Thursday, September 19, 2024

Watch Video Of Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department September 17 Monthly Community Engagement Meeting With Chief Brown and Deputy Chief Amoroso - Items Discussed Include Domestic Assaults, Overcrowding Disaster Averted, Motorbike Crackdown/Confiscation, Pet Registration & More

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department (PSD) Chief Kevin Brown and Deputy Chief Anthony Amoroso hosted the PSD Monthly Community Engagement  with a small gathering of Roosevelt Island residents at the Good Shepherd Chapel on Tuesday evening September 17.

Among the issues discussed were:

  • Recent events including National Night Out and School Backpack & supplies giveaway (over 300 backpacks given away),
  • 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony,
  • Pet Registrations,
  • Overcrowding last Saturday during the Flower Market public art installation at Four Freedoms Park,
  • Crackdown on reckless Main Street motorbike drivers and confiscation of their vehicles,
  • Too many domestic violence assaults occurring,
  • Ambulance and FDNY vehicles will be stationed on Roosevelt Island during the upcoming UN General Assembly Week when the Roosevelt Island Bridge is often closed
  • among other issues.

Watch the full video


of the meeting.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Good News For Roosevelt Island Non Profit Organizations, RIOC Seeks Approval To Increase Total Annual Public Purpose Funds Distribution From $150 Thousand To $250 Thousand At September 19 Board Of Directors Meeting

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors

will meet Thursday September 19 in the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main Street) beginning at 5:30 pm.

You're invited to attend, ask questions and share concerns about Roosevelt Island during the opening Public Session before the start of the RIOC Board meeting. Sign up to speak here.

Among the items on the Agenda are:

  1. Adoption of the Whistleblower Policy and Procedures (Board Action Required)
  2. Discussion of the Proposed By-Laws Revisions (Materials to Follow)
  3. Authorization to Increase the Public Purpose Funds Amount (Board Action Required - Materials to Follow)
  4. Authorization to Enter into Contract with the New York Community Trust (“NYCT”) for Public Purpose Funds Grant Program (Board Action Required – Materials to Follow) 5. Update on the Bus Operations...

Here's the full agenda for the September 19 RIOC Board Of Directors Meeting.

Here's the memo from RIOC CFO Dhru Amin to the RIOC Board of Directors in support of increasing Public Purpose Funds from $150 thousand to $250 thousand annually

and memo in support of the NY Community Trust to continue administering the Public Purpose Funds program.

As reported May 12, 2023, the Roosevelt Island Public Purpose Fund 

Image From NY Community Trust

administered by NY Community Trust distributed:

... $301,000 in two-year grants to 12 nonprofits working to benefit Roosevelt Island residents and enhance their quality of life....

... Based on formal criteria laid out in the Request for Proposals, they prioritized projects that enhanced the well-being of Roosevelt Island residents; organizations with a history of commitment and a proven track record of serving Roosevelt Island; that filled a critical gap in services to historically under-resourced communities (such as low-income populations, communities of color, older adults, and people with disabilities); that clearly articulated project outcomes and activities; and that aimed for long-term engagement with beneficiaries.

The grant recipients are:

 In addition, the Fund provided a grant of $15,000 to Community Resource Exchange to offer a series of free management and network-building workshops to grantees and other Roosevelt Island nonprofits. The workshops will help strengthen nonprofits in areas such as marketing, fundraising, and creating strategic partnerships.

There have been concerns raised by some Roosevelt Island organizations about a lack of transparency by NY Community Trust in not publicly reporting the reasons why some groups receive greater and others lesser amounts of Public Purpose Funds as was done in prior years when the Roosevelt Island Residents Association made these recommendations to RIOC. It's not clear whether greater reporting transparency is including in this new agreement with RIOC.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Do You Want Roosevelt Island Residents To Have Power To Vote For Members Of the RIOC Board Of Directors? NYC Council Member Julie Menin Introduced Resolution For Direct RIOC Director Elections, You Can Testify In Person, Virtually Or Writing Thursday September 19

Roosevelt Island's NYC Council Member Julie Menin's Director of Constituent Services Harry Gale reports:

... this past February Council Member Julie Menin introduced Resolution 0132,  calling on the NY State Legislature and Government to grant residents of Roosevelt Island the power to vote for members of the board of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation. You can read more about the bill here

Just today, the Council Committee on Government Operations, State and Federal Legislation announced that this bill will be heard during their 10am hearing this Thursday, the 19th. We are encouraging all members of the community to testify either in person at the Committee Room at City Hall, virtually through zoom or you may submit written testimony. To register, please visit  and click on the 9/19 Committee on Government Operations, State and Federal Legislation. Unfortunately, Council Member Menin is not a member of this committee and is already scheduled to speak at a healthcare related conference during this hearing. 

Roosevelt Island resident, Manhattan Community Board 8 (CB 8) member and CB 8 Roosevelt Island committee chair Paul Krikler has been an advocate of elections for Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board Directors and organized a petition drive which obtained almost 1100 signatures in support of direct RIOC Board elections. 

I asked Mr Krikler for comment on the resolution. Mr Krikler replied:

I am a member of Community Board 8, but I am commenting in my individual capacity as a resident of RI; As a four year resident of Roosevelt Island, I am thrilled to see Res 0132. I plan on attending the hearing to give testimony in support of this resolution. I will be speaking on behalf of the nearly 1,100 people who signed a petition, we residents started, demanding direct elections of the RIOC Directors. 

