Monday, June 15, 2015

Scenes From 2015 Roosevelt Island Day - Here's What Happened

Last Saturday, June 13, was a pretty big day for Roosevelt Island and I'm not talking about Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign launch at FDR Four Freedoms Park.

June 13 was Roosevelt Island Day

when many in our community come out for a fun family day of flower plantings, blood drive, games, rides, activities, a petting zoo, music, CPR training and much more.

Frank Farance shares some scenes from the activities at Good Shepherd Plaza.

and the Roosevelt Island Explorers show us what happened at Blackwell House.

Some more scenes from Roosevelt Island day.

Cotton Candy,

Crafts with Roosevelt Island Day Nursery,

Pop Up Piano,


and hands only CPR training.

Urban American's Doryne Isely, who organized Roosevelt Island Day, introduced Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney and Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright. Ms. Maloney let everybody know that she:
Loves Roosevelt Island
and talked about Hillary Clinton's campaign announcement earlier in the day.

Ms Seawright reported on NY State legislation to restore Public Purpose Funds that she hopes will pass this week.

The traditional Roosevelt Island evening concert was missed by some,
but took place in the afternoon this year.

Roosevelt Island Day is sponsored by Urban American,

Image Of Doryne Isely (Center) With Urban American Staff from Frank Farance

Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation and Roosevelt Island Youth Program.

More Roosevelt Island Day photos from Frank Farance here.