card. It was secured at PSD.
0700 hrs 06/16/10 - 0700 hrs 06/17/10
Investigation - PSD received call from NYPD of a possible assault in progress at a park. PSD and 114 pct. officers responded and conducted a search for a victim. The park and surrounding areas were in order and no signs of a victim.
Shoplifting - Gristedes supermarket called PSD to state that they are holding a youth for shoplifting. PSD responded and transported youth to PSD. Store manager filled out a trespass notice preventing youth from entering the store. Youth was released to his aunt.
Aided - Parent called PSD to report that her son was tripped in school by another classmate. Son received a lump on his head. EMS responded and transported mother and son to the hospital.
Trespass - PSD responded to roof for a alarm going off. PSD observed two males(juveniles) on the roof landing. Both males were warned and admonished and escorted off the roof.
Criminal Mischief - PSD responded to a lobby for broken window. PSD conducted search with negative results for subject. Porter cleaned up the broken glass. Camera posted in the area didn't reveal any subjects.
Escort - Tenant requested an escort to her apartment. PSD provided escort without incident.
Lost Property - Tenant reported to PSD that her son's play station was missing from her apartment. NYPD report was refused.
Unsecured Vehicle - PSD officer observed unsecured vehicle inside Motorgate. Owner was notified. Vehicle appeared in order.
Disorderly Youth - PSD received a call from concierge that a male subject from unknown group of youths threw coffee at a window. While PSD was en route, PSD received another call that male subjects were inside the pool. PSD conducted search with negative results.
0700 hrs 06/17/10 - 0700 hrs 06/18/10
Investigation - Resident walked into PSD to report that she had a visitor staying with her and she refuses to leave. This is pertaining to residency. NYPD stated that the resident was subject to a summons for illegal eviction.
Aided - Youth playing baseball was hit by the ball. EMS responded and transported youth and his father to the hospital.
Harassment - A father reported to PSD that a group of youths were throwing rocks at his son. No injuries were reported. PSD report was taken. NYPD was refused.
Trespassing - PSD observed a male subject sleeping on the roof landing. PSD escorted the subject back to his apartment. No summons was issued.
Domestic Dispute - PSD responded to verbal argument between mother and son. PSD spoke to the son and he reconciled with his mother.
Stolen Property - Reporter notified PSD that she had her bike chained to the bike rack. Upon her return, her bike was gone. PSD made a search for the bike with negative results. NYPD report was taken.
6/18/10-7:00 AM to 6/19/10-7:00 am
Domestic Dispute- Between Mother and Son. PSD responded. No injuries. NYPD refused. PSD resolved the matter.
Stolen Property/Petit Larceny- A bicycle. PSD responded and conducted a search of the Island with negative results. NYPD refused.
Trespassing- A resident was sleeping in the stairwell of the building he resides in. PSD responded and escorted him to his apt.
Domestic Dispute- Between an Aunt and a niece. No injuries. PSD responded. PSD spoke to the Aunt who will cease calling the niece. NYPD was refused.
Urinating in Public- PSD arrested the subject.
Investigation- PSD conducted a detail at the subway without any incident.
Water Leak- In the laundry room. PSD and UA responded. UA cleaned up the water. No damage to property.
Aided- Intoxicated female refused to provide information. She refused EMS and was escorted to her residence.
Harassment- Between a mother and juvenile son. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Matter referred to PSD Youth Officer.
6/19/10-7:00 AM to 6/20/10-7:00 AM
Vehicle Accident- Male in vehicle struck a wall at the top of the ramp. PSD and EMS responded. Male was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- PSD provided an escort of a female to her residence.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana- PSD arrested two subjects.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Harassment- PSD arrested a subject.
6/20/10-7:00 AM to 6/21/10-7:00 AM
Found Property- A wallet. It was secured in PSD.
Found Property- A bicycle. It was secured in PSD.
Disabled Auto- A vehicle was disabled at the ramp. PSD responded and escorted the vehicle down the ramp. No injuries or damage to the vehicle.
Petit Larceny- At the Gristedes Supermarket. PSD responded. Subject took a case of beer. PSD arrested the subject.
6/21/10-7:00 AM to 6/22/10-7:00 AM
Interrupted Train Service- Incident at 21 Th Street caused interrupted " F " service. PSD and the Mini Bus Supervisor responded to the subway. Additional Bus service provided to Manhattan and bus service to Queens Plaza. Although there was a large crowd, there was incidents of injury or disturbance.
Investigation- Two bicycles were chained to the Good Shepard Community Center railing. The bicycle chains were cut and the bicycles were secured in PSD. An owner retrieved one bicycle. The other was secured in PSD.
Investigation- Female collecting bottles from a sanitation container. PSD responded. Female escorted off Island.
Investigation- Male sleeping at the Fire Fighters Soccer Field. PSD responded. Male was homeless and escorted to the subway.
Found Property- A bag with a cell phone and a book was found on a RIOC Bus. PSD responded and secured the property.
Investigation- A vehicle almost struck a handicapped person in a motorized scooter. No contact made. No injuries. EMS and NYPD refused. PSD monitoring area for moving violations. No make or plate number of the vehicle provided.
Aided- A female resident was confused and disoriented in her apt. PSD and EMS responded. Female taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- A male youth was running with a small abrasion on his elbow and grass stains on his "T" shirt. Youth escorted to PSD and refused to provide information. Adult sister notified and retrieved youth. EMS refused.
Aided/Escort- Handicapped distressed male in a wheelchair was escorted from 21 Th street in Queens to the Motorgate atrium. PSD responded and escorted male to his residence. No injuries. EMS refused.
0700 hrs 06/22/10 - 0700 hrs 06/23/10
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to an apartment for possible aided. Tenant stated she was not feeling well. EMS transported aided to the hospital.
Subpoena - Resident request PSD to serve papers to male subject in a civil matter. The subpoena was served to the male subject.
Unsecured Premises - PSD was notified that a door to a office was left open. PSD conducted search and office appeared in order. The door was secured.
Dead Goose - PSD observed dead baby goose in the middle of road. While waiting for grounds to remove carcass, a large seagull landed and dragged the carcass to the side of the road and devoured the remains.
Unlicensed Food Vendor - PSD was notified of a unlicensed vendor on Main Street. Subject was unable to produce a permit and was issued a summons.
Smoke Condition - PSD responded to the laundry room for a smoke condition. The handyman notified PSD that the washing machine started to smoke. Machine was unplugged and placed out of service. No property damage was reported.
Telephone Out Of Service - PSD was notified by Verizon that both hospitals had no telephone service. Verizon stated they would have to dig up the ground by Riverwalk. RIOC engineering department was notified.
Stuck Elevator - PSD and the super responded for two individuals stuck in the elevator. FDNY got both parties out of the elevator. Both parties refused EMS.
0700 hrs 06/23/10 - 0700 hrs 06/24/10
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to an apartment for a possible aided. Tenant was not feeling well and transported to the hospital.
Found Property - Wallet was turned into PSD. Owner retrieved the wallet from PSD.
Aided - PSD received a call of a possible EDP. EMS and NYPD responded to the scene. EMS transported aided to the hospital for evaluation.
Unsecured Apartment - PSD officer observed open patio door to an apartment. PSD made a search of the apartment and it appeared in order. Super secured patio door.
Unsecured Premises - PSD responded to the construction site that was left unsecured. PSD made search of the area and it appeared in order. PSD secured the site.
Petit Larceny - Owner reported to PSD that unknown person took three delivery bikes from his establishment. PSD made a search with negative results.
Alarm/Unsecured Door - While on patrol, PSD observed a alarm going off and the door unsecured. PSD made a search of the premises and it appeared in order. PSD secured the door.
Aided - Aided walked into PSD stating she was not feeling well and requested EMS. EMS responded and transported aided to the hospital.
Lock Out - Resident walked into PSD to report that she was locked out of her apartment. PSD notified the super. Super let the resident into her apartment.
0700 hrs 06/24/10 - 0700 hrs 06/25/10
Verbal Dispute - Management office called and stated there was a irrate tenant in their office. PSD responded to the scene. The manager spoke to the tenant. The tenant calmed down and PSD left the scene.
Aided - PSD responded to an apartment for tenant not feeling well. EMS responded and transported aided to the hospital.
Trespass - PSD officer observed male subject trespassing inside motorgate garage. The subject was issued summons and released.
Disabled Vehicle - Disable vehicle on Main Street blocking traffic. PSD responded and moved the vehicle to the side of the road. Owner was able to get the car started and left the island.
Stuck Door - Elderly female reported to PSD that she was having trouble getting thru the lobby door. PSD notified the handyman and he corrected the condition.
Aided - PSD responded for aided. Aided was complaining of pain. EMS responded and transported aided to the hospital.
Disabled Vehicle - PSD responded to a disable vehicle. Tow truck responded and removed the vehicle.
Aided/EDP - Mother called PSD and stated her son didn't take his medication and was acting out. PSD responded with NYPD. EMS transported aided to the hospital for evaluation.
Aided - Youth on a bike struck female. Aided refused medical attention. Youth's mother was on the scene.
Investigation - PSD came into possession of a counterfeit $50 dollar bill. PSD explained the situation to the ADA. The ADA stated there were no grounds for any criminal chargers. The bill was confiscated.
Aided - PSD responded to an apartment for a possible aided. Tenant was not feeling well. EMS transported aided to the hospital.
Aided - PSD officer observed male aided unresponsive on the bench. Male appeared intoxicated. EMS responded and was able to communicate with EMS. Aided refused medical attention. Aided was escorted to his residence.
6/25-10-7:00 AM to 6/26/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person. PSD and EMS responded. Aided refused transport to the hospital and was escorted to his apt.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- three bicycles were chained to the railing of the Good Shepard Community Center. The locks were clipped and the bicycles secured in PSD. Later an owner came and retrieved his bicycle.
Found Property- A back pack. It was secured in PSD.
Investigation- Report of males possibly smoking illegal substance. PSD responded. Males not smoking illegal substance.
Investigation- PSD responded to the subway for a previous report of harassment of youth by other youth. No harassmsnt. the subway was in order.
Found Property- A ring. It was secured in PSD.
Found Property- A bank card and a charge card. the bank was notified and will notify the owner. Items were secured in PSD.
Assault/Resisting Arrest/Disorderly Conduct- PSD arrested 4 subjects.
Unsecured Door- Unsecured stairwell exit door of a building. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. the door was secured by PSD.
6/27/10-7:00 AM to 6/27/10-7:00 AM
Alarm- At the RIOC Office. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. The Office was locked and secured. NYPD responded.
Investigation- A food vendor selling food without a RIOC permit. PSD responded. Vendor left.
Aided- PSD Officer fell from a segway and sustained minor injuries. EMS refused.
Unauthorized Move Out- A resident took an old mattress to the basment of a building. PSD responded and knocked on the resident's door. There was no answer. The resident may have moved out per doorman. PSD filed a report.
Unsecured Vehicle- Vehicle's window left open. PSD called owner via phone and left messages. PSD conducted periodic checks of the vehivle. Nothing asppeared to have been taken.
Damaged Property- While responding to a job an officer accidently dropped a radio. Sergeant was notified. The antenna came off the radio. Another radio was issued to the officer. PSD filed a report.
Disorderly Conduct- Subject broke a bottle on Main Street. PSD responded and arrested the subject.
Criminal Mischief- A vehicle's window was broken. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. PSD filed a report. Later the owner notified PSD nothing was takent from the vehicle. He also stated he was going to 114 th precint to file a report.
Found Property- A wallet. PSD returned the wallet to the owner. PSD report was filed.
6/27/10-7:00 AM to 6/28/10-7:00 AM
Disorderly Conduct- Subject arrested by PSD.
Found Property- A wallet. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved the property.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- Two girls had ingested creams. PSD and EMS responded. Girls were taken to the hospital by EMS.
Lost property- Wallet was lost. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. later the owner found it at home.
Missing Person/Aided- Elderly female. PSD conducted a search for the female with negative results. She was later found in Manhattan by NYPD.
Missing property- A bicycle. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Harassment-Male harassing a female. PSD and NYPD responded. No injuries. NYPD and PSD filed reports.
Harassment- Female harassing another. PSD responded. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Heat Alarm- An electrical motor over heated. It set off an alarm. PSD and FDNY responded. No damages and no injuries.
Found Property- A hand bag. It was secured in PSD.
6/28/10-7:00 AM to 6/29/10-7:00 AM
Escort- Late at night PSD escorted a female to her apt.
Criminal Mischief- A vending machine was damaged. PSD responded and conducted a search for the subject with negative results.
Criminal Mischief-Shattered glass on the Sports Park door. PSD responded and conducted a search for the subject with negative results. No access gained into the building.
