Wednesday, July 22, 2009

F Train Subway Delays Cause Long Line At Roosevelt Island Tram This Morning - Via Twitter

Twitpix Image From Roosevelt Island 360

Fellow blogger Roosevelt Island 360 earlier this morning tweets that:
F subway outage overloading Roosevelt Island tram line
Wow - From the picture it looks like the line winds all the way down to the Roosevelt Island Historical Society Kiosk.

At a little before 10 AM the line was gone.

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Anonymous said...

I was one of the commuters standing in line for the tram this morning. What I don't get is why everybody lined up in one file. I hate to admit it but after I was done at the Metrocard machine I did not go all the way back to the end of the line, I just stood next to somebody else and used the "bandwidth" of the entrance more efficiently.

Anonymous said...

" I hate to admit it but..."

"...used the bandwidth of the entrance more efficiently".

An apology that morphed into a rationalization for "cutting".


Very interesting turn of phrase

"used the bandwith of the entrance more efficiently"

I like it - even though rationalization for cutting the line

Anonymous said...

The bandwidth option is used quite often by many on a normal morning when there is no problem getting into a tram and most folks don't care as there are two turnstyles.

But to see it written here, when there was an obvious line, as a rationalization is amusing.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if the F was running ok to Queens but it might have been faster to go 1 stop to 21st Street and walk a half mile or so to Queens Plaza. Or take the bus.

Anonymous said...

The only reason why there was a line was because somebody started one and nobody wanted to cut in or dared to open a second one. There was absolutely no need to line up all the way to the kiosk in one line.

Anonymous said...

It's like the lines at Duane Reade or other stores with more than one cash register open and supposedly separate lines per cashier (like McDonalds). People still fall into one line and I always get looked at when I just start a new line. I then point out that we are supposed to form multiple lines. Too bad for everybody who cannot read the huge signs that hang above the registers.

Anonymous said...

It's like the lines at Duane Reade or other stores with more than one cash register open and supposedly separate lines per cashier (like McDonalds). People still fall into one line and I always get looked at when I just start a new line. I then point out that we are supposed to form multiple lines. Too bad for everybody who cannot read the huge signs that hang above the registers.

Anonymous said...

There is no law about multiple lines. People form one line for psychological reasons. If there is one line, everyone comes to the register in their turn. If there are more than one line, people feel bad if they join one line and the other starts moving faster. So forming one line creates a feeling of justice.

In my view, "second line formers" just jump the line. It is funny what phony excuses they make to justify their behavior.