Saturday, February 8, 2025

Roosevelt Island Church Of The Good Shepherd Offering Free Take Away Fully Prepared Meals Every Second And Fourth Sunday Of Month From Nneji Astoria Restaurant Starting Feb 9 - "Please Join Us For Open Table"

 Roosevelt Island resident Verna Fitzpatrick reports:

The Church of the Good Shepherd (543 Main Street) is offering free take away fully prepared meals every second and fourth Sunday of the month at 10:30am. Please join us for Open Table.

First come, first served. 100 meals will be distributed.

Next distribution will be this coming Sunday, February 9th at 10:30am

Nneji - Astoria is providing the meals as part of food access work across the country.

Roosevelt Island resident Beatrice Ajaero is the owner of Nneji.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Roosevelt Island RIVAA Gallery Celebrates Black History Month Honoring Unlauded Inventors Of Culture, Tech & Medicine, Take A Sneak Video Tour With Exhibit Curator - You're Invited To February 8 Opening Reception

Roosevelt Island RIVAA Gallery invites you to celebrate Black History Month with their upcoming exhibition highlighting the contributions of unlauded Black inventors. You're invited to the exhibition's opening reception tomorrow night, February 8 from 6-9 PM.

Earlier today, I received a pre-opening tour of the exhibition from co-curator Amazia Thompson.

According to Mr Thompson:

I have co-curators that I've invited from different boroughs. Essentially, this exhibition is focusing on black inventors. It's called The Lives That Made The Lives We Live and it's focusing on a lot of the times whether it be inventors of culture, inventors of technology or inventors of medicine, black hands are interwoven into the fabric of what we sometimes take for granted.

For example ... we have an aspect of other cultures renditions of their divinities depicted as women. We have Mother Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the Water and then the abstract usually takes place with identity. We have one of my favorites which is a rendition of Black Angel Babies and this one was unique to me because oftentimes Divinity is close to Whiteness in a lot of ways and so Light is associated with good, Darkness with bad but this is a reminder that oftentimes perception is not what we think...

RIVAA Gallery adds:

The Lives That Made The Life We Live

Opening reception: Saturday, February 8, 6-9 PM

RIVAA Gallery

On view February 7 – March 2, 2025

The Lives That Made The Life We Live is an exhibition highlighting unlauded Black inventors and their silent impact on our way of living. Through this exhibition, artists explore the effects of Black inventions on the physical world and human psyche in mediums ranging from paint and textiles to photography and film. Serving as a tribute to these forgotten legacies, it calls for recognition and respect for Black creators who touch every part of our lives, often missed and taken for granted, spanning culture, technology, medicine, and everything in between and beyond.

Join us at RIVAA Gallery on Saturday, February 8th, from 6-9 PM for art, music and performances at the opening ceremony of this exhibition honoring Black History Month. 


 More info about the RIVAA Gallery available at their website.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Roosevelt Island Riverwalk Commons East Open Public Space Currently Under Construction For Planned Spring 2025 Opening With New Dog Run, Picnic Tables, Porch Swing & More

The Roosevelt Island Community WhatsApp group asked today about the layout for the still under construction Riverwalk East Commons public open space

between Riverwalk Park (#8) and the recently completed Riverwalk Heights (#9) buildings: 

A year or so ago, I saw a blueprint/design document for Riverwalk 9 that included a layout of the shared courtyard between buildings 8/9 including the dog park. Does anyone know where I could find this?

It’s too bad they didn't include both a small and large dog park. That is really important as some dogs need space to move but can’t be with bigger dogs, or need the option to be separated. Also, the increase in dogs thanks to the new building is notable.

I asked Riverwalk Heights and Riverwalk Park developer Hudson Related:

Several residents asked today about plans for the Riverwalk Commons dog run and other features.

Will the dog run have separate space for big and small dogs?

Also, what other features will the Commons have and is May the opening date?

Can you share any renderings or design of the Commons?

This was a proposed plan before construction.

Are there any changes?

Hudson Companies Jordan Camina replied:

The dog run will be split for small dogs and large dogs with separate entrances. The dog run will be a turf-type material designed for dogs.

We are still targeting a spring opening for the Commons East and work continues on-site towards completion.

The Commons was modified to be accessible directly from the riverside promenade as RIOC is no longer pursuing the bike-path project.

The design itself is largely unchanged besides the relocation of the dog run towards the river. Unfortunately, I don't have a nice color render of the Commons East like the original one you cited in your email.