Grand Larceny- A hand bag was taken from a female. PSD responded and conducted a search for the subjects with negative results. NYPD and EMS responded. Female is pregnant and as a precautionary measure she was transported to the hospital. PSD and NYPD filed reports.
Verbal Dispute- Between a male and a female. PSD responded. Both were uncooperative. No injuries. NYPD and EMS refused. They left area separately.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
0700 hrs 06/29/10 - 0700 hrs 06/30/10
Investigation - PSD responded to an office for someone tampering with the front door. No entry was gained. Upon investigation, an employee stated that he left keys in the office and tried to gain access. Door will be repaired.
Train Service Interruption - PSD was notified that the "F" train was out. PSD confirmed with it with MTA. RIOC provided extra bus service. PSD was on scene for crowd control and to assist passengers on where to catch the bus. Train service was restored.
Verbal Dispute - Resident reported to PSD that she had verbal dispute with another resident. No injuries were reported. NYPD was refused.
Found Property - Resident turned in a found wallet to PSD. Property was secured at PSD.
Aided - PSD responded to a possible aided at the subway. Aided was not feeling well and was transported to the hospital by EMS.
Hazardous Condition - While patrolling, a PSD officer found a fence on the ground. The officer notified the supervisor. The condition was corrected.
6/30/10-7:00 AM to 7/1/10-7:00 AM
Grand Larceny Auto - Off Island incident. PSD and NYPD responded and filed reports.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Verbal Dispute- Between a male and a store employee. PSD responded. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Verbal Dispute - Between a male and a female. PSD responded. No injuries. Male left in vehicle. NYPD refused.
Hazardous Condition - Lobby Door unable to open. PSD and UA responded. UA made temporary repair. Until it can be repaired.
Investigation - A bottle was thrown. Youths escorted to PSD. All parents notified and reported to PSD to pick up youths.
Aided - Parent reported contact made with a bicycle and her son which caused minor injuries. NYPD notified and EMS was refused. PSD filed a report.
Missing Property - Victim left property unattended and believes that a subject near area may have removed his property. PSD and NYPD responded and filed reports.
Water Leak - A garden hose was connected to the hydrant at the Mini Bus Garage. It was left to drain out the water. RIOC Contractor notified.
Domestic Dispute - Male boyfriend struck female in the face. PSD and NYPD responded and conducted a search with negative results. EMS refused.
Flood Condition - In a utility Room. PSD and UA responded. A water faucet was left open. UA shut it off.
0700 hrs 07/01/10 - 0700 hrs 07/02/10
Petit Larceny - Store manager notified NYPD and PSD that two male subjects took items from the store and left without paying. Search was conducted with negative results. NYPD made a police report.
Unsecured Door - PSD responded to an apartment for a unsecured door. PSD made a search and tenant was not home. Maintenance secured the door.
Aided - PSD responded to an apartment along with EMS for an aided. Aided was not feeling well and transported to the hospital.
Noise Complaint - PSD responded to an apartment for loud barking dog. Tenant was not home.
Aided - PSD observed a female fall on the ground. EMS was called and aided refused to be transported to the hospital.
Investigation - PSD responded to an ATM machine that was tampered with. PSD made search for subject with negative results. NYPD was on scene. Chase was notified and will send a technician.
Missing Person - PSD responded to a group home and took a report for missing youth. PSD made a search with negative results. NYPD responded and made a police report for a missing person.
Hazardous Condition - PSD officer observed broken glass in the lobby. Super was notified and the condition was corrected.
Aided - PSD responded to an aided that fell out of bed. EMS was on the scene and transported aided to the hospital.
7/3/10-7:00 AM to 7/4/10-7:00 AM
Disorderly Conducted- A youth was escorted to PSD. The parent retrieved the youth.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- A Swimmer lost his locker key. PSD responded to Sports Park and clipped the lock.
Domestic Dispute- Between an uncle and niece. PSD and NYPD responded. No injuries. PSD filed a report.
Found Property- A cell phone. It was secured in PSD
7/4/10-7:00 AM to 7/5/10-7:00 AM
Domestic Dispute- Between a father and teenage daughter. PSD responded. No injuries. NYPD refused. Both resolved the matter.
Open Container/Alcohol- 2 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Public Consumption of Alcohol- Subject arrested by PSD.
Aided- An ill person taken to the hospital by EMS.
Missing Person- 2 female youth. PSD responded and conducted a search of the island with negative results. NYPD responded.
Missing Youth- Female youth. PSD responded and conducted a search. Female was found and escorted to her apt. She was released to her mother.
7/5/10-7:00 AM to 7/6/10-7:00 AM
Found Property-A cell Phone. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved it.
Investigation- male sleeping in the hallway. PSD responded. male was visiting a resident. PSD confirmed same and escorted him to the apt.
Investigation- Resident stated unknown person gained entry to the apt and tampered with a fan. PSD responded. No signs of entry to apt or signs of tampering to the fan. NYPD refused.
Found Property- A baseball glove. It was secured in PSD.
Investigation- An inflatable pool was left full of water and unattended by the Pony ball field. PSD responded and emptied it out. Later the owner arrived and notified it posed a hazard to children and advised he needs RIOC authorization.
Papers Served- PSD served civil court papers.
Criminal Mischief- Unknown subject cut a private vehicle's tire. PSD responded. NYPD refused. PSD conducted a search with negative results.
Lock Out- Day Camp worker accidently locked out another worker from access to 504 Main Street. PSD responded and notified RIOC personnel. A lock smith responded to provide access. PSD filed a report.
Property Damage- A washer machine was emitting smoke. PSD and UA responded. UA put the machine out of service. No injuries.
Investigation-Youth was having problems with other youths out side of a store. PSD responded. Youth refused escort and stated there was no problem. No injuries. PSD filed a report.
Aided- A female fell off a wheelchair. PSD and EMS responded. Aided refused assistance from EMS and left the area.
0700 hrs 07/06/10 - 0700 hrs 07/07/10
Aided - Tenant fell inside her apartment. PSD responded along with EMS. Aided refused transport to the hospital.
Aided - Female resident reported to PSD that her husband was missing. Aided suffers from Alzheimer disease. While PSD was conducting a search, family member reported to PSD that the aided was found.
Fight/Dispute - PSD responded to a possible fight. Upon PSD arrival, the crowd started to disperse. The crowd left the scene. No signs of injuries.
0700 hrs 07/07/10 - 0700 hrs 07/08/10
Aided/EDP - PSD responded with NYPD for female acting irrational. EMS was on scene and transported aided to the hospital for evaluation.
Dispute - PSD responded to a dispute between mother and daughter inside an apartment. NYPD was on the scene. Daughter was escorted out. No injuries.
Vehicle Accident - Motorist hit a dumpster causing damage to the car. NYPD and EMS was on the scene. Motorist was taken to the hospital. Vehicle was towed from the scene.
Unsecured Door - Maintenance worker noticed door to an office was left open. PSD responded and conducted a search. Office appeared in order. PSD secured the door.
Lost Property - Passenger on the RIOC bus reported to PSD that she left a back pack on the bus. PSD notified bus supervisor and property was not turned in. PSD report was made.
Aided - PSD responded with EMS to an apartment for possible aided. Aided was not feeling well and was transported to the hospital.
7/8/10-7:00 AM to 7/9/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Criminal Mischief- scrapes to a vehicle. PSD and NYPD responded. PSD and NYPD filed reports.
Noise Complaint- Loud Music. PSD responded and apt occupant turned down the music.
Lost Property- A check book. PSD and NYPD responded. Later the owner reported it was found.
Aided- Child fell and sustained small laceration. PSD and EMS responded. Child taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property- A Starbucks canteen. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved it.
Aided/ Vehicle Accident- A taxi made contact with a male adult. PSD, NYPD and EMS responded. He was taken to the hospital by EMS. NYPD and PSD filed a report.
Water Leak- Water coming from an electrical room in a building. PSD and UA responded. No injuries or damages.
Dispute- Between three youths in a group home. PSD, NYPD and EMS responded. Youth refused transport to the hospital. NYPD spoke to youth to cease behavior.
7/9/10-7:00 AM to 7/10/10-7:00 AM
Investigation/Petit Larceny- Unknown Subject took NY Times Newspapers. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Criminal Mischief- Unknown Subject cracked the window of a vehicle. PSD responded and conducted a search for the subject with negative results. NYPD refused. PSD to conduct period checks of the area.
Possible hazardous Condition- Loud noise from a AVAC manhole. PSD and RIOC Special Services responded. Manhole cover checked and in order.
Aided- An ill infant. PSD and EMS responded. Infant taken to the hospital by EMS.
7/10/10-7:00 AM to 7/11/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- Boat believed to be in distress. PSD, FDNY Special Operations and EMS responded. Boat not in distress. It was used to monitor workers working on a high area as a safety precaution. PSD monitored the area. Workers and areas in order.
Vehicle Damage- Parked vehicle sustained damages from unknown vehicle. PSD responded. NYPD refused.
Investigation- parent without court custody took child and left. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD notified.
Missing Property- A bicycle was left unattended. Upon owner's arrival it was gone. PSD conducted a search of the island with negative results. NYPD refused.
Aided/EDP- Female unstable requested EMS. PSD, EMS, NYPD responded. Aided taken to the hospital by EMS. No injuries.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Gas Odor Investigation- PSD and UA responded to an apt. The odor was not gas. It was another resident that used a portable barbecue grill in her patio.
7/11/10-7:00 AM to 7/12/10-7:00 AM
Harassment- Resident reported another resident harassing her. PSD responded. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Aided- Male with wrist pain. PSD and EMS responded. Aided taken to the hospital by EMS.
Water Leak- In the laundry room of a building. PSD and UA responded. UA corrected the condition. No damages.
Investigation- Male sitting in the walkway of the Roosevelt Island Bridge. PSD responded. Male Coler Hospital patient. He was tired. Male went back to Coler Hospital.
Alarm- In a building. PSD responded. It was a false alarm.
Aided- Intoxicated male. PSD and EMS responded. He refused medical attention.
Found Property- Person turned in found property. It was secured in PSD.
Aided- Intoxicated male. He refused EMS. Male was escorted to his apt.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- Female complained about emotional problems. PSD, NYPD and EMS responded. female was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Bedroom door was tampered with. PSD responded. Nothing was reported missing. NYPD refused. Manhattan Park Management to be notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Hazardous Condition-Building exit door tampered with. PSD and UA responded. UA corrected the condition.
Verbal Dispute- Over billing at the Motorgate Garage. PSD responded. Matter resolved.
7/12/10-7:00 AM to 7/13/10-7:00 AM
Menacing- Subject in a wheelchair brandished a knife at a female. Female fled. PSD responded. Conducted a search with negative results. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Public Urination- Subject arrested by PSD.
Investigation- Odor of illegal substance. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Aided- Child fell off a scooter and sustained injury. PSD and EMS responded.
Child accompanied by aunt were taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- A male playing basketball injured his ankle. PSD and EMS responded. Male taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- While playing soccer a male was struck by a ball. PSD responded. Male stated he was fine and refused EMS.
Hazardous Condition- a chair was left in the hallway. PSD and UA responded. UA removed the chair.
Alarm- In an apt. PSD and NYPD responded. Resident keyed in the wrong code which caused the alarm to sound. All in order.
7/13/10-7:00 AM to 7/14/10-7:00 AM
Found Property- A wallet was mailed to PSD. It was secured in PSD. Owner's wife was notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Petit Larceny- A fan was taken from the Thrift Store. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
714/10-7:00 AM to 7/15/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- Resident reported an incident with a RIOC bus driver. Dir of Island wide operations was notified. NYPD refused.
Escort- PSD escorted adult daughter of resident out of apt.
Escort- Coler Hospital patient sleeping rear of a building. PSD escorted him to Coler Hospital.
Larceny- Unknown subject took property out of a dryer in a laundry room. PSD responded. Subject left. NYPD refused.
Elevator Door not Closing- PSD and UA Super responded. Super corrected the condition. Elevator was empty.
Aided- Female fell in apt and sustained injury. PSD and EMS responded. Aided was taken to the hospital by EMS.
0700 hrs 07/16/10 - 0700 hrs 07/17/10
Aided - PSD responded to an aided inside the lobby. Aided was transported to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation - Resident reported to PSD that his roommate accused him of taking the bedroom door off the hinges. Incident was referred to the management office.
Larceny - Resident reported to PSD that his IPOD was missing from his bedroom. NYPD was refused.
Disable Vehicle - RIOC vehicle was disabled on Main Street. Bus supervisor was notified and removed the bus.
Unsecured Vehicle - PSD officer observed unsecured vehicle inside parking garage. PSD notified the owner. Owner corrected the condition and stated nothing was taken from the vehicle.
