Friday, November 5, 2010

Crossing The East River On The Roosevelt Island Tram In Song - A Tram Tribute Video & The Latest News On When It Will Return To Service, Hopefully Before Thanksgiving

First the 59th Street Bridge was immortalized in  song with Simon & Garfunkle's Feelin Groovy and now it time to do the same for it's neighbor to the north - the Roosevelt Island Tram. To mark the occasion of the new Roosevelt Island Tram, filmaker Ovidiu Opresco and musician Jonathan Kalb collaborated on this tribute to the joys of Crossing The East River On The Roosevelt Island Tram. Sort of like Roosevelt Island's version of a Jimmy Buffet song about Key West.

You Tube Video Of Crossing The East River On The Roosevelt Island Tram

Here's the latest on the Roosevelt Island Tram from Roosevelt Island Operating Corp. President Leslie Torres:
Rumors to the contrary notwithstanding - the Aerial Tramway Modernization project has not likewise been haunted. As most of us have seen - the beautiful new cabins are now both running on their respective north and south track ropes and all systems seem ready to go. We are hoping to have the New York State Department of Labor complete its testing and review of the entire system before Thanksgiving. Preliminary inspection results thus far have been very positive. While RIOC is confident that we are providing a safe, efficient and comfortable new aerial tramway system - I don't think any one of us wants to short circuit safety precautions. RIOC is planning an opening event as soon as we get the okay from DOL. We continue to appreciate the public's patience and we anticipate our beloved Tram returning to service as soon as possible.
Another photo of the Roosevelt Island Tram undergoing tests from Ms. Muzica.