Friday, April 29, 2016

Roosevelt Island Trellis Diner Almost Ready To Re-Open, Plywood Covering Construction Site Removed Today - Union Medical Urgent Care To Open In Next Few Weeks Too

The plywood covering the Roosevelt Island Trellis Diner

Image From Judy Berdy

construction site came down today

Image From Judy Berdy

as a happy Trellis Diner owner Kai Razaghi stood in front of the

Image From Judy Berdy

brand new restaurant storefront

with its futuristic windows.

There is not a definite date yet announced

for the Grand Re-Opening but it should not be much longer. Hope to have more information on re-opening next week.

In other Roosevelt Island Main Street retail news, the Union Medical Urgent Care facility, located in the former Thrift Shop space is expected to open in the next few weeks.