Trespassing - PSD responded to a call of someone trespassing in the building. PSD conducted search with negative results.
Missing Property - Off island resident reported to PSD that he lost property on the island. Search was made by PSD with negative results.
7/16/10-7:00 AM to 7/17/10-7:00 AM
Missing Property- A bag. RIOC grounds personnel found it. The owner was notified and retrieved the property.
Trespassing- At a bathroom in a hallway of a building. PSD responded and conducted a search for the subjects with negative results.
Water Leak- At 591 Main Street. PSD and RIOC grounds responded. Grounds corrected the condition.
Aided- Elderly male complained of pain to his elbow PSD and EMS responded. Aided was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Noise Complaint- Resident complained about live band at Trellis resturant. PSD responded. The band stopped playing music.
7/17/10-7:00 AM to 7/18/10-7:00 AM
Missing Person- A Coler Hospital patient. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Open Container of Alcohol- Subject arrested by PSD.
Found Property- A bicycle. It was secured in PSD.
Alarm- At the warehouse. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. It was in order.
Found Property- A wallet. It was secured in PSD.
Aided- Elderly male walked into the Avac room of a building. PSD responded. He was reunited with his home attendant.
Missing Person- Male left early and had not returned. PSD contacted the hospitals and NYPD. He later returned.
Noise Complaint- Resident complained about live music at Trellis Resturant. PSD responded and filed a report.
Harssment- Female entered Trellis Resturant used profanity towards a musician. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Lost Property- A bag. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved the property.
Alarm Response/ Unsecured Premises- At a school. PSD responded and conducted a search of the interior and enterior of the building. It was in order. PSD secured the premises.
Missing Person- A Gold Water Hopital patient. PSD conducted a search with negative results. Later the patient returned to Gold Water Hospital.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Vehicle Accident- A parked vehicle in the Motorgate Garage. No injuries. Damage to parked vehicle. PSD responded and obtained information on the motorist who caused the accident. Massage was left for the owner.
7/18/10-7:00 AM to 7/19/10-7:00 AM
Missing Person- A youth. PSD responded and conducted a search. The youth was found and reunited with his mother.
Verbal Dispute- Between two residents in a laundry room. PSD responded. No injuries.
Condition corrected. NYPD refused.
Unsecured Vehicle- A vehicle door was open. PSD responded. Unable to secure the motorized door. PDS conducted period checks of the vehicle.
Flooding- In three apartments of a building. PSD and UA responded. UA cleaned it up.
7/19/10-7:00 AM to 7/20/10-7:00 AM
Unsecured Premises/Investigation- Balcony doors left open in apt. PSD responded. On going issues with roommates. Matter in court. PSD filed a report.
Hazardous Condition- Large Tree branch dangling. PSD responded and put caution tape around it. RIOC notified. No injuries.
Reckless Endangerment- Unknown subject threw a bottle out of a window. PSD responded. No injuries. A search was conducted with negative results.
Unsecured apartment entry door- PSD found an apt door open and door lock missing. UA responded. A search of the apt was made. It is vacant and no one was inside. UA to install a lock.
Hazardous Condition- PSD found a piece of furniture blocking the stairwell access. UA notified.
Found Property- A wallet. It was secured in PSD.
7/20/10-7:00 AM to 7/21/10-7:00 AM
Assault/Domestic- Between husband and wife. NYPD and PSD responded. NYPD arrested the husband. Wife refused EMS.
Harassment- Unknown subject banging on the apt door. NYPD and PSD responded. Search conducted with negative results. NYPD and PSD filed reports.
Aided- Female ill. PSD and EMS responded. EMS transported female to the hospital.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
7/21/10-7:00 AM to 7/22/10-7:00 AM
Malfunctioning Video Cameras- UA notified and contacted contractor for the repairs. PSD filed a report.
Smoke Condition- Resident accidently burnt food in apt. PSD and UA responded. No injuries and no property damage. PSD opened hallway windows to air out the smoke.
Lost Property- Resident lost cell phone possibly in a RIOC bus. RIOC buses checked with negative results. Later the owner stated she found the cell phone.
Papers Served- PSD served papers on a civil mater for a resident.
Missing Property- Clothes in a laundry room. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. Clothes may have been accidently removed by another resident.
Unsecured Door- A roof door to a building was found open.. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. PSD secured the door.
0700 hrs 07/22/10 - 0700 hrs 07/23/10
Investigation - Female reporter reported disorderly group in front of the building during late hours. PSD will monitor the area.
Found Property- A male found a senior metro card. PSD returned it to the MTA.
Harassment-female reported on going Harassment with her ex- boyfriend wife. NYPD also responded and a report was made.
Dispute - Resident reported a doorman was rude and disrespectful to her son. PSD did speak with the doorman and he will call PSD the next time he has a problem.
Found property - A bag was found on the sidewalk. PSD secured the property.
Unsecured Vehicle - PSD officer observed vehicle with windows open. Owner was notified and the owner secured the vehicle.
Theft Of Service - PSD took female subject into custody because she tried to leave an establishment without paying her bill. The manager refused to press charges and the subject was released.
Investigation Of Noise Complaint - PSD responded to a call of a dog barking inside an apartment. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Possession Of Marijuana - PSD stopped three male subjects inside the park after closing. The subjects were issued summons. One of the subjects was also issued summons for possession of marijuana.
Aided - Resident walked into PSD not feeling well. EMS was called and transported aided to the hospital.
0700hrs 07/23/10 - 0700hrs 07/24/10
Aided- Male not feeling well walked into PSD, PSD called EMS, aided was transported to hospital.
Trespass- PSD observed subject enter area, subject had no permission or authority to be there. Subject was summons and released.
Investigation- Tenant reports a dog barking, PSD responds to area negative results of barking, once PSD knocked on door a dog then barked.
7/24/10-7:00 AM to 7/25/10-7:00 AM
Missing Person- A Coler Hospital patient. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Domestic Dispute- Between roommates over property. PSD responded. No injuries and NYPD refused. PSD resolved the matter.
Aided- Son found mother in Avac room. He escorted her home. PSD responded. EMS refused.
Found Property- A cell phone. It was secured in PSD.
Missing Person- A resident. PSD conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Unsecured Door- Resident on roof of building. PSD responded. Per doorman other residents had borrowed the key and not did not return the keys. Residents escorted out and advised of the building rules.
7/25/10-7:00 AM to 7/2610-7:00 AM
Criminal Mischief- Unknown subject kicked sheet rock in hallway of a building and caused a hole. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. UA notified.
Missing Person- Female youth. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD notified.
Property Damage- Window cracked by entrance door of a building. No glass on ground. Westview Doorman notified.
7/26/10 -7:00 AM TO 7/27/10 AM
Alarm- PSD responded to alarm sounding, super was notified, alarm was reset.
Missing patient- PSD observed missing person, notified Coler hospital, Captain of hospital police picked patient up returned her to hospital.
Aided- Male not feeling well, transported to hospital.
Aided- Male not feeling well, transported to hospital.
Open container- PSD observed subjects consuming alcohol, both subjects were summons and released.
0700 hrs 07/27/10 - 0700 hrs 07/28/10
Aided - Resident reported to PSD that the RIOC bus wheelchair access ramp hit and scraped his leg. Aided refused medical attention. Bus supervisor was notified.
Investigation - Resident reported to PSD that the R.I. cleaners lost her property. PSD report was taken.
Aided - An anonymous male called 911 stating a tenant needed help. EMS and NYPD responded with PSD. Tenant stated he was okay and didn't need EMS. NYPD stated call was unnecessary.
Unleashed Dog - PSD responded to a report of an unleashed dog. Search was conducted with negative results.
Property Damage - Motorist reported to PSD that unknown person hit her car. PSD report was taken. Reporter will go to the 114 pct. to make a report.
Roof Alarm - PSD responded to a roof alarm. PSD found youth on the roof and escorted him to PSD. His aunt came to PSD and picked him up.
Aided - Tenant walked into PSD and stated he was not feeling well. EMS responded and transported aided to the hospital.
Bicycle Removal - PSD removed numerous bikes from various locations from the Island.
Arrest - PSD stopped two male subjects for suspicious activity. One male produced a marijuana. Summons was issued to the subject and released.
0700hrs 07/28/10 - 0700hrs 07/29/10 NA
0700hrs 07/29/10 - 0700hrs 07/30/10 NA
0700hrs 07/30/10 - 0700hrs 07/31/10
Harassment- Tenant reports her aunt is placing her personal information on social networks, victim has no proof, tenant reports she will contact NYDP.
Found Property- While on patrol PSD found and secured a wallet.
Investigation- UA super reports male in stairwell, tenant of UA verified male was a guest of his.
Eviction- Moving company responded to Island house to empty out an apartment.
Aided- Child fell l off bike scraping his knee, mother on scene, she RMA.
7/31/10-7:00 AM to 8/1/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property- A bag. It was secured in PSD.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana- PSD arrested two subjects.
8/1/10-7:00 AM to 8/2/10-7:00 AM
Grand Larceny- Resident who resides with three room mates reported a lap top and bicycle were missing. PSD and NYPD responded. Room mates not in apt. PSD and NYPD filed reports.
Found Property- Apt keys. They were secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved the property.
Investigation- Report of possible gun shots fired. PSD and NYPD conducted a search with negative results. People in the area did not hear anything.
8/2/10-7:00 AM to 8/3/10-7:00 AM
Possible EDP- Resident reported adult daughter acting unusual. PSD< style="font-weight: bold;">8/3/10-7:00 AM to 8/4/10-7:00 AM
Aided- A male fainted on the "F" train. PSD, NYPD and EMS responded. Aided refused transport to the hospital.
Investigation/Follow Up- On a past criminal mischief incident at Westview. Video Tape provided to NYPD. Detective to follow up on case.
Investigation/Follow Up- On an incident in which a RIOC bus driver was injured.
PSD filed a report.
Found Property- A back pack. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved the property.
Harassment- A female reported an incident involving a male youth. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Water Leak- In an apt. PSD and UA responded. UA corrected the condition.
Disorderly Conduct- PSD arrested the subject.
8/4/10-7:00 AM to 8/5/10-7:00 AM
Minor Vehicle Accident- No injuries. Between two private vehicles. NYPD refused. PSD filed a report.
Aided- A resident had not taken medication per his social worker. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Harassment- A Resident reported that another resident was harassing him. NYPD refused. PSD filed a report.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property- A cell phone. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved the property.
Missing property- A tripod. Later the owner found it.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana- PSD arrested two subjects.
Bicycle Removal- 6 bicycle removed by PSD.
Shop Lifting- At Gristedes Supermarket. PSD assisted NYPD in arrest of subject.
Graffiti- In a building. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. UA notified. NYPD refused.
Criminal Mischief- A RIOC electric car was turned over. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. Mini Bus Supervisor notified.
8/5/10-7:00 AM TO 8/6/10-7:00 AM
Criminal Mischief Unknown person tipped over PSD Gem. No Damage Noticed Bus supervisors notified.
Escort Male Request A escort to his previous apt to pick up personal property.Upon arrival lease holder refused.tenant referred to courts.
Harassment Tenant entered PSD to report unknown female start yelling at her for no reason.PSD Responed subject was not at the location NYPD was refused.
Criminal Mischief Vehicle was parked in a lot.when owner return drivers side of vehicle was vandalized.canvass of area surrounding was made.With negative results.
Aided PSD Observed EMS Pulling off from A building.officer spoke with doorman who stated male was Not feeling well and was transported to the hospital.
8/6/10-7:00 AM to 8/7/10-7: AM
Criminal Mischief- Door handle removed from a lobby door. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. UA notified and will repair it.
Investigation- Female reported that her employer took her clothes and her passport, and has abducted her. PSD and NYPD responded. NYPD filed a report. Incident referred tp NYPD Detectives.
Verbal Dispute- Between a male adult and a male youth. No injuries. PSD responded and corrected the condition.
8/7/10-7:00 AM to 8/8/10-7:00 AM
Possible Missing- Female reported that her husband was missing. PSD conducted a search with negative results. Later the husband returned.
Clogged Drain- At the RIOC office. PSD and plumber responded. Plumber corrected the condition.
Investigation- Wooden patio had rusty nails and wasn't stable. PSD and UA responded. UA corrected the condition.
Found Property- A flash drive. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved the property.
Noise Complaint- At Trellis Restaurant with a live band. PSD responded and requested the volume be lowered.
Trespass- Two youths throwing objects from a school roof. PSD responded and escorted the youths to PSD. Parents notified and retrieved the youth.
Found Property- A cell phone. It was secured in PSD.
Disorderly Group- Loud music in an apt. PSD responded three times. The music was due to a party. The party was stopped. Large group went to Main Street and became disorderly. PSD and NYPD responded. No injuries.
