Thursday, November 4, 2010

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Class Of 2010-12 Inaugural Meeting & Report From Two New Members On The Proceedings

Image of 2010-12 RIRA Common Council Delegates

The 2010 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) elections are completed. The new RIRA Delegates for the class of 2010 -12 were seated during last night's November Common Council Meeting amidst great anticipation and excitement.

The November RIRA Meeting began with an empty Common Council table as the Delegates sat in the back benches


waiting for their names to be called so that they could join their colleagues at the full Common Council Council Table where the formal business of RIRA is conducted.

Newly elected RIRA President Matthew Katz welcomed the delegates and work began. This first meeting focused on the election of RIRA Officers, scheduling orientation meetings for the new delegates and the annual discussion of allocating $275 in RIRA funds to contribute to a Holiday Lights Pole.

What do the new RIRA Delegates think of their new positions? Here's what Southtown Delegate Dave Evans and Manhattan Park Alternate Delegate Ilonka Salisbury report on their first RIRA meeting.

From Mr. Evans:
I just want to share a first impression in my new capacity with the volunteers that comprise the Roosevelt Island Residents Association.  The RIRA election results were available on Tuesday evening and the work of the "new" Association immediately began on Wednesday evening at the first meeting.  The first one for me and many others as a Common Council member - - how Exciting!

Each Common Council member was ceremoniously called to take a seat at the table and our newly elected President Katz smoothly and calmly began the agenda.  I noted that former President Farance was among those seated and it was obvious the change of office was seamless, as he participated in the session in the same manner as other members.

Given the hard work of Joyce Mincheff and Aaron Hamburger, the ranks of the new group swelled - - so much so that table seating of members was a challenge.  Perhaps a computer-aided design of the meeting room might help generate a more efficient seating plan.  Many of us will soon attend the President's member orientation session as part of getting settled in and this idea is much appreciated.  I am told that future meetings will bear even more excitement - - the prospects of such are truly Exciting!
From Ms. Salisbury:
I, Ilonka M. Salisbury, finally decided to step up and into joining the ranks and voices of the Council Representatives of this amazing little island that could, Roosevelt Island.  I have projected my enthusiasm to everyone I have met and have quietly listen to the more experience voices and I am more then just impressed with the commitment, thoughtfulness, and out and out intellectual talent that lives on this island and the dedication of the volunteers with the Common Council, RIRA!
My first council meeting was last night; this was the initial introduction of all of the new officers and the joy of seeing the return of long-term officers.  I completely enjoyed meeting and chatting with everyone and to see the whole process in session and moving forward…exciting!  Then came the discussion of should we/The Council pay to put lights up on the pole for the Holiday Season…I had no idea the emotion that would surface!  I am only an alternative at this time and yet I am compelled to share my opinion and I am of two minds:
  • I applaud the individuals who understand the need for RIRA to walk the fiscal line.  These individuals demonstrate courage to say no to spending and look toward the expenses of only the greatest of needs of the organization.  I am grateful that these fiscally responsible individuals are part of RIRA and may they always stay present! 
  • With that being said!!!  There are times or Holidays that tap our human collect consciences where memories, moments, a slice of time tap our inter-being and bring forth the feelings of humanity!  A time where we turn to pause and look at our fellow human being and realize the elation of life! Where we reach back and tap our ancient pagan ways and remember the LIGHT  that was brought forth in the middle of darkness and cold and no matter how we dress up this ritual and what each of us may call this ritual we as humans reach out to each other and feel the warmth of LIGHT.  So may that Pole share with the island that their Council Members know the importance of the Pole and this offering goes further then the importance of money!
There are just times where the soul leads and the wallet must follow!
Thank you to all for allowing me to join the Council and enjoy the benefits of living on Roosevelt Island!  Ilonka
RIRA Elections Committee Chairperson Joyce Mincheff did a fantastic job organizing and running our local community election. Ms Mincheff's election report to the RIRA Common Council follows:

The election for Officers and Common Council Representatives took place at 3 locations: 405 Main Street, 888 Main Street and PS/IS 217, from 6 AM to 9 PM on November 2, 2010. The entire Common Council will consist of 44 members and there will be 8 Alternates. A total of 1,470 votes were cast.
The rest of Ms. Mincheff's report and the final RIRA Election Vote numbers are here.