Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Customers Throng Opening of Roosevelt Island's New Restaurant - Nonno's Focacceria

I never in my life thought I would write these words but here goes.
I tried to get into a Roosevelt Island restaurant this afternoon for lunch but it was too crowded. Every seat was occupied and there was a long line at the counter for the opening of the much anticipated and long awaited Nonno's Focacceria at 455 Main Street (212-753-2300 or 2307).
I look forward to going back later today.
A great big WELCOME to Roosevelt Island for Nonno's!!!
Roosevelt Island's Riverwalk buildings now have a Starbucks, Duane Reade, Italian Restaurant (Nonno's) and a soon to be open Japanese restaurant. Piece by piece Roosevelt Island's Berlin Wall is falling.
Image is of the lunch time crowd at Nonno's.
UPDATE: Returned to Nonno's later in the day. Had a spicy buffalo chicken wrap. It was very good. Will definitely be back for more.