Monday, April 25, 2016

Very Sad News, Roosevelt Island Resident Brian Dorfmann Passed Away Saturday April 16 - Condolences To His Family And Friends

Roosevelt Island resident Brian Dorfmann died Saturday, April 16. Olya Turcihin remembers her friend Brian, and shares these photos.

When someone close dies, our first response of shock, turns to anger and then lastly, becomes the realization of the loss.  Last Saturday, sadness and anger overcame me as I learned Brian Dorfmann - my friend,

Image From Olya Turcihin

had passed away and was abruptly taken away from so many. The inability to have a conversation or hug him becomes real.

Brian moved to Roosevelt Island in 1976, one year before my family did. We met as many of us did - hanging out on Main Street. Good looking, tall, cool, and always genuine - we became friends. In our 20’s we kept in touch, and then after we both started families, we both eventually moved back onto the Island. Sitting at Trellis, our conversations and discussions ranged from philosophical questions to technical/artistic aspects of photography to how wonderful our respective children were. Brian was one of my biggest supporters, as I transitioned from unemployment and sadness to a more confident person and photographer. He inspired, coached and became instrumental in changing my outlook on life.

Brian coached Little League, as well as taught robotics to the Island children. Our friendship eventually spawned a company dedicated to inspire, especially children, the art and love of photography.

Image From Olya Turcihin

This company, Bouncelight Enterprises has changed my life, as well as successfully inspired countless Roosevelt Island children and teenagers. A Roosevelt Island force, Brian looked for ways to engage in our community, fostering so many lasting relationships with adults, as well as children.

At the memorial service held this past week, the chapel filled to capacity and spilling into the hallway, I found myself astounded by the number of people that Brian positively impacted, cared for, and loved. Through this large network of diverse people, I immediately understood that the man I called my friend, emanated an immense energy. A friend, who also grew up on the Island, sent me a message the other day that read “ this man grew his wings long before he took flight”.

Image From Olya Turcihin

Brian, a good son, a loving father to Max and Maia and uncle to Jackson, caring husband, a protective brother, a logophile, an excellent pool player, a chess aficionado, an expert artist/photographer, a loved member of so many communities, a devoted and staunch supporter of so many friends, as well as my friend, will be truly missed.
Brian will be greatly missed. Condolences to his family and friends.