Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Roosevelt Island Blackwell Park Improvement Renovations Underway, New Safer Sidewalks And Plaza Area, ADA Compatible Walkway, Upgraded Water System And Picnic Benches For Shadeless Concrete Area Outside Of Library

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) began work last July on the approximately $1.05 million Blackwell Park Improvement Project to:

... provide a safer sidewalk and plaza area for the community to use, it will provide an ADA compliant walkway to the ramp for the Blackwell House and an open seating area outside of the NYPL library. In addition, the existing site utilities will be upgraded, including a new RPZ...

 Earlier this month, the Blackwell Park construction area looked like this

and today

According to RIOC:

On Monday, July 26th, Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC) commenced work on the Blackwell Park Improvement Project, which will help shape a safer, more accessible, and welcoming outdoor space for the community and visitors alike.

Improvements that the project offers include ADA compliant group seating, renovated walkways and plaza pavers for safe, smooth travel, and an upgraded water distribution system.

These improvements will take place in three consecutive phases: 

Phase 1: Revamp of the open space adjacent to the Roosevelt Island branch of the New York Public Library, making way for an inviting communal area

Phase 2: Renovation of distressed sidewalks and pathways

Phase 3: Upgrades to the water distribution system and the overhaul of fractured plaza pavers

The project is expected to be completed in early fall of 2021

Some residents have expressed reservations over the concrete floor in the outdoor area with little or no shade next to the Roosevelt Island Public Library and Living Gardens green area. Also, the picnic tables for the outdoor area next to the Library shown in Phase 3 picture above do not appear to be suitable for comfortable reading while sitting.

Here's the memo in support of the Blackwell Park Improvement Project prior to the June 24 2021 RIOC Board Of Directors.