Monday, July 20, 2009

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Reports - 7/6 Thru 7/19 - Peeping Tom, Bed Bugs, Indecent Exposure, Passport Found & Public Safety Town Hall Meeting

Image of Roosevelt Island Public Safety Officers from RIOC

I recently started a new feature on the blog. Every day, I am posting the current Roosevelt Island 24 hour Public Safety Report on the inside right sidebar, just below the RIOC Directors email address. You can now read a daily log of the incidents for which the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department responded to the previous day rather than wait for the weekly or bi weekly compilation of aggregated reports, though I will continue to post the aggregate listings like those below from time to time.

RIOC is still posting the most current Daily and June 2009 Monthly Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident reports on their web site. Also, available is a breakdown of Roosevelt Island Public Safety incidents by location and category (the Blotter) for the months of June 2009.

There will be a Public Safety Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, July 22 8PM at the Good Shepherd Community Center. RIOC Public Safety Director Keith Guerra and Commanders from nearby Police Precincts will attend and be available to answer questions from the Roosevelt Island community.

Below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for July 6 - July 19, 2009. Incidents include:
  • Bike Taken From Rack (7/6)
  • Peeping Tom (7/7)
  • Bed Bug Reported (7/8)
  • Indecent Exposure (7/9)
  • Flag Taken From Kiosk (7/10)
  • Criminal Possession of Marijuana (7/11)
  • Egg Thrown In Hallway/Apartment (7/13,14)
  • Pickpocket (7/14)
  • Taking Photos While Standing on Rocks From West Seawall (7/14)
  • Parrot Found on Apartment Ledge (7/15)
  • Excessive Cab Fare Charged From Kennedy Airport (7/15)
  • U.S. Passport Found in Mailbox (7/16)
  • Red Bus Rider Yells at Driver (7/17)
  • Gang Graffiti (7/17) and
  • Trespass - 2 subjects entered apartment while tenant inside.
0700 hrs 07/06/09 - 0700 hrs 07/07/09

Found Property - PSD officer found bike. Bike was secured at PSD.

Unsecured Premises - PSD officer found a gate open. Officer secured premises.

Escort - Tenant requested someone removed from her apartment. PSD responded and escorted person out of apartment.

Found Property - Bike owner reported to PSD that he broke off in bike lock and requested PSD assistance. PSD clipped lock and owner retrieved bike.

Dispute - PSD responded for dispute between two males. Both subjects were separated. Both parties refused not to pursue the matter and went their own separate way.

Aided - PSD and EMS responded for aided. Aided stated she was not feeling well and was transported to hospital.

Verbal Disagreement - Between two parties. PSD responded and corrected condition.

Escort - PSD escorted person to apartment to retrieve his belongings. Person picked up property and left apartment.

Petit Larceny - Owner reports bike was taken from bike rack. Owner refused NYPD.

Unsecured Premises - PSD officer observed open door. Search was conducted and appeared in order. Door was secured by PSD.

Noise Complaint - Tenant complained to PSD that tenant under him was playing music too loud. PSD spoke to resident and music was turned off.

0700 hrs 07/07/09 - 0700 hrs 07/08/09

Petty Larceny - Victim Reported to PSD that two subjects took property that was left attendant. Search was conducted with negative results. Owner refused NYPD .

Reckless Endangerment - PSD officer responded for report of objects being thrown out of window. Search was conducted with negative results.

Aided - Reported to PSD that she fell. EMS was called and aided transported to hospital.

Investigation - Tenant reported to PSD that youth was peeping into tenant's window. Tenant chased youth away. Parent of the youth came into PSD and spoke with PSD supervisor. Incident referred to PSD youth officer.

EDP - PSD responded for aided screaming and creating disturbance. PSD notified EMS and NYPD . Aided was transported to hospital for evaluation.

There's More!

0700 hrs 0708/09 - 0700 hrs 07/09/09

Aided - Youth fell while playing basketball. Parent was contacted and EMS responded. Aided transported to hospital.

Aided - PSD and NYPD responded for possible aided. Elderly female fell and was picked up. Refused medical attention.

Shoplifting/Robbery - Reporter stated to PSD that two male subject got on line to pay for item, but walked passed reporter with out paying and out of store. Reporter followed subjects out of store and stated to subjects to bring item back. One of the subjects walked back to the reporter and slapped him and fled. PSD made search with negative results. NYPD and EMS refused.

Family Dispute - Parents of a child came into PSD and stated they were having disagreement over visitation hours and custody of the child. Both parties were given info and referred to family court.

Aided - Lost balance and fell. PSD responded along with EMS. Aided transported to hospital.

Investigation - Reporter stated to PSD he was having problem with bed bugs. Reporter stated management was unable to assist. Reporter was referred to 311.

Aided - PSD and EMS responded for aided not felling well. Aided transported to hospital.

Investigation - Anonymous tip called in reporting suspicious activity. Upon PSD arrival, area was checked and all was in order.

Found Property - RIOC bus driver turned in cell phone to PSD that was found on bus. PSD called owner and will pick up. Phone secured at PSD.

