Saturday, June 13, 2015

Watch Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign Speech Today At Roosevelt Island FDR Four Freedoms Park

Here's Hillary Clinton's full speech (and transcript) today at Roosevelt Island's FDR Four Freedoms Park.

Will have more later  tonight or tomorrow.

No problems for Roosevelt Island as far as I could tell.

Good job organizing the event by the Clinton Campaign, FDR Four Freedoms Park, Roosevelt Island Operating Corp, NYPD and the Secret Service.

Cheshire Kitty adds:

I attended the event - it was fantastic! Luckily I had a spot under some trees, near the podium. I also was at a fence - so could lean on it (or stand on it even) the whole time - which was also fantastic. Water bottles were given out by volunteers - and some attendees nibbled on sandwiches, cookies, energy bars around me. I had an energy bar myself.

It was well worth the wait - the speech was fantastic!
UPDATE 7/2 - More here.


Frank Alo said...

After. 8 years of Obama. Then god forbid 4 years of. Her., may god have Mercy on ameria