Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New York State Inspector General Investigating Roosevelt Island (RIOC) Leadership and Management Structure Reports NY Post Today

As previously reported, former Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Leslie Torres resigned suddenly and without explanation on September 21. Later today, the RIOC Board of Directors will be meeting to select an interim President and to establish procedures for selecting a new permanent RIOC President.

What impact, if any, will a brief article in today's NY Post have on Roosevelt Island governance and the selection of a new RIOC President? According to the NY Post, the NY State Inspector General is investigating the "leadership and management structure" of Roosevelt Island and:
... Residents were unhappy with Leslie Torres, who was squeezed out as Roosevelt Island Operating Corp. president last month — but they’re also angry at Gov. Cuomo for what they see as strong-arming.

They fault Cuomo for installing Donald Lewis, the corporation’s relatively new general counsel, as interim president — and also for replacing a popular islander on the corporation board last year with Brooklynite Salvatore Ferrera....
Click here for the entire NY Post article.

Earlier today, I asked Interim RIOC President Don Lewis, RIOC Directors, NY State Assembly Member Micah Kellner and NY State Senator Jose Serrano for comment about the NY Post article. Have not received a response from any yet but will update if a response is received.


alicep spaulding said...

Finally! It's about time the RIOC was put under scrutiny. This is a step in the right direction for the future of our home.

YetAnotherRIer said...

Okay, this is an article from the NYPost after all but...

"[The residents] fault Cuomo for installing Donald Lewis, the corporation’s relatively new general counsel, as interim president"

When, how, what, who? I haven't heard anything negative about this. Who talked to the press and pretended to speak for us residents?

roozevelt said...

Yes, who in the community is faulting the Governor for installing Mr. Lewis as Interim President. The former President left abruptly. I would imagine someone had to be chosen. Why not one of the Vice Presidents that was here already. Mr. Lewis may be fairly new on R.I., but I've seen and heard him at the RIOC Board Meetings and he seems like a fine choice to me.

Apparently, the RIOC Board felt the same way, because they approved him as the Interim President.

Frank Farance said...

I heard it was the WIRE spoke on our behalf.

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