Roosevelt Island Girl Scouts Earn Snacks Badge By Learning How To Eat Healthy And Read Nutrition Labels With Help Of Cornell Cooperative Extension NYC
Roosevelt Island Girl Scout Troop 3001 Leader Aiesha Eleusizov shares these photos and reports:
Brownie Girl Scouts Learning to Make Healthy Snack Choices
Last Monday, Yvonne Bravo, a nutritionist from Cornell Cooperative Extension New York City or CUCE-NYC,
helped Brownies from Girl Scout Troop 3001 earn their Snacks badge by teaching them how to read nutrition labels
on snack foods in order to make smart low fat and low sugar snack choices. The girls read labels on a variety of popular sweet and savory snacks and put them in order of lowest fat to highest fat and lowest sugar to highest sugar. We were surprised by how much fat and sugar were present in some popular snacks. The girls played a fun relay race game to try to collect snacks lowest in fat and then made a delicious and healthy apple and yogurt treat
called “Wrap and Roll.”
Special thank you to Yvonne Bravo for sharing her time and expertise in a fun and educational way, Jane Swanson at Cornell Tech for connecting us to CUCE-NYC and to Manhattan Park for continuing to sponsor our meeting space to allow for our island Girl Scouts to have learning experiences such as these.