Friday, January 3, 2025

The Further Adventures Of Rosie,The Roosevelt Island Wild Turkey - Watch Her Sprint To Achieve Takeoff Velocity Flying Up To Her Nightly Roosevelt Island Roosting Tree

The Manhattan Bird Alert and Hanabi have been chronicling the exploits of Rosie the wild turkey since her arrival last May on Roosevelt Island where she has made her home and has become our well liked neighbor.

Yesterday, the Manhattan Bird Alert showed us Rosie flying up to her nightly  Roosevelt Island roosting tree.

Rosie was strolling Main Street this afternoon waiting for the RIVAA Gallery to open.

At other times, Rosie has been spotted hanging out at the Roosevelt Island Starbucks.

Here's more on the adventures of Rosie, the Roosevelt Island wild turkey.

UPDATE 1/4 - Janet Falk adds:

Rosie thinking about what to order at Nisi 12/28/24

Rosie returned to Nisi today 

and was checking out the nearby Island House condos.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Great Work For Our Community Being Done By Roosevelt Island Non Profit Organizations - Take A Look Back At 2024 Accomplishments By Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance, iDig2Learn And Haki Compost Collective, Plans For 2025 Too

Roosevelt Island is fortunate to have many local non profit organizations run by residents offering a wide variety of services and programs for our community. Take a look back at what several of them have accomplished in 2024 and plans for 2025.

Haki Compost Collective.

Greetings from Haki,

WOW! In just 13 Saturdays we collected 7,093 pounds of veggie and fruit scraps for the Big Reuse compost program. 2025 kicks off this Saturday, January 4th and yes, the Haki volunteers will be on hand to collect your food scraps in the green bins from 9 am to 2 pm at Motorgate Plaza.

Volunteers welcome!

Please write to find out how you can be part of the Haki Compost Collective -

Corinna & Christina (Volunteers for Haki)

Thank you for all the great work you do for Roosevelt Island!!!!

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Best Wishes From Roosevelt Island For A Happy And Healthy New Year In 2025 - Cheers, We're Having A Party, Everybody's Swinging, Dancing To The Music On The Radio And With Some Classic Movies Too

Best Wishes to all for a Happy And Healthy New Year in 2025. 

Whether you're staying at home for a quiet New Year's Eve or out partying, there's no better way to celebrate the end of the past year than with a traditional last song from Southside Johnny & the Asbury Jukes together with Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band .
We're havin' a party
Everybody's swinging
Dancing to the music
On the radio
So listen, Mr. DJ
Keep those records playing
'Cause I'm having such a good time
Dancing with my baby



and Best Wishes for the 2025 New Year.

NY Post Reports Today "Selfie Obsessed Tourists Create Roosevelt Island Tram Jam: 'Horrible, Horrible!'" - Roosevelt Island Residents And Workers Asking For Priority Boarding Before Sightseeing Tourists

The NY Post reported today on the insanely long line of sightseeing tourists making life miserable for residents.

According to the NY Post:

Selfie-obsessed tourists have taken over the Roosevelt Island tram — creating a massive headache for locals who are being forced to wait in lines stacked with as many as 250 people.

The tram between Manhattan and the smaller iconic island has long been a tourist destination, but it took off in popularity this summer when it was blasted on various “top attractions in New York City” lists and across social media....

Click here to read the full NY Post article.

2370 people have signed the Trampled By Tourists, Priority Boarding for Residents and Workers on the Roosevelt Island Tram petition.

A group of Roosevelt Island residents spoke during the December 19 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors meeting Public Session advocating for residents/workers boarding preference on the Roosevelt Island Tram

Elected representatives including Mayor Adams, Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright and City Council Member Julie Menin have expressed support for some type of preference for residents and workers on the Roosevelt Island Tram.

Here's more info on the issue.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Sponsored Post - Register Your Children Now For Advantage Summer Camp Early Bird Price Offer At The Roosevelt Island Racquet Club - Your Kids Will Shine With Our Sports, Arts & Crafts, Fun And Enrichment Activities All Day Long


at the Roosevelt Island Racquet Club Advantage Summer Camps.
Register today to become one of NYC’s Coolest Campers for the Summer of 2025!
Advantage Summer Camps combine sports, arts and crafts, fun and enrichment activities to engage and inspire campers all day long!
Advantage Summer Camps - where your kids shine.
Hear from our Camp-goers.

Enrollment is now open for a summer of fun! Register today to take Advantage of our early bird offer: $200 off per week of Advantage Day Camp and $100 dollars off per week of Advantage Tennis Camp.

More info about our camps here and click here to register.

Please contact us for more info. or 718.239.7917

Take a look at some of the fun and activities from last year's Advantage Summer Camp at the Roosevelt Island Racquet Club.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Another Day Of Insane Roosevelt Island Tram Line Full Of Sightseeing Tourists Making Life Miserable For Roosevelt Island Residents And Workers

Roosevelt Island Tram line of sightseeing tourists stretched from the platform, down the stairs, to 59th Street Second Avenue Tram Plaza and heading towards third avenue this afternoon. 

Another day Roosevelt Island residents and workers are furious that they can't use the Tram for necessary transportation services because it is being used as a cheap sightseeing amusement attraction by tourists.

A resident commented on Roosevelt Islander Instagram post:

This situation has become completely unmanageable. At this point, a clear solution would be to designate the Southside Tram and Southside staircase exclusively for tourists, while reserving the Northside Tram and Northside (exit) staircase for residents and staff.

Additionally, installing a bike rack down the middle of the platform and turnstile area would help organize the space more effectively. Clear, official signage labeled “TOURISTS” and “RESIDENTS/STAFF” is essential to streamline the flow of people and reduce congestion.

It’s time to implement practical solutions to address this ongoing issue.

Some type of separate priority line for residents and workers who use the Tram for transportation purposes rather than as a sightseeing attraction has to be implemented soon.

UPDATE 12/30 - Another day of insanely long line of tourists at the Roosevelt Island Manhattan Tram Station.

I interviewed several groups of tourists getting off the Tram at the Manhattan station. All understood the frustration of residents and workers. These tourists said they would be willing to wait longer on a separate line so residents and workers could have priority to board the Tram Cabin.