8/8/10-7:00 AM to 8/9/10-7:00 AM
Photo Shoot-College students taking photos with models on west seawall near entrance of south point park for a class project. RIOC personnel notified. PSD filed a report.
Found Property- A cell phone. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved it.
Escort- Male escorted to girlfriends apt to retrieve his property. PSD provided escort with out incident.
Disabled Vehicle- While motorist was driving a vehicle the wheel came off. No injuries. PSD responded. Tow company responded and removed the vehicle.
Unsecured Property- A box was left for a resident in the hallway front of the apt. PSD responded and checked the area.
8/9/10-7:00 AM to 8/10/10-7:00 AM
Assault- Resident punched in the face and subject fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. Subject has a relationship with the victim. NYPD and EMS responded. EMS transported aided to the hospital. NYPD filed a report.
Graffiti- In hallway of a building. PSD conducted a search with negative results. UA notified. NYPD refused.
Graffiti- On a bridge construction area. PSD conducted a search with negative results. Dept of Transportation notified.
Harassment- Between a male and a female. PSD responded. NYPD notified.
8/10/10-7:00 AM to 8/11/10-7:00 AM
Found Property- Senior Citizen Metro cards. Property secured by PSD. Owner notified and retrieved the Metro cards.
Property Damage- Contractor in the Motorgate Garage accidently dropped paint on a vehicle. Central Parking notified. PSD responded and filed a report.
Investigation- Two youths involved in a minor incident. PSD responded and filed a report.
Investigation/Verbal Dispute- Two handicapped individuals had a verbal argument over entering the RIOC bus. PSD responded and filed a report.
Unsecured Property- Small bag. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. PSD filed a report.
Water Leak- From 595 Main Street effected the RIOC Offices. PSD and Westview Super responded. PSD filed a report. RIOC notified.
Trespass/Unlawful Possession of Marijuana- PSD assisted NYPD who arrested two subjects.
Water Leak- PSD and UA responded. Resident had a second lock and unable to gain entry. UA to handle when resident is home.
Trespass- A homeless male was removing bottles from the AVAC dumpster. PSD responded. Male was gone.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Assault- A male was punched in the face. The subject fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD and EMS responded. Aided refused transport to the hospital.
Unsecured Apt- PSD responded and secured the empty apt. UA notified.
8/11/10-7:00 AM to 8/12/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- Report of a male fighting . PSD responded. Male was talking on a cell phone.
Aggravated Harassment- Resident received a threatening phone call. PSD responded. Resident will call NYPD at a later time. Caller known to resident. PSD filed a report.
Aggravated Harassment- Resident received threatening phone call. PSD responded. Resident will call NYPD at a later time. Caller known to resident.
Found Property- A bag. It was secured in PSD. The owner was notified. Later the owner retrieved the property.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property- A wallet. It was secured in PSD.
8/12/10 -7:00 AM to 8/13/10 - 7:00 AM
Investigation - Tenant complaining of white power substance in front of her apt door. Service responded and report it to be insect repellant and cleaned it up.
Unlawful Poss. - PSD observed a male and female drinking in public view, upon stopping subjects officer smelled what appeared to be an illegal substance. Subjects were transported to PSD and summonses were issued.
Graffiti - PSD observed writing on the wall of building. Search was made with negative results. Photos were taken.
Graffiti - PSD observed writing on the side of the boat house. Search was made with negative results. Photos were taken.
0700hrs 08/13/10 - 0700hrs 08/14/10
Graffiti - PSD observed graffiti while on patrol, UA notified.
Graffiti- PSD observed graffiti while on patrol, RIOC notified.
Criminal Mischief- While walking a male observed someone throwing rocks. Male was not hit, refused EMS, PSD made a search for subjects with negative results.
Public Consumption of Alcohol- PSD observed large group drinking in public, individuals were summons and released.
8/14/10-7:00 AM to 8/15/10-7:00 AM
Missing Person- A Goldwater Hospital patient. PSD conducted a search with negative results.
Hazardous Condition- Stairwell Door Knob doesn't work. UA Super notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- Youth playing baseball accidently made contact with a bat. He sustained a mall laceration. PSD, NYPD and EMS responded. Youth was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property- A bag. It was secured at PSD.
Larceny- A bicycle. PSD conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Found Property- A child's bicycle. It was secured in PSD.
Warrant Arrest-PSD assisted NYPD in apprehending a subject with an out standing warrant.
Found Property- A bag. It was secured in PSD.
Unlicenced and Unvaccinated Dog- PSD responded and issued the owner three summonses.
Investigation- Credit Card Fraud. PSD responded and notified 911 for NYPD response.
Investigation- NYPD responded to Light House Park for a report of males possibly with guns. PSD also responded. A search was made with negative results.
8/15/10-7:00 AM to 8/16/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- A party at light house park with loud music. PSD responded and shut it down. No injuries and crowd exited without incident.
Investigation- A male ran towards and banged on the side of the bus as it pulled out of bus stop. Bus stopped and male became irate. PSD responded. Male was still irate and escorted out of the bus. A witness collaborated the incident.
Property Damage- Jungle gym gate of the Blackwell house playground was damaged. Appears to be from wear and tear. PSD responded and cautioned off the area. RIOC facilities Supervisor notified.
Aided- A male fell in the apt and activated his emergency alert response system. EMS and PSD responded. Male sustained laceration ro his knee. Aided refused transport to the hospital and will see his private doctor.
Larceny- Three bicycles. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Domestic Dispute- Between a resident and his partner. PSD responded. Partner escorted out of the apt.
Criminal Mischief- A youth broke a window of a building. PSD responded and escorted the youth to PSD. Parent notified and retrieved the youth.
Minor vehicle Accident- While turning the vehicle around in the Motorgate Garage motorist accidently made contact with the wall. No injuries. damage to rear of vehicle.
8/16/10-7:00 AM to 8/17/10-7:00 AM
Criminal Mischief- A window was broken in a building. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused. RIOC notified and boarded up the window.
Possible Trespassing- A Westview. A male entered without being announced. PSD responded. Male visiting residents daughter with whom he has a child with. Resident advised of the Westview policy.
Criminal Mischief- Light House comfort station. There were dents and scratches on one of the doors. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. RIOC facilities Supervisor notified.
Aided- Mother was having problems with her daughter and called 911. EMS, NYPD and PSD responded. EMS determined that aided was fine. NYPD filed a report.
Unsecured Premises- Octagon Comfort Station key missing. PSD conducted periodic checks of the area.
Hazardous Condition-Lights out in the Motorgate Garage on level "7A." Central Parking notified.
Found Property- A check it was secured in PSD.
Missing Patient- A Coler Hospital patient. A search was made with negative results.
8/17/10-7:00 AM to 8/18/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- Scratches by apt door lock. PSD and Westview Super responded. A search was conducted with negative results for subject. Resident will change the lock. No acess gained into apt.
Water Leak- Westview Super and PSD responded. Resident not home. Lock was drilled. Condition corrected by Westview Super, resident arrived during process.
Domestic Dispute- Between two sisters. NYPD, EMS and PSD responded. EMS refused by one sister. NYPD filed a report. Other sister to make alternate living arrangements.
Unsecured Premises- PSD and UA responded. Apt secured. resident in the hospital.
Investigation- PSD provided access to River Cross maintenance to shut drain a water valve. Rivaa Gallery personnel not inside to provide access.
Parking Complaint- A non resident made a complaint about received a parking summons. PSD filed a report.
Lock In- a resident was locked in the restroom of the apt. PSD and UA responded. UA replaced the door lock.
Unreasonable Noise- Motorist repeatedly sounded the horn causing unnecessary disturbance. PSD issued the motorist a summons.
Unauthorized Move in- A resident was moving in to an apt without RY management authorization- PSD responded and corrected the condition.
Alarm Sounding/Unsecured Door- A stairwell door alarm sounded. PSD responded. Island House Super notified.
Criminal Mischief- Broken glass on a hallway door. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. UA Super notified and corrected the condition.
8/18/10-7:00 AM to 8/19/10-7:00 AM
Alarm- At a school/ PSD responded. A teacher had forgotten her code. All in order.
Minor Vehicle Accident- A RIOC bus made contact with the left mirror of an illegally parked van. PSD responded. No injuries. The van was issued a summons. The driver was issued a summons for not producing a valid insurance card. PSD filed a report.
Aided- A resident fell in apt. PSD and EMS responded. He was lifted and refused transport to the hospital.
Found Property- A change purse. It was secured in PSD.
Aided/EDP-A resident became violent. PSD, NYPD and EMS responded. Aided was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Trespass- PSD arrested two female subjects.
Graffiti- In a building. PSD conducted a search for the subject with negative results. UA notified.
Robbery/ Assault- PSD arrested a subject.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided/EDP- A male threatened to kill himself by jumping off of the R.I. Bridge. PSD, NYPD and EMS responded. Male was taken to the hospital by EMS. No injuries.
0700 hrs 08/19/10 - 0700 hrs 08/20/10
Aided/EDP - PSD responded to the R.I. Bridge for a male that was acting irrational. NYPD and EMS was on the scene. Aided was transported to the hospital for evaluation.
Aided - PSD responded to an apartment for an alarm going off. Tenant answered the door and stated he need EMS. EMS transported the aided to the hospital.
Aided - PSD responded to a call of a disoriented female. EMS responded and transported the aided to the hospital.
Towed Vehicle - PSD summonsed and towed illegally parked vehicle.
8/20/10-7:00 AM to 8/21/10-7:00 AM
Verbal Dispute/Harassment- Between two tennis players over us e of the tennis court. PSD responded. No injuries. NYPD refused. Matter resolved by PSD.
Complaint / Investigation- Unknown subject threw objects on to a patio. No injuries. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Found Property- A wallet. It was secured in PSD.
Found Property- A wallet it was secured in PSD.
Trespass/Reckless operation of skateboards- 3 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Found Illegal Substance- A small bag of Marijuana. It was secured in PSD.
Noise Complaint- Loud music at Trellis from a live band. PSD responded and had volume lowered.
Aided- Male had difficulty breathing. PSD and EMS responded. EMS provided oxygen to the aided. Wife retrieved aided's portable oxygen tank. Transport to the hospital was refused.
8/21/10-7:00 AM to 8/22/10-7:00 AM
Hazardous Condition- "Z" Bricks were removed and thrown in to the water. PSD responded and conducted a
search with negative results for the subject. RIOC notified.
Aided- A ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property- Apt keys. They were secured in PSD.
Elevator Malfunction- Four people were stuck in the elevator. FDNY, UA and PSD responded. People had left the area. The elevator was shut down until repairs are done.
Robbery- Four subjects took fruit from the fruit stand and pushed the victim. His cell phone was knocked down. PSD responded. NYPD refused. A search was conducted for the subjects with negative results. No injuries and EMS refused.
8/22/10-7:00 AM to 8/23/10-7:00 AM
Investigation/ Reckless Endangerment- A male swam from the FDR straight across to Roosevelt Island. NYPD/ESU, and PSD responded. Male was fine. EMS refused. NYPD issued subject two summonses.
Found Property- A bracelet. It was secured in PSD.
Aided- Elderly resident fell in apt. PSD and UA responded. EMS transported aided to the hospital. Visiting Nurse service notified to check on him upon his return.
Hazardous Condition- Large piece of furniture in the hallway of a building. UA Super notified.
Graffiti- Found in Eastwood. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. UA notified and NYPD refused.
Missing Person- A Youth left a note that she was leaving. PSD and NYPD conducted a search of the Island with negative results. Later the youth was found hiding in the apt. She was fine.
8/23/10-7:00 AM to 8/24/10-7:00 AM
Found Property- A wallet. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved it.
Graffiti- On a parking machine. Search made for the subject with negative results. RIOC notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Criminal Mischief- Unknown subject removed lights from a building stairwell. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. UA notified.
Papers Served- To RY Management by PSD for a resident.
Larceny- A bicycle. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Graffiti- On a steam pipe in a stairwell. PSD responded and conducted a search for the subject with negative results. NYPD refused. UA notified.
8/24/10-7:00 AM to 8/25/10-7:00 AM
Escort- UA and PSD responded to provide access to apt. Resident lost his keys. The resident was provided access.
Hazardous Condition- At Black Well Park the children's swing seat had a metal exposed. RIOC notified.
Harassment Update- Resident reported that adult son had suffered a mental breakdown due to previous harassment from other residents known to her. Son discharged from hospital and returned home. Resident will call NYPD after son settles down in apt.
Lost Property- A NYS drivers license. PSD filed a report.
Criminal Mischief- A rock was thrown on to the windshield of a vehicle. PSD responded. No injuries. Search conducted with negative results for the subject. NYPD also responded.