Found Property - Female found driver license and turned it over to PSD. Property was secured at PSD.

Noise Complaint - Tenant called PSD to report loud talking and yelling out side of his apartment window. PSD officer responded and advised individuals to keep their voices down. Reporter called back again stating they placed object in door to prop it open. PSD responded back to monitor the area during the tour. No one returned and there were no further complaints.

7/9/09-07:00 AM to 7/10/09-7:00 AM

Noise Complaint/ Hazardous Condition-Loud Talking and improper use of exit door. Search made with negative results.

Criminal Mischief- Youth emptied glue onto the carpet of a building. Search made with negative results. UA notified. NYPD refused.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.

Investigation- A report that a youth had allegedly exposed himself to three other youths. NYPD refused by parents. Search made with negative results.

Aided- Female with Multiple Sclerosis had a seizure. EMS responded and transport refused. Aided remained with the home attendant.

Aided- Female with Vertigo was escorted to her residence by Tram Employee. EMS refused. Female left with husband in apt.

Missing Patient- Gold Water Hospital patient. Search Made with negative results.

Unsecured Premises- Island Kids School. Search made and all in order inside and outside. Island Kids notified.

7/10/09-07:00 AM to 7/11/09-7:00 AM

Criminal Mischief- Broken Glass in lobby. Search made for subject with negative results. UA notified. NYPD refused.

Petit larceny- A flag was taken from the Kiosk Visitor center. NYPD refused. Search made for the subject with negative results.

Investigation- Parent of a youth reported he left apt and is believed to be in an unknown apt in the island. NYPD refused. Search made with negative results.

Aided- Pregnant female possibly in Labor. EMS refused. Female transported to the Tram by PSD. Doctor awaiting her arrival to Manhattan.

Reckless Endangerment- Unknown youth threw a beer can on to the patio of a resident. No injuries. search for the subject made with negative results.

Aided- Elderly female with a possible broken ankle taken to the hospital by EMS.

Investigation- Tenant reported that the front door to his apt was tampered with. UA responded and checked the door for any damages. NYPD refused.

Found Property- A cell phone. It was secured in PSD.

Found Property- Cell Phone locked and secured in PSD. Battery not working and unable to notify the owner.

Found Property- A Black wallet. It was locked and secured in PSD.

Burglary/Investigation- Friend of deceased tenant reported a missing TV from the apt. UA notified. Search made for subject with negative results. UA to change the cylinder of the lock. PSD to conduct further investigation. NYPD refused.

Unreasonable Noise- Car Alarm. PSD responded to tenant's apt and there was no answer at the door. Alarm continued to sound. Access was gained into vehicle and batter cable was disconnected. Noise ceased and summonses issued to the vehicle for unreasonable noise.

Trespass- Subject arrested by PSD.

Unlawful Possession of Marijuana-/Trespass- Two subjects arrested by PSD.

Open Container of Alcohol- Subjected arrested by PSD.

7/11/09-07:00 AM to 7/12/09-07:00

Lock Out- Resident accidently locked himself out of the apt. UA notified. PSD checked identification and UA provided access.

Aided- Pregnant female complained of labor pains. EMS transported her to the hospital.

Verbal Dispute- In apt. No injuries. NYPD refused. Person who started the dispute had left the apt.

Unsecured Premise- Blackwell House. Search made and interior and exterior in order. It was locked and secured by PSD.

Criminal Possession of Marijuana- 2 subjects arrested by PSD.

Found Property- A Purse. It was turned over to PSD by TA/PD who found it in the subway.
Owner/Resident of the Island. It was returned to her.

7/12/09-07:00 AM TO 7/13/09-7:00 AM

Aided- Ill person taken to the hospital by EMS.

Smoke Condition- In building. Smell of burnt food. Unable to locate the apt but windows were opened smoke cleared out. No injuries or property damage.

Domestic Dispute- Between Mother and daughter. Verbal with no injuries. Daughter left apt. NYPD refused.

Dispute- Between Male and female. Male escorted out by PSD. No injuries. NYPD refused.

Alarm- At 591 Main Street. PSD responded and all in order. The alarm was reset and ADT was notified.

Investigation- Between 2 males who asked a female for a cigarette. When told she doesn't have one they left without incident. Female was concerned.

7/13/09-7:00 AM to 7/14/09-7:00 AM

Alarm Response- At Warehouse and the Mini Bus Garage. Search made of these areas and all in order. The alarm was reset and ADT was notified.

Verbal Dispute- Between a resident and a male in apt. Male escorted out. No injuries.
NYPD refused.

Light House Entrance- The lock to the gate was missing. Search made and area in order. the lock was replaced and area secured.

Aided- Female needed assistance getting up. EMS responded, but aided refused to be transported to the hospital.

Misunderstanding- Between Home attendant and resident. No injuries and NYPD refused.

Criminal Mischief- Eggs thrown in hallway. No damage to door. UA notified. NYPD refused.