During the February 3 RIOC Real Estate Development Advisory Committee meeting (REDAC), Mr Camina reported that the temporary dog run at Firefighters Field will soon be moving to the Riverwalk Commons East and that the new Dog Run will have lighting.

Related Companies Frank Monterisi describes the new Roosevelt Island Rivercross East Commons Open Space under construction

during a November 2024 interview.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Report From Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright On Roosevelt Island Tram Operations And Local Parents Seek Support For Increased Roosevelt Island 3K Seats Among Subjects Discussed At February 3 Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Committee Meeting

Community Board 8 (CB8) Roosevelt Island Committee Chair Paul Krikler hosted a February 3 virtual meeting discussing a variety of local issues.

Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright's community liaison Harley Neiditz reported that:

... the Assembly Member is currently busy in Albany with session and preparing for budget hearings as a member of the Ways and Means Committee. Our office is currently in communication with the Governor's office. We were informed of a couple of promising updates. We continue to press for clarity surrounding the request for priority boarding and a waiver. 

First additional swing dampeners will be installed to enable the Tram to increase its speed resulting in more trips per hour. Second, Poma, which is the tram contractor, has agreed to install the radio frequency system by quarter 3 which is the summer as opposed to quarter 4 which would have been December 2025. We're pushing for it to be moved up even further now as well.

We remain we remain supportive of the priority boarding resolution as proposed by CB 8 to include priority for New Yorkers.

Several Roosevelt Island parents spoke seeking support for increasing the number of 3k seats on Roosevelt Island. According to one parent:

... we understand the Roosevelt Island Day Nursery continues to write to whichever planning committee is responsible for allocating funds for 3K. They have the capacity to offer more spots and they have made that known to the Department of Education but they have not received approval to formally expand. Some of the parents have gotten together and we've got a petition and letter writing campaign...

If you wish to help secure more 3K seats for Roosevelt Island, click here for more info.

Roosevelt Island Historical Society (RIHS) President Judy Berdy invited residents to an upcoming

February 18 Lecture program, When Manhattan Was Dutch, at the Roosevelt Island Public Library. Ms Berdy adds that the RIHS programs at the Library are:

... a great way to meet your neighbors, to find out stuff about the island, to find out stuff about history and we're always glad to answer some of those innumerable questions that newcomers have to the Island...

Also, resident Joyce Short spoke about her efforts to define consent in regard to sexual assault penal laws 

Here's video of the full meeting.

The next CB 8 Roosevelt Island committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 3.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

RIOC Plans To Install Portland Loo Public Bathroom At Firefighters Field Next To The Tram Station And Riverwalk Residential Buildings

As reported last December;

The lack of public bathrooms on Roosevelt Island has been a problem for many years...

When you gotta go, where do you go on Roosevelt Island? The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) may have a solution. 

During the February 3, 2025 RIOC Real Estate Development Advisory Committee meeting, Acting Chief Operating Officer Mary Cunneen reported a plan to install a Portland Loo public bathroom at Firefighters Field. 

According to Ms Cunneen:

... We haven't finalized the location but probably if you're standing by the tram at the northeast corner of  Firefighters Field, right where the water fountain is.

The proposed location next to Firefighters Field is a few feet from the Roosevelt Island Tram and Riverwalk residential buildings.

Learn more about the Portland Loo public bathroom from the company's website.

Here's more on the Portland Loo

and another viewpoint


 from a critic of the Portland Loo public toilet.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Single Stop Of Fedcap Group Offering Appointment Only Free Roosevelt Island Tax Preparation Tuesdays Between February 4 And April 15, Stop By The Senior Center For More Info And To See If You Qualify

Roosevelt Island resident Louella Streitz reports that Single Stop, a member of The Fedcap Group, is offering free tax preparation by appointment only on Tuesdays from February 4 to April 15 at 546 Main Street. 

Click here to make your appointment for free tax preparation or stop by the Roosevelt Island Senior Center (546 Main Street) Tuesday 10 am - 2PM 

for more information.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Top Secret Meeting Inside The Roosevelt Island Tram Featured In Scene From The Night Agent Netflix Series - Check Out The Priority Seating For Seniors And People With Disabilities Signage

The Roosevelt Island Tram is featured in a scene from The Night Agent season 2 episode 9 showing now on Netflix. Check out the priority seating for Seniors and people with disabilities signage

It's a good action adventure series. I recommend watching it.