Domestic Dispute- Between mother and adult son. PSD responded. No injuries. NYPD refused. PSD resolved the matter.
Found Property- A bag. It was secured in PSD.
Papers Served- PSD served papers to a resident on a previous criminal matter.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property- Apt Keys. Property secured in PSD.
Aided- PSD and EMS responded. Aided refused transport to the hospital. But within the hour he called EMS and they responded with PSD. he was taken to the hospital by EMS.
8/25/10-7:00 AM to 8/26/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property- Apt keys. They were secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved the keys.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Hazardous Condition- Lights out in level "1A" and "1B". Central Parking and RIOC notified.
Investigation- Objects thrown from a window. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. No injuries and no property damage. NYPD refused.
NYPD arrest- NYPD arrested a subject with a warrant.
Graffiti- In a building stairwell. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results for the subject. UA notified. NYPD refused.
Hazardous Condition- cans of paint and bags left by a stairwell exit in a building. PSD responded. RY Super notified.
0700 hrs 08/26/10 - 0700 hrs 08/27/10
Investigation/Aided - Reporter notified PSD that a RIOC bus hit a passenger with handicap ramp. Passenger stated she would go to her own doctor. Bus supervisor notified.
Found Property - RIOC bus driver turned in found property left on the bus. Property was secured.
Larceny/Investigation - Victim reported that she was pick pocketed while in the subway. Victim stated she will go to the 114 pct. on her own.
Found Property - Property turned into PSD. Property was secured.
Hazardous Condition - PSD responded to a gas leak from a vehicle parked in the garage. PSD notified the owner and vehicle was removed.
Aided - PSD responded for a youth injured while playing with other youths. PSD notified youth's mother and they were transported to the hospital by EMS.
Vehicle Accident - An unlicensed driver struck a parked vehicle and damaged RIOC property. PSD and NYPD were on the scene. RIOC engineer and owner of the parked car were notified. Driver of the vehicle was issued a summons. No injuries were reported.
Alcohol/Open Container - PSD observed four subjects drinking in public. All four subjects were issued summonses and released.
Public Consumption of Alcohol - PSD observed two subjects drinking in public. Both subjects were issued summonses and released.
0700 hrs 08/27/10 - 0700 hrs 08/28/10
Lost Property- While riding the RIOC red bus tenant lost wallet, bus driver searched bus with negative result.
Vehicle Accident- Tenant reports to PSD his car was hit in the Motorgate, PSD respond both owners own scene, owners report they will call NYPD own there own.
Aggravated/ harassment- Tenant reports her half brother and sister are threatening her from Georgia, NYPD responded to file a report.
Aided- Tenant fell, PSD and wife assisted aided off floor.
Aided- RIOC employee reports while painting something bit him, aided later reports it was mosquito bites.
8/28/10-7:00 am To 8/29/10-7:00 AM
Water Leak- In a business. PSD and UA responded. The cause was an apt above. UA corrected the condition.
Found Property- A cell phone. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved it.
Bicycle Operation on Sidewalk- PSD issued two subjects summonses.
Trespass- Two subjects arrested by PSD.
Trespass/ Public Consumption- Three subjects arrested by PSD.
Noise Complaint- At Manhattan Park Pool. PSD responded and had music volume lowered.
8/29/10-7:00 AM to 8/30/10-7:00 AM
Petit Larceny/ Possession of Stolen Property- Two female subjects arrested at Gristedes Supermarket by PSD.
Trespass/ Public Consumption- Three subjects arrested by PSD.
Vehicle Damage- Vehicle parked in Motor Gate garage had broken windows. PSD responded and the owner was notified. Vehicle was damaged off island.
Aggravated Harassment- Subject arrested previously made harassing phone calls to an island resident. PSD and NYPD responded and filed reports.
Unsecured Premises/Trespass- Two subjects were warned and admonished by PSD.
Unsecured Vehicle- Vehicle in Motorgate Garage had a window open. PSD secured the vehicle and the owner was notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
8/30/10-7:00 AM to 8/31/10-7:00 AM
Possible Aided- Resident recently released from the hospital. But no contact with her. PSD and UA responded. UA provided access. Resident not home. UA locked and secured the apt.
Aided- Youth fell from roller blades. PSD responded and notified parents. EMS refused.
Found Property- A bag. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved the property.
Harassment- Male subject harassing another male. Subject fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Lock Out- A resident accidently locked himself out of his apt. PSD notified UA. UA Super provided access to apt.
8/31/10-7:00 AM to 9/1/10-7:00 AM
Investigation - A complaint against a RIOC bus driver. PSD responded and notified the Director of the Mini Bus Garage.
Unleashed Dog - PSD Issued a summons to the subject.
Petit Larceny - PSD arrested two subjects at Gristedes Supermarket.
9/1/10-7:00 to 9/2/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- Damage done to roadway of South Point Park. PSD responded and conducted an investigation. It may have been caused by MTA personnel who drove on the park. RIOC notified.
Hazardous Condition- On east seawall rear of Gold Water Hospital. Seawall fencing disconcerted. RIOC notified.
Found Property- A cell phone. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved it.
Alarm response- PSD and Island House porter responded to RY Management. Search was conducted and it was in order. Porter secured the building.
Property Damage- Sports Park window was broken. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
RIOC notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Female subject attempted to enter an apt No access gained. Subject fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Disorderly Conduct- PSD arrested the subject.
9 / 1 / 10 7:00AM to 9 /3 / 10 7:00AM
Found Property - A female called PSD to report she left her bag on RIOC bus. Bag was brought to Public Safety where the owner will retrieve it.
Found Property - Bus garage found a pair of glasses on RIOC bus. Property was brought to PSD where owner will retrieve property.
Public Consumption of Alcohol - R/O observed male and a summons was issued.
Littering - R/O observed male throw a bottle into the east river and a summons was issued.
Aided - A female not feeling well was transported to the hospital.
Public Consumption of Alcohol - R/O observed male and a summons was issued.
9/3/10-7:00 AM to 9/4/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Public Consumption of Alcohol- PSD arrested the subject.
Harassment- Resident harassing a building Super. PSD responded. No injuries. NYPD refused. PSD filed a report.
Harassment- Mother of foster kids responded to guardian apt. Female fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused. Guardian to go to court and obtain an order of protection.
Unsecured door- Apt door. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. PSD locked and secured the door.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Petit Larceny- Youth subject was shoplifting in Gristedes Supermarket. PSD responded and escorted the youth to PSD. Parent notified and responded and retrieved the youth.
Disorderly Conduct- A male subject was blocking traffic and refused to move. PSD responded and arrested the subject.
9/5/10-7:00 AM to 9/6/10-7:00 AM
Property Damage- RIOC Bus Gate. PSD responded and notified Bus Supervisor. No unauthorized access gained into gated area. RIOC handyman repaired the gate.
Investigation/Debris- A broken tent and debris were left under the ramp. PSD responded. RIOC grounds personnel removed garbage. Grounds Supervisor notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
0700 hrs 09/06/10 - 0700 hrs 09/07/10
Aided - Resident was not feeling well and was transported to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property - PSD officer found a wallet and secure it at PSD office.
Graffiti - PSD officer observed graffiti on the wall of an apartment building. Super was notified.
Aided - Resident was not feeling well and was transported to the hospital by EMS.
Complaint - Resident made a complaint against a RIOC bus driver. PSD made a report and notified the bus supervisor.
Aided - Resident was not feeling well and was transported to the hospital by EMS.
Fire Alarm - PSD responded to fire alarm going off inside an apartment. PSD spoke with the tenant and the apartment was in order. Super was notified of the faulty alarm.
9/7/10-:00 AM to 9/8/10-7:00 AM
Aided- Female fell. PSD and EMS responded. Transport to the hospital was refused by the aided. She will see her private doctor,
Vehicle Accident/Aided- Accessoride Bus struck a pedestrian in a wheel chair. PSD, NYPD, FDNY and EMS responded. Aided taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Resident requested assistance with cabinets. PSD had Super notified of Manhattan Park.
Aided- Two children were locked in a vehicle, PSD and NYPD responded. A window was broken by NYPD. PSD filed a report.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- Male fell from a sanitation truck. PSD and EMS responded. EMS transported aided to the hospital.
Hazardous Condition- a mattress was left in the hallway. PSD and UA responded. UA removed the mattress.
9/8/10-7:00 AM to 9/9/10-7:00 AM
Harassment- Unknown subject has thrown liquid numerous times on a resident's vehicle. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. Reporter will go to NYPD on her own.
Found Property- A pair of expensive glasses. It was secured in PSD.
Bicycle Violation/Investigation- A male on a bicycle on the R.I. Bridge walkway drove very fast and was close to a pedestrian who was walking. PSD to monitor the area.
Aided- Female in a sedan was by the R.I. Bridge when gate was down. She stated she was having was ill and on her way to the hospital. Dept of Transportation raised gate and provided access off of the Island.
Aided- Male in a wheelchair requested an ambulance. PSD called 911 for EMS. EMS responded. Male stated he wanted to make an appointment with EMS to take him to the hospital on Friday. He was advised that EMS only transports for emergencies. He will make arrangements with a ambulate transportation service. He is Russian
and there was a language barrier.
Verbal Dispute- Between a male and a female. PSD responded and no argument taking place. Both refused to provide any information and they left the area. No injuries.
Alarm Response- At RY management. PSD and Island House porter responded. search conducted with negative results. Building was secured.
Reckless Endangerment- Unknown subject threw a water bottle. It struck a passerby. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. Aided refused EMS and NYPD.
Harassment- Report that a female adult spanked a child at the playground. PSD responded. Female subject is a diplomat. Parent of child refused EMS. NYPD responded and filed a report.
Smoke Condition/Aided- Resident was cooking and caused smoke condition and damage to a cabinet. PSD, UA and EMS responded. UA extinguished the smoke. Aided was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Taxi fare over charge- A resident reported he took a sedan from the airport and was charged an excessively high fare. But he made the payment and the sedan left. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Alleged Stalking/ Alleged Burglary- A resident reported that she believes that a Motorgate employee was stalking her. She also reported that she believes that a former cat sitter gained entry to apt and took earrings and gift. She changed the lock and refused NYPD for both reports.
Aided- a male was staggering with a cut to his hand on Main Street. PSD responded with EMS. Aided taken to the hospital by EMS.
9/9/10-7:00 AM to 9/10/10-7:00 AM
Alarm - PSD responded to an alarm. employee set off alarm by mistake and everything was in order.
Aided - A home attendant notify PSD that she was concerned that her client didn't answer the door. PSD responded with the super and checked apartment. The tenant was not home.
Investigation - PSD responded to a report of a suspicious female. Female entered Gold Water hospital looking for a restroom. She exited hospital without further incident.
Noise - PSD responded to a report of a dog barking. PSD spoke with tenant who stated that she will try to keep dog from barking.
Investigation - Motorgate attendant report that an unknown person was trying to removed a chair from the booth. The person left location before PSD arrival.
Found Property - PSD received found property. Property was secured at PSD. search for own yield negative result.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to tenant not feeling well. EMS transported aided to the hospital.
Lock Out - Tenant entered PSD and stated she was locked out of her apartment and that she left food on the stove. Tenant's key was not on file and super had to break the lock. Tenant was allowed into the apartment. The food was burned but caused no property damage.
Graffiti - PSD observed graffiti inside staircase. Super was notified.
Lock In - Cleaning men were locked inside office. Super was able to get them out.
Harassment - Resident reported to PSD that youth were yelling profanities at her. PSD made a report.
Loose Dog - PSD responded for report of a loose dog. PSD found the dog and it appeared to be abandoned. Animal rescue was notified.
Domestic Dispute - PSD responded to domestic dispute between wife and husband. NYPD responded and made domestic incident report.
Lock In - Tenant called PSD and stated she can't get out of her apartment. She stated knob would not turn. Super responded and corrected the condition.
Aided - Tenant not feeling well. EMS transported aided to the hospital.
Investigation - Female resident had a problem with a prescription at a pharmacy on the Island . Female doctor was notify.
Investigation - PSD observed three males possibly smoking illegal substance. PSD approached and spoke with males. All appeared to be in order no illegal substance was present
0700hrs 09/10/10 - 0700hrs 09/11/10
Domestic Dispute- Victim appeared intoxicated, reports her husband hit her, PSD and NYPD responds, victim was transported to hospital, NYPD file a domestic dispute report.
Loose Dog- PSD observed dog running loose on island, PSD caught dog contacted animal control, dog was transported to animal shelter.
Aided- Female not feeling well, transported to hospital.
Lock In- UA tenant front door handle got stuck, PSD and US responded, super opened door, tenant was fine, super reports door will be fixed later tat day.
