Monday, January 6, 2025

A Funny Roosevelt Island Christmas Moment - Resident Spots The Red Bus Driving By On Pennsylvania Highway, What's Going On?

Roosevelt Island resident Amanda Talmadge Sadlier reported on Christmas Day:

Happy Holidays.

Funny Christmas moment: Just saw a Roosevelt Island Red Bus 50 miles East of the Ohio border heading East on I-80.

Any ideas!?! Lol. Our whole car saw it!

 I replied:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family too. It may be one of the new Red Buses on order that is scheduled to be delivered in January. Maybe out for a test ride? Did you get a photo by any chance?

Ms Sadlier answered:

Lol. That's what we were wondering. No photo because we were driving the other way...I wonder where they are ordered from??? Because it was so far away and surprised that a test run would be happening on Christmas morning, especially in this part of the country that would almost all be celebrating!

Anyway, thought it was funny and worth sharing!

We can drive it back if they'd like to get it there a few days early!

I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Communications Director Bryant Daniels about the Red Bus spotted on a highway in Ohio.

According to Mr Daniels:

Man, you got eyes everywhere. What they saw were the new buses on the way to the Island from Minnesota, where they were manufactured. Christmas came early and we actually took delivery of them over the Holiday.

We still need to do some work before they hit the road but they are now on the Island.

They still need to be inspected, registered and test driven. I believe we still need to add the GPS tracking.

Here's one of the two new Roosevelt Island Red Buses

home at the RIOC Bus Depot.

RIOC Acting Chief Operating Officer Mary Cunneen provided an update on Red Bus operations during the December 11 RIOC Operations Advisory Committee meeting.

Here's video of Ms Cunneen's presentation.

Mr Daniels reported during this evening's Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island committee meeting that one of the two new Red Buses will be put in service later this week.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Resolution Supporting Priority Roosevelt Island Tram Boarding For Residents/Workers And Roosevelt Island Business Alliance Update On Agenda For Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Committee Virtual Meeting January 6 - Get Your Stickers Supporting Tram Priority Boarding

You're invited to attend the the Monday January 6 Manhattan Community Board 8 (CB 8) Roosevelt Island Committee meeting via Zoom starting at 6:30 PM.

Here's the full Agenda for tomorrow's CB 8 Roosevelt Island committee meeting.

According to CB 8 Roosevelt Island Committee Chair Paul Krikler:

Please join us for the next CB8RI meeting this coming Monday (1/6) at 630pm on Zoom. In addition to our usual updates (RIOC, Library and Community) we will be joined by Skip Hartman to tell us about The Roosevelt Island Business Alliance (TRBA).

We will also be discussing a resolution regarding priority boarding of the tram (see link to resolution). Resolutions are discussed at Committee first and then taken to the Full Board (Jan 15)

Come and voice your support.

Here is the proposed resolution.

2411 people have signed the Trampled By Tourists, Priority Boarding for Residents and Workers on the Roosevelt Island Tram petition.

Stickers have been created to show support for Roosevelt Island residents and workers Tram Boarding priority.
Supporters are encouraged to:
Stick them around the Tram Station to raise awareness and remind tourists to prioritize locals.

The Stickers are available at Island Discount store (563 Main Street) until tomorrow evening. 

Here's a July 2023 interview with three of the founding Directors of the The Roosevelt Island Business Alliance, Skip Hartman of the Roosevelt Island Racquet Club, David Kramer of the Hudson Companies and Frank (Turtle) Raffaele of The Sanctuary. 

Current members of TRIBA are:

Contact Skip Hartman if you're interested in more info about TRIBA.
Click here to attend tomorrow's CB 8 Roosevelt Island committee meeting via zoom.