Monday, December 16, 2024

Roosevelt Island Holiday Fire Safety Preparedness Inside Your Home Family Seminar Presented By RIOC Public Safety & RI Residents Association Tuesday December 17 At Good Shepherd - Fire Safety Bedside Bags Will Be Given Out To Attendees

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department reports:

Dear Roosevelt Island Community:

On Tuesday, December 17th from 6-7 PM in the Good Shepherd Community Center, RIOC and the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) will present a special "Holiday Fire Safety Preparedness Seminar" which will cover preparedness, prevention, and response for fires inside the home. Attendees of the seminar will receive a free "Fire Safety Bedside Bag," which will include small items that can help you in the event of a fire in the home.*

Said RIRA President Frank Farance, "This is the busiest time of year for home fires. POP QUIZ: A dried out Christmas Tree will become engulfed in flames in about:

(A) 2-3 seconds;

(B) 30 seconds;

(C) 2-3 minutes.

"The answer is (A) - now count One-Mississippi, Two-Mississippi, and it's that quick. Also, what happens when an emergency - fire, flood, tornado, earthquake, power failure, etc. occurs in the middle of the night when you're sleeping? We have an answer for that, and each of you will get a free Bedside Bag, including whistle and flashlight. This will complement your Go Bag and your Stay Box - and you'll learn more about making it easier to respond to these emergencies.

"This is a family friendly presentation, so children and youth are welcome. Encourage your teens to attend as they can be the biggest helpers for family safety. The presentation will leave enough time for Questions and Answers. Looking forward to a happy, healthy, and SAFE holiday season."

We hope to see you next Tuesday (12/17) at 6pm in Good Shepherd Chapel!