Criminal Mischief- Window cracked in the building. Search made with negative results. UA notified.

7/14/09-7:00 AM TO 7/15/09-7:00 AM

Criminal Mischief - Unknown subject threw eggs on apt doors. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified and clean the door.

Past Grand Larceny - Female was bumped into by a male. She checked for her wallet and it was gone. The male had left. NYPD notified and conducting an investigation.

Trespass - 2 Subjects questioned by PSD. They were taking photos of the River while standing on the rocks from the West sea wall. they were warned and admonished.

Past incident of Exposure of a person - Male youth exposed his private parts to 2 female youths. Parent refused NYPD. Manhattan Management notified and PSD will monitor the area. Search for the subject yielded negative results.

Vehicle Accident - Vehicle parked in the breeze way and without anyone inside it rolled into a metal pole and chain. No injuries to anyone. No damage to property or vehicle.

Investigation of Harassment - Mother of adult son stated a business on the Island refused to allow her son access due to him always being intoxicated. NYPD refused.

Accident - PSD vehicle parked at 114 th Pct while Detective on an arrest. Upon return to the vehicle there was a dent on rear right bumper. No injuries.

Aided - Female ill. EMS responded and transport to the hospital was refused.

7/15/09-7:00 AM to 7/16/09-7:00 AM

Missing Youth- Guardian reported son missing. PSD conducted a search and located the youth. He was returned to the guardian.

Investigation- Parrot on ledge outside of an apt. Tenant in a hurry to go to work and will call Animal Care and Control upon her return from work.

Investigation- 2 Youths were charged excessive fare for a ride from John F. Kennedy Air Port to Roosevelt Island. NYPD responded and youths to file a report with The Port Authority Police.

Unlawful Possession of Marijuana- 2 Subjects arrested by PSD.

Investigation- Unknown Subject threw rocks at rear of apt and kicked the apt door. search conducted for the subject with negative results. UA notified.

Criminal Mischief-A flower Planter was tuned over and plants removed from another. Search conducted with negative results. Door person cleaned up the mess. RY Management notified.

Found Property- Bag found rear of a building. It was locked and secured in PSD.

0700 hrs 07/16/09 - 0700 hrs 07/17/09

Criminal Mischief- Overturned planter, search conducted for possible subject with negative results.

Found Property- A Nike Back pack, Property inventory file. Bag secure in sgt cabinet.

Property Removal- Owner of a Blue bicycle that was removed by PSD from a sign pole came to retrieve it.

Aided- PSD Responded to apartment in Roosevelt Landings for complaint that tenant have not been seen for months. All inside apartment was in order, no one inside

Aided- Aided transported to Mt. Sinia Hospital complaining of pain on the right leg, after falling inside apartment with a loose tile. super on scene, photo taken

Found Property- Anonymous male returned a GPS system that he found. No information was provided. system secured inside sgt cabinet

Found Property- NYPD Transit returned a cell phone found inside train platform. Item locked and secured in sgt cabinet

Found Property- Island resident returned US passport that he found inside his mailbox. Item locked and secured inside sgt cabinet.

07/17/09 0700hrs - 07/18/09 0700hrs

Harassment- Disgruntle passenger yelled at red bus driver, PSD responded and corrected condition.

Noise Complaint- Tenant complained about music coming from community room, PSD responded and corrected condition.

Aided- Male fell while using restroom, EMS and PSD responded, EMS picked aided up, aided had no injuries.

Disabled Vehicle- RIOC red bus shut off, towed to bus garage.

Gang Graffiti- While patrolling PSD observed graffiti on wall, Urban American notified.

Unsecured Apartment- Apartment was unsecured PSD respond, search area, secure area.

Trespass- While patrolling PSD observed people loitering in hallway, individuals were summons and released.

7/18/09-7:00 AM to 7/19/09-7:00 AM

Unsecured Apt- Search with negative results. No one inside. Apt was locked and secured.

Trespass- 2 Subjects arrested by PSD.

Grand larceny Auto ( Off Island)- Resident reported to PSD and NYPD responded.

Harassment- Between 2 Island residents. NYPD refused.

Aided- Elderly Male fell in apt and sustained a broken right hip. EMS transported him to the hospital.

Investigation- Unknown subject threw an object at a rear window. No damage to the window. Search conducted with negative results. NYPD refused.

Harassment- Between tenants. NYPD refused. Both advised to stay away from each other.

Unsafe Condition- 3 Bicycles chained in stairwell. UA notified. Unable to clip.

7/19/09-7:00 AM to 7/20/09-7:00 AM

Domestic Dispute- Between a Male and his ex girlfriend. No injuries and NYPD refused. Male escorted out of the apt.

Domestic Dispute- Between Female and her ex-boyfriend. No injuries. She will got to NYPD on her own.

Aided- A female fell and sustained injury to her right foot. EMS transported her to the hospital.

Trespass- 2 males subjects entered an apt while the tenant was inside. They fled with the apt keys. UA notified and replaced the lock. No injuries. NYPD responded. Search for the subjects with negative results.