Investigation- Tenant of Westview invited herself to another tenants apartment, PSD advised tenant she was not welcome to visit tenants apartment.
Investigation- Tenant reports someone is putting wooden things to keep lobby door open, PSD advised tenant UA does that when they are cleaning floors.
Investigation-US super reports wood smoldering at the bottom of storm drain, PSD sprayed drain down with water dispensing fire extinguisher.
Investigation- Youth toy helicopter landed on roof of school, employee will retrieve when he has time.
Graffiti- PSD observed graffiti while on patrol.
Lost Property- Tenant reports he left a bag in a cab, tenant has no info on cab, was advised to report it to the precinct it happen in.
9/11/10-7:00 AM to 9/12/10-7:00 AM
Disorderly Conduct- Two subjects arrested by PSD.
Criminal Trespass- Four subjects arrested by PSD.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Graffiti- In a building. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. UA notified.
Investigation- A resident had a disagreement with his management company. PSD filed a report.
9/12/10-7:00 AM to 9/13/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Graffiti- In the Motor Gate Garage. PSD responded and conducted a search for the subject with negative results. Central parking Assistant Manager notified and will have it removed. NYPD refused.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Hazardous Condition- A wooden plank broke in the Med Steps. PSD responded and placed a cone over it. Facilities Supervisor notified.
Alarm Response- PSD and RY Super responded to an apt. Access gained and it was an alarm clock. RY Super locked and secured the apt.
Attempted Burglary- Subject gain entry to apt. Resident responded and subject fled. PSD responded and conducted a search for the subject with negative results. 911 notified for NYPD response. Nothing taken from the apt.
Domestic Dispute- Between two sisters. Youth sister injured the adult sister. PSD, NYPD and EMS responded. Aided refused transport to the hospital. NYPD filed a report.
Missing patient- a Goldwater Hospital patient. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
9/13/10-7:00 AM to 9/14/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- Island resident's son had a minor disagreement with an apt inspector over a smoke alarm. PSD responded and filed a report.
Found Property- A folder with an important document. It was secured in PSD. Owner notified.
Verbal Dispute- Over a cab fare. PSD responded. Passenger paid the fare.
Bias Graffiti- In a building stairwell. PSD and NYPD responded. Incident referred to 114 th Pct Detectives.
Investigation- Report of a person who may have jumped off of the 59th Street Bridge. PSD, NYPD, FDNY and Coast guard responded. A search was conducted with negative results.
9/14/10-7:00 AM to 9/15/10-7:00 AM
Verbal Dispute- Between and resident and the home attendant. PSD responded. No injuries. NYPD refused. PSD resolved the matter.
Public Consumption of Alcohol- Two subjects arrested by PSD.
Investigation- A cable technician accident forgot to connect a resident's cable service when he connected another resident to cable service. PSD responded. A cable technician responded and restored the service.
Criminal Mischief- Motorist parked a vehicle at the Motorgate Garage. Upon her return there was a dent to the bumper. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. Motorist will filed a report with NYPD.
9/16/10-7:00 AM to 9/17/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- Report of a vehicle that went through the crosswalk without stopping. PSD conducted a search with negative results and monitoring the area.
Aided- Female felt faint in the subway. PSD and EMS responded. Aided refused transport to the hospital.
Investigation/Fire Drill- FDNY and PSD responded to 405 Main Street for a fire alarm. The building Manager was having a fire drill. No fire or smoke condition at the building.
Alarm- At 591 Main Street. PSD responded. RIOC Personnel in the building.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property- A knap sack. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner came and retrieved the property.
Graffiti- In a building. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. UA notified and refused NYPD.
Lost Property- a bag. It was secured in PSD.
Possible hazardous Condition- A garden snake in an apt. PSD responded and removed it. It was taken to South Point Park.
Aided- A male felt pain. PSD responded. He refused transport to the hospital and will see his private doctor.
0700 hrs 09/16/10 - 0700 hrs 09/17/10
Domestic Dispute/Assault - PSD and NYPD responded to domestic dispute between mother and son. The son was taking into custody and NYPD took subject to the 114 pct for processing.
Found Property - Cell phone was turned into PSD. Owner picked up the phone.
Found Property - Wallet was turned into PSD. Property was secured at PSD.
Vehicle Accident - RIOC bus and passenger car were involved in an accident. Bus and passenger vehicle received damages. No injuries were involved. NYPD responded and took a report.
Aided - PSD officer observed possible jumper on the Queensboro Bridge. NYPD responded and removed the subject from the bridge. Aided was taken to the hospital for evaluation.
Investigation - Reporter walked into PSD to state that her roommate damaged chairs inside her apartment. Roommate claims reporter damaged her camera. Both parties will go to the 114 pct. on their own.
Trespass - Two subjects were observed trespassing. Both subjects were issued summonses.
Stuck Elevator - PSD responded to a male stuck inside the elevator. Super was on scene and got the tenant out. Reporter refused EMS and stated he was okay.
Hazardous Condition - PSD officer observed lights out inside the motorgate garage. PSD notified the motorgate attendant. PSD monitored the area.
Aided - Aided walked into PSD and stated he was not feeling well. Aided was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Criminal Possession Of Controlled Substance - PSD officer observed male subject with a open container. The subject was searched and was in possession of a controlled substance. Subject had a outstanding warrant. The subject was taken to the 114 pct. for arrest processing.
0700hrs 09/17/10 -0700hrs 09/18/10
Arrest- Youth 1 touched youth 2 inappropriately, youth 1 was arrested and released to his parents at 114th precinct.
Aided- EMS responded to apartment to pick up an tenant going to the hospital, upon arrival tenant was not home.
Arrest- Subject was observed punching victim, subject complained he was hurt, went to hospital, then precinct to continue arrest process.
Aided- Male not feeling well transported to hospital by EMS.
Aided- Female not feeling well transported to hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Tenant reports her neighbors were spreading rumors about her, PSD responded and neighbors reports they will not talk about tenant.
Alarm- Alarm went off inside school, PSD responded searched area, all appeared in order.
9/18/10-7:00 AM to 9/19/10-7:00 AM
Condition- A key broke in the cylinder of a building lobby. UA notified.
Assault Disorderly Conduct- Subject arrested by PSD.
Sexual Abuse 2nd Degree- Subject arrested by PSD.
Possible Aided- PSD, EMS and Manhattan Park porter responded to an apt for a possible aided. Resident not home. Porter secured the door.
Spilled Paint- Painters accidently spilled paint in the lobby of a building and outside of the building. PSD responded and the painters cleaned it up. UA notified.
Investigation- A resident believes that a porter shut their hot water off. PSD responded. The water was turned back on.
Alcohol/ Open Container- PSD arrested three subjects.
Aided- Male fell and refused EMS. PSD filed a report.
Hazardous Condition- A hole in Med Steps. PSD responded and placed a cone over it. RIOC grounds Supervisor notified.
9/19/10-7:00 AM to 9/20/10-7:00 AM
Aided- Person ill. Aided took a cab to the hospital and left prior to EMS and PSD arrival. PSD filed a report.
Investigation- Complaint against a RIOC bus driver. Bus supervisor notified. PSD filed a report.
Domestic Dispute- Between father and daughter. PSD responded. No injures. NYPD refused. PSD filed a report.
Investigation/ Unsecured Property- Youth caused a disturbance with an adult resident. Youth fled and left bicycle behind. PSD and UA responded. No damage to door. PSD secured the bicycle and filed a report. No injuries and NYPD refused.
9/20/10-7:00 AM to 9/21/10-7:00 AM
Trespass - Four subjects summonsed by PSD.
Found Property - A wallet. Attempts to contact owner were unsuccessful. Property secured at PSD.
Aided/DOA - Elderly resident deceased in apt. PSD, EMS and NYPD responded. Aided deceased of natural causes.
Aided - An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property - A purse. It was secured in PSD.
Property Damage - Owner reports that his vehicle was previously damaged while parked in the Motorgate garage. NYPD refused.
9/21/10-7:00 AM to 9/22/10-7:00 AM
Fire- At the 10 River road laundry room. FDNY and PSD responded. No injuries. There was an electrical short in a dryer. Manhattan Park Manager in scene.
Investigation- Home attendant provided access to apt. Resident not home. UA locked and secured the door. PSD responded. PSD filed a report.
Suspicious Male- On the west seawall. PSD responded. No illegal activity and male left on the subway.
Criminal Trespass- PSD arrested the subject.
Robbery/Assault- male and a female victim reported two male subjects attacked them. Both victims sustained injuries. Male refused medical attention. Female transported to the hospital by EMS. NYPD responded and report filed.
9/22/10-7:00 AM to 9/23/10-7:00 AM
Missing Property - Clothes from a washing machine in a building. PSD responded and NYPD refused. UA Super notified.
Harassment - Between two female residents. PSD responded and NYPD. No injuries. PSD filed a report.
Domestic Dispute - Between Female youth and parents. PSD responded and referred incident to the PSD Youth Officer. No injuries and NYPD refused.
Aided - An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
0700 hrs 09/23/10 - 0700 hrs 09/24/10
Aided - A male was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Domestic Dispute - Mother and son were arguing. No injuries.
Aided - A male fell off the bed and refused medical attention. No injuries.
Possible Aided - PSD responded for female crying. Aided refused medical attention.
Hazardous Operation of A Bike - PSD warned and admonished motorist.
Aided-A male was transported to the hospital.
Petit Larceny-Property was taking 114 pct took report.
Aided A male was taking to the hospital.
Aided-A male fell a refused EMS. PSD help male home.
9/24/10-7:00 AM to 9/25/10-7:00 AM
Animal in apt- UA removed animal from apt.
Aided- Aided was removed to the hospital.
Service Interruption- Train. RIOC provide extra bus service.
Unsecured Property- Search negative.
Aided- Aided removed to the hospital.
Investigation/ Alarm- BY corrected the condition.
Water leak- UA corrected the condition.
9/25/10-7:00 AM to 9/26/10-7:00 AM
Water Leak- In Eastwood. UA corrected the condition.
Aided- Aided removed to the hospital.
Found Property- Secured in PSD.
Criminal Mischief- Search made with negative results. UA notified.
Water Leak In Eastwood. UA corrected the condition.
Aided- Aided removed to the hospital.
Aided- Aided removed to the hospital.
Unlawful Fire/Flame- PSD issued summons for barbecuing.
9/26/10-7:00 AM to 9/27/10-7:00 AM
Complaint- Garbage in a park. Grounds corrected condition.
Aided- Aided removed to hospital.
Aided- Aided removed to hospital.
Animal- PSD removed animal from building.
Aided- Aided removed to the hospital.
Aided- Aided removed to hospital.
Aided- Aided removed to hospital.
Lock Out- Resident given access by UA.
9/27/10-7:00 AM to 9/28/10-7:00 AM
Aided- Aided removed to hospital.
Trespass PSD arrested subject.
Aided- Aided removed to hospital.
Reckless Endangerment- Search conducted with negative results.
Found Property- Property secured in PSD.
Aided- Aided removed to hospital.
Criminal Mischief- Management notified.
9/29/10-7:00 AM to 9/30/10-7:00 AM
Burglary- In apt. NYPD filed a report.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana- PSD arrested a subject.
Aided- Aided removed to hospital.
Shop Lifting- Youth subject. Parent retrieved youth.
Found Property- Secured in PSD.
Unsecured Door resident stated all is fine.
Aided- Aided removed to hospital.
Vehicle Accident- Between School Bus and a vehicle. NYPD filed a report.
Stuck Elevator- In Eastwood. UA put the elevator out of service.
Investigation- Request for information.
Aided- Aided removed to hospital.
10/1/10-7:00 AM to 10/1/10 AM
Found cat- Island cat pick up the cat.
Smoke Alarm- Condition corrected.
Possible Aided-unfounded
Aided- Refused t EMS.
Investigation- water from a window. no injuries
Aided- refused EMS.
Criminal Mischief- mangament notified.
Lock out- temporary condition
Verbal Dispute- between 2 residents
Roosevelt Island Public Safety Blotter Mar 2010
The most recent Roosevelt Island 24 hour Public Safety Reports are posted daily on the blog's inside right sidebar, just below See Click Fix Roosevelt Island. Listed is a daily log recapping local incidents the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department responded to the previous 5 days.
RIOC is also posting the Daily Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident reports and January - March 2010 Calls For Services/Responses on their web site. A more detailed description of Roosevelt Island Public Safety incidents by location and category (the Blotter) for the month of March 2010 is embed above and available on RIOC web site as well.
