Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who Are You Voting For Prez Of Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) - It's Frank Farance For Me!

 Image of Mathew Katz and Frank Farance At RIRA Great Debate

A Roosevelt Island resident and reader sent me a message yesterday asking:
Well, who you going to vote for for Prez?...
I wrote back responding to several specific points the reader mentioned not intending for it to be a post  but decided to do so this morning:
There is way too much nonsense going back and forth between Frank and Matt. Both sincerely believe in what they are saying about each other but to most residents not involved in the minutia and personal history between the two of them, their dialogue is childish and a waste of time.

Bottom Line is I am voting for Frank Farance for the reasons I've spoken to you before. Given the role of RIRA, which has no real power, I think the President needs to stand up and challenge publicly RIOC and the Elected Officials on Roosevelt Island issues - not merely work behind the scenes using personal relationships - which is Matt's area. There are others who can do this - the RIRA President, in my opinion should be more public.

Frank will use the bully pulpit more effectively than Matt, though Frank will make more mistakes and offend some, though I think he may be constraining his outbursts better.

The attrition rate of RIRA members over the past two years is a non issue because the same thing happened  during previous RIRA terms including those when Matt was President. Also, during this term several RIRA Members became RIOC Board Members which resulted in them resigning from RIRA. There was also a RIRA member who died during his term.

One of the reasons for the lengthy RIRA Meetings is Frank started a procedure to start RIRA meetings in which RIOC staff members, the Public Safety Director, various politicians, the PS/IS 217 Principal and others would address the RIRA Council at the beginning of the meeting. This led to longer meetings but much more information was provided to the community than in the past. Does Frank get credit for that or should RIOC under Shane? I think both get the credit.

I don't think Frank's not getting RIOC appointment has anything to do with how he conducts RIRA meetings or how he acts as RIRA President. That is who he is.

A couple of things that trouble me about Matt Katz is that he decided not to seek re-election for his building's RIRA delegate position. Though he has every right not to do so, to me it says I will either be President or not contribute to RIRA - like the talented kid not chosen to be Captain of the Baseball team and then refusing to play and help the team.

From my perspective as writing an online blog, Matt seems to feel that the WIRE is the "official voice" of the Roosevelt Island community and in the past has been reluctant to share or contribute information to the blog until it has been published in the WIRE.

Perhaps that is just my bias but I think the RIRA President should not base decisions on sharing information with the community on the WIRE's production schedule. Maybe if he is elected President that will change - I don't know.

That's the end of my RIRA election rant - hope you find it of use but whoever wins, it will not significantly impact life here on Roosevelt Island.

Also, I think Frank will be more entertaining not unimportant to my mind.
 Another reader commented this morning:
The current state of the RIRA is sad. Most organizations like that would have co-presidents if there are multiple people interested in the job. There is no need to fight over something silly like the RIRA presidency. Make up and work together. Farance and Katz both have good qualities and would make a good team if they could work together and *respect* each other.
 One thing I did leave out but should note is that participation in the RIRA Common Council, particularly as it's President, is not easy work and an enormously time consuming endeavor. Those who fill these positions are volunteers, do not get paid and are doing so to better the Roosevelt Island community in which they live. They should be thanked for their service and I do so. Good Luck to both candidates.

The video of the Great RIRA Debate between Mr. Farance and Mr. Katz is available online here. It was a very civil and informative presentation by both men. Take a look at it and make up your own mind. Also available are prior candidate statements from Mr. Farance and Mr. Katz.

Regardless of who you support, please take the time to vote in the RIRA elections as well as in the General Election. Information on Roosevelt Island polling locations is here.