We have had too many years of lackadaisical and ineffective management at RIOC. While current interim management are a breathe of fresh air, we need better oversight of RIOC as this is the rarity and not the norm. I encourage others to testify, in person, on zoom or with written testimony. The City Council needs to hear from us all.

Mr Krikler hosted a July 1, 2024 CB 8 Roosevelt Island committee meeting discussion about direct elections of RIOC Board Directors with NY State Senator Liz KruegerAssembly Member Rebecca Seawright and concerned residents. Here's the discussion.

Click here for info to testify on the resolution in support of RIOC Board directors before the 9/19 Committee on Government Operations, State and Federal Legislation in person, virtually by zoom or submit written testimony.

But be aware that the NYC Council has no power to implement RIOC Board elections which is under the jurisdiction of NY State although passing the resolution could have a degree of persuasive authority on the issue with NY State decision makers.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Join RIHS For A Fun Evening Of Roosevelt Island Facts, Fiction And Fantasy At The RI Public Library 6:30 PM Tuesday September 17 - Or Attend The Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Community Engagement Meeting 6 PM Same Day

There are 2 very interesting Roosevelt Island meetings taking place tomorrow evening but their start times overlap each other.

Join Roosevelt Island Historical Society (RIHS) President Judy Berdy Tuesday September 17 at the Roosevelt Island NY Public Library branch for a fun talk about the past, present and future of Roosevelt Island.
Many of the things you wondered about the island answered in one evening. Many of us have lived here for decades and have accumulated vast amounts of information (and some mis-information). Join Judith Berdy, long time resident as she takes on a history trip and into how the community developed and how it became the Roosevelt Island we live in today.

“This is a great introduction for our new residents who have many questions about our community,” Judy says. “Join us for a fun evening of facts, fiction and fantasy.”

When: September 17th, @ 6:30 p.m.

Where: New York Public Library Branch, 504 Main Street

*This is a free public program of the Roosevelt Island Historical Society (RIHS). No Registration Required

This is an in-person event

Also, the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department is holding a monthly community engagement meeting at the Good Shepherd Community Center on Thursday evening too, starting a half hour earlier.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Scenes From Yesterday's 2024 Roosevelt Island Fall For Arts Festival At The Meditation Lawn - Meet Some Of The Mural Painters And Enjoy The Jazz Concerts At Library Outdoor Patio

Take a virtual tour of yesterday's Roosevelt Island Fall For Arts Festival at Mediation Lawn organized by the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) and RIVAA Gallery

and meet some of the Mural painters.

There were also 2 wonderful jazz concerts


at the Roosevelt Island Public Library outdoor patio.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Roosevelt Island Public Safety And NYPD Forced To Shut Down Cj Hendry's Flower Market Public Art Installation At FDR 4 Freedoms Park Today Due To Large Crowds - Over 5 Thousand People Showed Up Today

As reported yesterday

the Roosevelt Island FDR 4 Freedoms Park was hosting "Flower Market" public art installation by artist Cj Hendry this weekend:

... Cj is thrilled to announce her upcoming exhibition Flower Market, a stunning new collaboration with global luxury beauty brand Clé de Peau Beauté and in partnership with Four Freedoms Park Conservancy. Known for creating art on a grand scale, Cj’s latest extraordinary exhibit is no different and features a 120-foot by 40-foot greenhouse built on the lawn of the FDR Four Freedoms State Park on Roosevelt Island. The greenhouse will be filled with 100,000 meticulously crafted plush flowers inspired by the natural radiance and botanicals used in Clé de Peau Beauté products....

Visitors were encouraged to register for free tickets but this morning the Roosevelt Island Flower Market location was overwhelmed with crowds of visitors without tickets. At least 5 thousand people showed up at the gates to Southpoint Park and FDR 4 Freedoms Park 

to attend the Flower Market exhibition.

A Tipster reported: 
 Chaos at south point park, public safety “closed” the flower event due to overcrowding and are telling everyone to exit the park, terrible organization and communication! Hundreds of people still on their way and there is no info on any socials about this so maybe you can share!”. Hoping to avoid another Cherry Blossom Festival disaster

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department (PSD) and the NYPD were forced to close the park in the morning due to the large crowds.

RIOC PSD Chief Kevin Brown was at the subway station explaining to a woman that the Flower Market exhibition was closed due to overcrowding.

According to FDR 4 Freedom Parks Conservancy CEO Howard Axel:

We had to shut down the event in an abundance of caution. And the good folks from NYPD and PSD are assisting us. The event is over and we will open the gates as soon as we can to regular park visitors.

After the park was closed, the line of people already inside was 3 hours long to get into the Flower Market greenhouse

Fortunately, the crowd was well behaved and took the long line in good cheer for the most part.

The Flower Market at 4 Freedoms Park was cancelled for today and tomorrow. Cj Hendry explains:

The event was moved to Industry City tomorrow in Brooklyn.

Roosevelt Island clearly cannot handle events with these type of large crowds. Fortunately, Roosevelt Island PSD and the NYPD were able to safely control the crowds and avoid a repeat of the dangerous overcrowded chaos caused by the 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival.

Today's Roosevelt Island Fall For Arts Festival was not impacted at all 

by the overcrowding at Southpoint and FDR Park.