Below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for March 22 - April 18, 2010. Incidents include:
- Resident Deceased In Apartment (3/22)
- Verbal Threats Made By Youth, Profanity Shouted (3/23, 27)
- Pedestrian Blocking Traffic (3/23)
- Unlicensed Driver Failed To Yield To Pedestrian In Street (3/24)
- 2 Males Arguing (3//25)
- Patient Robbed in Hospital (3/25)
- Fraudulent Check Passing (3/26)
- Delivery Man Robbed (3/26)
- Basketball Coach's Knee Gave Out While Running (3/27)
- Burglary Suspect Apprehended (3/28)
- Diesel Fuel Spilled (3/28)
- Trespass In Vacant Apartment (3/29)
- Theft Of Service/ Resisting Arrest - Failure to Pay Cab Fare (3/30)
- Escort Female From Motorgate Garage (3/31)
- 2 Vehicles With Broken Windows Spotted At Motorgate Garage (4/1)
- Iphone Snatched Out Of Woman's Hand (4/6,7)
- Blackberry Snatched Out of Woman's Hand (4/7)
- Subway Turnstile Jumping (4/8)
- Dominos Pizza Selling without Permit (4/10)
- Motorgate Attendant Reported Being Harassed By Female Resident (4/11)
- Burglary, Criminal Contempt, Assault (4/12)
- Manhattan Park Noise Complaint (4/13)
- Urinating Out Of Window (4/14)
- Male Jumped In River To Retrieve Basketball (4/14)
- Person Using Another's Tennis Pass (4/14)
- Foul Odor In Elevator (4/15)
- Tram Vending Machine Turned Over (4/17)
- Males Found In Building Stairwell (4/17) and
- Unlicensed Motorist Talking on Cell Phone While Driving (4/18)
Aided/DOA- A resident deceased in apt of natural causes. PSD, EMS, NYPD responded. Deceased removed by Medical Examiner.
Aided- An ill person taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Possible Missing Youth- PSD responded and conducted a search. Later youth was found in apt.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
3/23/10-7:00 AM to 3/24/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property- A cell phone was found on a RIOC Bus. It was secured by PSD. Later the owner retrieved the property.
Investigation- A possible odor of marijuana coming into an apt. PSD responded and detected an odor of sweet cigar coming from another apt. PSD filed a report.
Harassment- Youth made verbal threats to another to pass on to the victim. PSD and NYPD responded and conducted a search with negative results. Mother of youth to contact PSD if subject is seen in the area.
Disorderly Conduct- Subject blocking pedestrian traffic and asked to move by NYPD. Subject refused. PSD responded and assisted NYPD. Subject escorted to PSD and NYPD issued the summons.
Criminal Mischief- Glass door of a business was broken. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. RIOC personnel boarded up the door.
Investigation- Parent concerned over a previous incident involving her son and another youth. She is worried problems will occur again. Parent spoke to NYPD.
3/24/10-7:00 AM to 3/25/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill youth in an apt. PSD and EMS responded. Mother refused transport to the hospital and will take youth to the private doctor.
Investigation- Report of urine odor. UA porter cleaned up the urine in Stairwell "A".
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Failure to Yield to pedestrian in a crosswalk. PSD observed the violation and stopped the vehicle. Upon investigation it was discovered the motorist did not have a driver's license in his possession. He was escorted to PSD and issued two summonses.
Verbal Dispute- Two adult males. PSD responded. No injuries. Subject left the area. NYPD refused.
Hazardous Condition- Tile fell from a breeze way. PSD responded. No injuries. There was another tile hanging and a light fixture. UA responded and made repairs.
There's More!
0700 hrs 03/25/10 - 0700 hrs 03/26/10
Disorderly Conduct - Two females and one male subject detained by PSD and NYPD for theft of service. Subjects paid bill, but one of the female subjects became disorderly. PSD issued summons and subject was released.
Aided - Aided not feeling well and was transported to the hospital.
Investigation - Resident walked into PSD to give a statement of past harassment case he was involved in. PSD took info for report.
Robbery - Hospital patient stated he was robbed inside the hospital. PSD took a report and NYPD was notified.
Found Property - Resident turned in found property. Property was secured at PSD.
Verbal Dispute - PSD and NYPD responded for two males arguing. PSD/NYPD spoke to both parties and condition was corrected without further incident. No injuries were involved.
Disable Vehicle - Bus broke down at bus stop. PSD directed traffic around bus until driver corrected condition.
0700hrs 03/26/10- 0700hrs 03/27/10
Investigation- Victim reports unknown person is tampering with his property, PSD responded will monitor area.
Found Property- While patrolling PSD found property, property secure by PSD.
Smell of Illegal Substance- Tenant reports smell of substance, PSD responds and confirm smell, smell seem to be coming from another apartment, matter referred to housing management.
Check Fraud- PSD detained subject for depositing fraudulent checks and making cash withdrawal. NYPD responded and arrested subject.
Wellness Check- RN reported to PSD to gain entry into an apartment to make sure it was habitable. After inspecting apartment RN reports apartment is not livable.
Investigation- Complainant reports he entered sweepstake, now the sweepstake are calling and harassing him, R/O suggested complainant contact his telephone carrier to block unwanted caller.
Robbery- Delivery man was robbed by two men, PSD responded subject was unable to give a description, NYPD responded search made with negative results.
Investigation- Youth were playing roughly, four year aged difference, younger youth's parents request youth to stop playing with each other.
Aided- Female walked into PSD reporting she does not feel well, EMS responded aided was transported to hospital.
3/27/10-7:00 AM to 3/28/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- A baseball coach while running fell because his knee gave out. PSD and EMS responded. He was takent to the hospital by EMS.
Harassment- Between two neighbors in abuilding. PSD reponded. No injuries and NYPD refused. PSD report filed.
Noise Complaint- A tenant reported constant noise from another apt. PSD responded and filed a report.
Investigation- Mother of a girl reported profanity used against her daughter by a female youth. Youthlerft area. PSD filed a report.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
3/28/10-7:00 AM to 3/29/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- NYPD responded and conducted an investigation. PSD filed a report.
Investigation- Small amount of diesel fuel was spilled. FDNY and PSD responded. Traffic was diverted for 15 minutes as a precaution. FDNY determined it was not toxic. Contractors hosed the area with water and corrected the condition.
Smell of illegal Substance- In a hallway of a building. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. PSD filed a report.
Minor Vehicle Accident- Report of a small scratch on driver's side of a parked vehicle. PSD responded. No injuries and NYPD refused.
Past Harassment- Male youth grabbed book bags of two youths and threw bags on the ground a couple of days ago and fled. Incident referred to PSD youth Officer.
Traffic Violation- Observed by the PSD Deputy Director. PSD stopped the vehicle and warned and admonished the motorist. All paper work was in order.
Missing Youth. PSD conducted a search of the Island. Youth returned home in good condition per the parent.
Gas Leak in an apt. PSD and UA responded. UA shut disconnected the stove and corrected the condition. No injuries.
Warrant for Burglary- PSD assisted NYPD in apprehending subject. Subject was turned over to NYPD Detectives.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
3/29/10-7:00 AM to 3/30/10-7:00 AM
Robbery- Off Island on the F Train line. Transit Police notified.
Investigation- Drain clogged front of a River walk establishment. PSD responded and placed caution tape. Building Manager notified a Plummer.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Petit Larceny- License plates were stolen from a vehicle off Island. PSD and NYPD responded and filed reports.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- Senior Citizen with difficulty hearing needed assistance in contacting her phone carrier. PSD assisted her.
Aided- An infant fell from a sofa. PSD and EMS responded. Aided taken to the hospital by EMS.
Noise Complaint- In a building hallway. PSD responded. 4 youths walking towards the elevator. Youths not making noise. PSD monitored the area throughout the night.
Aided- Female accidently cut her hand while cutting vegetables. PSD and EMS responded. Aided taken to the hospital by EMS.
Trespass- A subject was inside a vacant apt. PSD and UA responded. Subject fled. Search conducted with negative results.
Hazardous Condition- Numerous lights out on Main Street and the seawalls. RIOC notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Possible trespass in a vacant apt. PSD and UA responded. Apt was in disarray. Search conducted with negative results.
3/30/10-7:00 AM to 3/31/10-7:00 AM
Verbal Dispute- Male and a female were having disagreement in the street. PSD responded. No injuries. Both refused to provide information and left separately. NYPD refused.
Gas Smell- FDNY and PSD responded to the subway for a report of gas smell. FDNY conducted a search and no gas smell. Subway was in order.
Lost Property- A resident lost a cell phone in a RIOC Bus. Per the Mini Bus Supervisor no cell phone was found. Reporter will notify phone carrier.
Verbal Dispute- Between a male and a female over a cell phone. PSD responded. No injuries. NYPD was refused. Both left separately.
Investigation- Report that two males gained access to a vacant apt. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
PSD monitoring the apt.
Vending Machine- Unknown Subject tuned over a soda/water vending machine. PSD responded and conduced a search with negative results.
Investigation- Unknown Subject rang the door bell of an apt. Resident came out and subject fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Criminal Mischief/Assault/Theft of Service/ Resisting Arrest- Subject refused to pay cab fare and kicked the window and fled cab then engaged in a fight with cab driver. PSD responded subject resisted arrest. PSD arrested the subject.
Criminal Mischief- Unknown Subject kicked vehicle's driver door. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
3/31/10-7:00 AM to 4/1/10-7:00 AM
Found Property- A cell phone. It was secured in PSD.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Burned Food- A report of a fowl odor at the Racquet Club. PSD responded. There was burnt food in a micro wave oven. No property damage.
Trespass- 3 subjects observed in a building and fled. PSD filed a report.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana/Trespass- PSD arrested three subjects.
Found Property- Piece of metal fell from a building. No injuries. It was secured in PSD.
Trespass- Subject arrested by PSD.
Escort- PSD provided an escort to a female from the Motorgate Garage to PSD.
0700 hrs 04/01/10 - 0700 hrs 04/02/10
Criminal Mischief/Petit Larceny - PSD officer observed two vehicles with broken windows in parking garage. PSD conducted search with negative results. Items were taken from both vehicles. NYPD responded and made a police report.
Investigation - Resident reported to PSD that an item was missing from her vehicle. PSD made a report. NYPD refused.
Aided - Resident came into PSD requesting EMS. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Found Property - PSD officer retrieved found bag on RIOC bus. Owner retrieved property from PSD.
Investigation - Non resident female entered PSD crying and upset. Female requested transport to her place of residence in Manhattan. When PSD advised her of the liability, she fled in unknown direction.
Investigation - PSD received call of males consuming alcohol inside the park. PSD responded and observed closed bottle of beer. No open containers were in view. PSD responded to an second call and still didn't find any open containers.
Theft of Service - PSD responded to dispute between R.I. merchant and two subjects. Merchant stated they left store without paying. Subjects paid and left.
Investigation - PSD observed male and female walking together. Female walks up to PSD officer crying from statements male subject made to her. PSD made a report.
Noise Complaint - Resident reported to PSD of someone in the hallway making noise. PSD made search with negative results.
Investigation - Resident reported to PSD of someone possibly breaking into an apartment. PSD responded and conducted search with negative results. There were no signs of force entry.
0700hrs 04/02/10- 0700hrs 04/03/10
Investigation- Tenant reports dog was barking as if someone was trying to break into her backyard, PSD responded no sign of forced entry and search made of area yield negative results.
Investigation- Male reports an unusual smell, PSD responds determined smell was coming from power plant.
Investigation- Tenant is complaining that people are throwing cigarette butts out there window and they are landing in her yard, PSD responded spoke with tenants above complainant.
Aided- Teenage girl fell off bike, EMS responded aided was taken to hospital.
Aided- Female fell out of her wheelchair, PSD responded, aided was already back in her chair and refused and y medical attention.
Found Property- Wallet was fund and brought into PSD.
Disorderly Conduct- Youth were place in custody for using profanity in public, youth was later released to parent.
Aided- Male dislocated shoulder, PSD responded notified EMS, aided transported to hospital.
Unsecured Vehicle- While patrolling Motorgate PSD observed car rear door open, PSD contacted owner and advised him of situation. Victim reports nothing missing from vehicle.
Inoperable. Door- While patrolling PSD observed a jammed door, PSD notified UA condition was corrected.
Aided- Male not feeling well transported to hospital.
4/3/10-7:00 AM to 4/4/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- NYPD conducting an investigation.
Unsecured Premises- South Point Park. PSD conducted a search with negative results. The park was locked and secured.
Found property- A credit card and a metro card. PSD secured the property.
Criminal Mischief- Youths threw rocks at an apt window and fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Noise Complaint- In the hallway of a building. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Investigation- Report of an unknown subject kicking an apt door and making threats then fled. PSD and NYPD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
4/4/10-7:00 AM to 4/5/10-7:00 AM - Not Provided By Public Safety Department
4/5/10-7:00 AM to 4/6/10-7:00 AM
Found Property- Coler Hospital patient discharge papers. Secured in PSD.
