Tuesday, November 2, 2010

More Scenes From The 2010 Roosevelt Island Halloween Parade

If you were not at last Saturday's afternoon's Roosevelt Island Halloween Parade you missed a wonderful event. Here's a small taste of what it was like from You Tube

You Tube Video Of 2010 Roosevelt Island Halloween Parade

and Roosevelt Island resident/photographer Brian Dorfmann.

Images From Brian Dorfmann

More photos from Mr. Dorfmann are here.

We even had our very own Friendly Witch, RIOC President Leslie Torres, welcoming all the ghouls, goblins and other assorted creatures to Roosevelt Island.

More pictures of the 2010 Roosevelt Island Halloween Parade from this earlier post.

UPDATE  11/10 - Roosevelt Island resident Adib (Bluebeard) Mansour sends in some more Halloween Pictures below from the 2010 Parade.