Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Town Hall Meeting Tonight - Improved Interaction Between Community and Public Safety Dep't Sought

Image from RIOC

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) will be conducting a Public Safety Town Hall Meeting Tonight. Below is the Agenda.

Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Time: 8:00 - 9:30 PM
Place: Good Shepherd Community Center, 543 Main Street

1. Introduction

2. Presentation by Public Safety Department (15 minutes)

3. Discussion on Public Safety (up to 9:15 PM)
- Compliments and Complaints
- Questions, Answers, and Discussion

4. Discussion of Loss of Parking Spaces in front of PS/IS 217 (15 minutes)

5. Adjourn promptly at 9:30 PM
RIOC Public Safety Department Director Keith Guerra will be in attendance and forwards the following message:
I have been asked to speak on the topic of Juveniles and Adults interacting with Public Safety. I will be providing a Powerpoint Presentation and host a question and answer period. I'm looking forward to meeting with the concerned residents on the island.
I am sure that the May incident involving the arrest of the little league parent will be one of the issues discussed. Mr. Guerra prepared a report on the incident but RIOC prefers not to make the report public. RIOC President Steve Shane explains RIOC's position in his June 24 message (item 9):
...While the unfortunate events of May 30 on the ballfield are now receding into history, I would like to make clear that the matter has been thoroughly investigated and vetted internally. To answer concerns about RIOC’s possible prejudice looking into its own actions, we have invited an independent member of the community, RIRA’s former head of its public safety committee, to conduct an outside review of the matter. RIRA, unfortunately, has declined this offer, citing the gentleman's former law enforcement officer status (thus being familiar with arrest procedures) resulting in his potential prejudice. RIRA prefers instead to have such inquiry undertaken by the present head of its public safety committee, who has no law enforcement experience and had recently been personally involved in a dispute involving a member of her family with Public Safety. RIOC has respectfully declined such a review.
Commenting on this incident, Assembly Member Micah Kellner, while acknowledging that he did not witness the event, states:
... I expect the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC) and the Public Safety Department (PSD) to take steps to ensure that PSD officers are properly trained to respond constructively to disputes and act as mediators and not belligerents. In the longer term, I am working on legislation to create a civilian review complaint board that will bring community oversight to police officers employed by public agencies, ensuring greater accountability on the part of PSD and other similar security forces...

... On June 4th, Council Member Jessica Lappin and I wrote to RIOC President Steve Shane, expressing our shared concerns on these matters and requesting a meeting to further discuss the incident. I have posted a copy of that letter in the Publications section of my website. I will continue to keep you updated on this serious matter.
Assembly Member Kellner and Council Member Lappin's letter is here.

Or Click on image to read

There are other community perspectives on the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department as well. Mr. Shane forwards the following message:
I am forwarding this letter as a different example of PSD's standing in the community.
The message from Cynthia Ahn of Roosevelt Nails follows:
I am writing this letter to express my special gratitude to RIOC, your leadership, and the Public Safety officers who work to make this island a safer and better place.

As you know, I am running a nail salon on Main Street. There have been incidents in the past where had a Public Safety officer not been passing by to notice a broken window in my storefront or a leaking pipe, my business and livelihood could have been seriously hurt. I recall their dedication to service as they stood watch at the front doors of my salon until the necessary measures had been taken to fix the respective situations.

When I have elderly customers who have trouble walking home alone, I call Public Safety, and the officers arrive promptly and ready to assist. I have yet to find any other community in New York City where the residents receive this kind of personal service.

Summer evenings on a bench with a friend near the river are spent peacefully and in security, because the Public Safety patrol car can often be seen passing by.

I am very proud to live on Roosevelt Island, where every time I step foot on the island soil, I feel comforted and at home, as though the entire island was my backyard.

Once again, I am grateful to you and to the Public Safety officers of this town.
In order for tonight's Public Safety Town Hall Meeting to be productive, I hope it is not going to degenerate into a venue for bashing or blaming either the community or Public Safety Department.


Anonymous said...

I attended the meeting last night and, while I did not ask any questions or give any comments, I thought the Public Safety Chief was very informative and the Community Interaction was productive. Hopefully, there will be more of these open dialogues, which can only help relations here on the Island we love.

Anonymous said...

While I don't particularly like Farance and his ways, I thought he did a good job moderating the meeting. He gave everyone in the audience an opportunity to speak in order, and allowed the guest speakers their opportunities to to respond. Good Meeting.