Thursday, July 2, 2015

Recap Of Hillary Clinton's June 13 Roosevelt Island Campaign Launch At FDR Four Freedoms Park - A Grand Success Says FDR Park Conservancy President And Thanks RIOC For Its Assistance

FDR Four Freedoms Park Conservancy President Sally Minard sent this June 15 message to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Charlene Indelicato regarding the June 13 Roosevelt Island Hillary Clinton campaign launch.

Dear Charlene,

I want to report that the Hillary for America campaign launch event at Four Freedoms Park on Saturday was a grand success.

Every one played their part. The Conservancy staff, the Hillary for America Campaign, Roosevelt Island management and Public Safety Department, and N.Y.State Parks, all collaborated to prepare for and implement a complex event. You were particularly helpful on a crucial issue and at a critical moment when arrangements had to be made to insure a sufficient emergency evacuation plan for the anticipated number of guests. We are grateful to you and Frances and Susan, Jack and Lynda, Donna and Erica, Arthur and Robert and Fernando, for working with us to make the event happen, safely and correctly.

As you know, security was under the supervision of the State Department Secret Service. The plan they developed coordinated the NYPD, Roosevelt Island Public Safety and N.Y. State Parks officers to provide the security required for a former President and Secretary of State. The crowd proved to be happy, patient and very excited throughout the proceedings. There were no incidents that we were aware of to mar the event.

It was a wonderful day all around. The responsibility to make it work for the Campaign, the candidate, for Roosevelt Island and for the Park was heavy, when so many things both within our control and out of it, can go awry. But even the dark clouds that threatened before the program started, changed course and moved somewhere else for the rest of the day. Our good fortune with the weather gods continues. I hope some of you saw the event on C-SPAN or subsequent news coverage. It was a remarkable sight.

Secretary Clinton called about 4:00 Saturday afternoon, before flying to Iowa, to express her gratitude for the hard work of all those involved who made this launch so successful for the campaign. She referenced the profound associations and extraordinary beauty of the place. She said the entire day surpassed her expectation. It was generous of her to call and share her appreciation on an historic day for Roosevelt Island and for FDR Four Freedoms State Park.

When the Cornell ground breaking ceremony is over tomorrow, there will be a welcome break in the stream of major events at the Park. Please feel free to call anytime if you have comments or suggestions.

All the best,


Sally Minard

President & CEO

Four Freedoms Park Conservancy
Here are some scenes from the June 13 Hillary Clinton Roosevelt Island campaign event.
Hillary Clinton

 Image Of Hillary Clinton at Roosevelt Island Campaign Event From Olya Turcihin

 gave a shout out to Roosevelt Island in her speech

and made one Roosevelt Island young girl very happy.

Image Of Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton From Olya Turcihin

Ms. Clinton's full Roosevelt Island speech is here.