Investigation- Odor of Marijuana from a patio. PSD responded. Group of males fled into apt.
Lease Holder notified. PSD report filed.
Investigation- Anonymous Male reported a robbery rear of a building. PSD responded and conducted a search for the victim and subjects with negative results.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Domestic Dispute- Between Mother and adult daughter. Mother refused entry to apt. PSD responded and unable to contact mother. Daughter will return later. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Fire Alarm- In an apt. PSD and UA Super responded. No fire or smoke condition. UA Super reset the alarm.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
4/6/10-7:00 AM to 4/7/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- Report of a resident causing problems in apt. PSD filed a report.
Water Leak- In an apt. PSD and UA responded. Tenant left bathroom faucet on.
UA cleaned up the water.
Vehicle Accident- A trailer accidently struck the Motorgate Pillar. PSD responded and RIOC personnel. No injuries. No structural damage to the pillar. Damage to the trailer. NYPD was notified.
Missing Property- A youth left a bicycle unattended. Upon his return it was gone. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. Parent was notified. NYPD refused.
Aided- Female fell in a Q102 Bus while it was in motion. PSD and EMS responded. Female was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Lost Property- A bicycle was left unattended. PSD secured the bicycle. Later the owner retrieved the property.
Found Property- A back pack. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved the property.
Investigation- PSD crime unit conducting an investigation on a phone call incident. Parent of subject spoke to PSD. NYPD notified.
Unreadable Tennis Permit- The card did not provide access. PSD responded and provided access. RIOC personnel notified.
Previous Dog Theft- Resident complained that another took her dog two years ago. The matter in Small Claims Court. PSD filed a report.
Harassment- A group of youth followed a female then threw water at her and fled. PSD responded. No injuries and EMS refused. Search conducted for subjects with negative results. NYPD refused.
Grand Larceny- Resident reported that boy friend took a lap top and Gucci Duffle bag. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD and PSD filed reports.
Robbery- Two male subjects forcible took an I phone from a female in the street. Witness ran after them. The cell phone was thrown on the ground. The witness returned the phone to the owner. PSD responded and conducted a search for the subjects with negative results. PSD crime unit to file a police report.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Hazardous Condition- Debris and clothes left in the Av room of a building. PSD and UA Super responded. UA Super removed the debris. No damage to the Avac Room.
4/7/10-7:00 AM to 4/8/10-7:00 AM
Verbal Dispute- Between two residents. No injuries. NYPD refused. PSD responded and they will stay away from each other.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- A Gold Water Hospital patient fell on the street. PSD responded. No injuries. EMS refused. PSD escorted patient to Gold Water Hospital.
Aided/Escort- Female felt ill from side effect of medication. PSD responded. EMS refused. PSD escorted her home.
Investigation- Student left school without school authorization. Parent notified and stated she gave child authorization to go home. PSD responded and filed a report.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Attempted Robbery- Three males approached a female and attempted to take the cell phone from her hand. Female screamed and subjects fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused. No injuries.
Criminal Mischief- Unknown subject set a small fire and extinguished it at the Blackwell Playground. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. No injuries. Minor damages. PSD filed a report.
Grand Larceny- Male youth took a blackberry from a female and fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. No injuries. EMS refused. NYPD refused.
Disorderly Conduct- Youth subject verbally abusive and got in the face of PSD officer conducting a robbery investigation. Youth escorted to PSD and released to his adult brother.
Trespass- In the roof of a building a male was trespassing. PSD arrested the subject.
0700 hrs 04/08/10 - 0700 hrs 04/09/10
Investigation - FDNY responded to call box alarm. Alarm box was out of service and no further action was required.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to an apartment for aided. Tenant was not feeling well and transported to hospital.
Water Leak - PSD officer and super responded to water leak in apartment. Porter cleaned up water and secured apartment door. No damages were reported.
Disable Elevator - FDNY responded to subway for someone stuck in elevator. Person was taken out of elevator and refused EMS.
Water Leak - PSD officer and super responded to water leak in apartment. Porter cleaned up water and secured apartment door. No damages were reported.
Found Property - Purse was turned into PSD. Owner came into PSD and picked up property.
Escort - PSD observed male drinking from open container. Subject was a hospital patient. Patient was escorted back to hospital and released to hospital police.
Petit Larceny - PSD responded for two youths who took a bike without authorization from owner. PSD stopped both youths. One of the youths was released to his mother. The second was taken to 114 pct. for processing.
Trespass - PSD officers observed three youths jump turnstile at the subway. All three youths were taken into custody and taken to PSD. Youths were released to their parents.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to an apartment for aided. Tenant was not feeling well and transported to the hospital.
0700hrs 04/09/10 - 0700hrs 04/10/10
Aided- Female not feeling well, transported to hospital.
Aided- female not feeling well, EMS responded, aided's blood pressure was normal, aided RMA.
Investigation- Tenant reports subject removed property from her apartment without her permission, tenant contacted NYPD and PSD to file reports , PSD detectives notified.
4/10/10-7:00 AM to 4/11/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- Male in the Motorgate Elevator. Central Parking Employee and PSD responded. Male was taken out of the elevator. He refused EMS and stated he was in elevator a few minutes.
Investigation- Dominos Pizzeria selling food without a RIOC permit. PSD responded and they were advised they need a permit. They packed up and left.
Petit larceny/ Unsecured Property- A bag at Blackwell Play Ground. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused. Later Owner found bag on her apt door knob. There were a few dollars missing.
Alarm- In an apt. PSD and UA Super responded. Tenant not home. the alarm was reset and door secured by UA Super.
Car Stop- A motorist made a U turn and did not have insurance card on the vehicle. PSD issued two summonses to the motorist.
0700hrs 04/11/10 - 0700hrs 04/12/10
Aided- Aided was transported to Mt. Sinai Hospital for trouble breathing.
Missing Property- Resident left a poster in the hallway and when he returned home he found it missing.
Unsecured Door- A resident reported an apartment door unsecured for several days. Officer responded checked apt with Super and secured location.
Unsecured Premises- MTA Substation access fence was opened area was checked with negative results and secured.
Aided- Aided was transported to Mt. Sinai Hospital for complications from high blood pressure.
Investigation- Youth reports elderly male choked them. Officers responded spoke with subject and youth's parents report prepared.
Harassment- Motorgate attendee reports female resident constantly harasses him. the subject was following him and trying to video tape him.
Escort- Officers respond to escort and unwanted visitor out of a residents apartment.
Domestic Dispute- Two brother were in a verbal dispute over money. One of the brothers left the apartment.
0700 hrs 04/12/10 - 0700 hrs 04/13/10
Unsecured Premises - PSD officer noticed patio door open. PSD conducted search. There wasn't anyone inside apartment. Super secured door. Apartment appeared in order.
Criminal Mischief - Worker from daycare center reported to PSD that when she arrived at work unknown person spread comet cleaner all over desk and floors. PSD conducted search with negative results. No force entry was found. NYPD refused.
Aided - Aided not feeling well and EMS transported aided to hospital.
Harassment - Resident reported to PSD that another tenant was harassing him. PSD spoke to the other party and stated he will stay away from him. NYPD refused.
Fire - PSD responded to report of tree on fire. Upon arrival, PSD noticed three youths leaving area. Fire was extinguished. PSD stopped three youths and brought them to PSD for further investigation. It was discovered that the three youths were original complainants and verified thru call back number.
Burglary/ Criminal Contempt/Assault - Victim reported to PSD that a friend was escorted out of her apartment. Subject returned later and entered unlawfully and hit victim causing injury. Victim refused medical attention. Victim had active order of protection. Subject was place under arrest and transported to 114 pct. for arrest processing.
Unlawful Eviction - PSD responded to apartment for domestic dispute between mother and daughter. Daughter is a foster child. NYPD responded and Foster care agency was notified. After several attempts mother allowed daughter back in.
Unsecured Premises - PSD observed unsecured door. PSD conducted search with negative results and area appeared in order.
4/13/10-7:00 AM to 4/14/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Verbal Dispute- Between two neighbors over a noise complaint. Manhattan Park Management notified. Complainant will notify NYPD when he has time to do so.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana- PSD assisted NYPD in arresting the subject. NYPD arrested the subject and will voucher the Marijuana.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
4/14/10-7:00 AM to 4/15/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Report of a male subject urinating out of a window. PSD responded. Witness unable to identify the subject. Two youths ran from area. Adult sister notified and PSD Youth Officer to followup on the incident.
Aided- A School Bus Matron fell and sustained injury to her left leg. PSD responded and EMS was refused. PSD filed a report.
Door Malfunction- Resident unable to leave apt due to a malfunction slam lock. PSD and UA responded. UA Handyman repaired the lock.
Noise Complaint- Anoy Female reported noise in the early hours of the morning in the hallway of a building. PSD responded and no noise detected.
Found Property- A female left a stroller unattended. Upon return it was gone. An Island resident found it in a court yard turned over. It was turned over to PSD. Later the owner was notified and retrieve the stroller.
Tennis Court Access- Male gained access to the Tennis Courts with the card of another. PSD responded and escorted him out. RIOC personnel notified.
Aided- An adult male jumped into the River to retrieve a Basket ball. PSD, EMS and FDNY responded. Male refused medical attention.
Investigation- Unknown subject threw water on an adult male. PSD responded. Search conducted with negative results. NYPD refused.
Harassment-Female reported that a male subject was allegedly harassing her. PSD responded. NYPD refused.
Open Container of Alcohol- Male subject arrested by PSD.
Verbal Dispute- Between two Island residents in the hallway. PSD responded and both parties were gone.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- A Coler Hospital patient fell on hospital grounds. PSD responded and notified Coler hospital Police. Coler Nurse and administrator responded. Patient was taken inside of the hospital.
Noise Complaint- In a hallway of a building. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
0700 hrs 04/15/10 - 0700 hrs 04/16/10
Investigation - PSD officer observed foul odor in elevator. Service cleaned up elevator.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded for female who fell on ground. EMS transported aided to hospital.
Aided - PSD responded to an apartment for smoke condition. Super opened door and PSD observed intoxicated female on the floor. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Escort - PSD officer escorted patient to the hospital.
Investigation/Noise Complaint - PSD received complaint of group of youths in hallway making loud noise. PSD responded and conducted search with negative results.
Aided - Female aided not feeling well. EMS transported aided to hospital.
Noise Complaint - PSD officer observed car alarm going off. Car appeared in order. Officer notified motorgate attendant and didn't have any info on the car.
Escort/Aggravated Harassment - Tenant came into PSD and stated she was locked out of her apartment. PSD escorted tenant to her apartment and was let in by super. She also notified PSD that a male subject threaten her over phone. Reporter refused NYPD and became uncooperative.
0700hrs 04/16/10 - 0700hrs 04/17/10
Escort/ Aggravated Harassment- Victim walked into PSD reporting she was locked out of her apartment, she also reports that someone threaten her by phone from jail, victim refused NYPD, PSD escorted victim to apartment.
Noise Complaint- Car alarm kept sounding off in the motorgate, PSD observed vehicle which appeared in order. PSD and motorgate attendee were not able to locate the owner.
Found Property- Female found a cell phone and brought it into PSD, cell phone was secured.
Unsecured Electrical Box- While on patrol PSD observed and electrical box open, PSD secured box.
Aided- Female not feeling well transported to hospital.
Graffiti- While on patrol PSD observed graffiti, UA notified.
4/17/10-7:00 AM to 4/18/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- Two Males found in a stairwell of a building. PSD conducted an investigation. Males were visitors of a resident.
Criminal Mischief- A vending Machine opposite the Tram was turned over by unknown Subject. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative result. The vending company was notified.
Found Property- A bag. It was secured in PSD.
Investigation- FDNY responded to the subway for a possible track fire. PSD responded. Per FDNY no track fire. No damages and no injuries.
Alcohol Open Container- Two subjects arrested by PSD.
Investigation- A hole on a door of the Good Shepard Community Center. PSD responded. No access gained into the building. A search was conducted with negative results.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Noise Complaint- In the hallway. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Unsecured Floor- The elevator opened up on the 21th floor where a utility room is located. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. UA notified and corrected the condition.
4/18/107:00 AM to 4/19/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Smoke Condition- In a hallway. PSD responded. Unable to detect the location of the burnt food. Hallway windows opened to air out the smoke. No injuries.
unlicenced Operator- Motorist stopped while talking on a cell phone as she was driving. Motorist unlicenced. Two summonses issued. Vehicle released to a licensed motorist.
Unsecured Premises- Sports Park. PSD responded and conducted search with negative results. The building was locked and secured. No damage.