Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Southtown Residents Updated On Roosevelt Island Tram Status And New Traffic Pattern/Parking Spots For West Channel Road

Image of RIOC's VP Of Operations Fernando Martinez Giving Tram Update To Southtown Residents

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Vice President of Operations Fernando Martinez gave Southtown Residents an update on the Roosevelt Island Tram Modernization Project last night informing them the Tram is scheduled to resume operations in late November. Mr. Martinez reported that the construction phase of the project is nearly complete and that as soon as the NY State Department of Labor (DOL) signs off on the safety of the new tram, service will resume. Inspectors from the DOL will be on Roosevelt Island next week to begin their certification process.

There were several testy questions and statements from a couple of residents frustrated with the repeated delays in getting the Tram back in service. One resident unfavorably compared the time it has taken to build the new Tram with the year it took to construct the Empire State Building. Another resident asked what would be done with the liquidated damages assessed against Poma, the Tram's Contractor, for delays accruing after the original planned September Tram opening and if liquidated damages can be assessed against RIOC itself for the delays.

Mr. Martinez responded he was equally frustrated by the delays but that the Tram Modernization is a tremendously complex construction project made even more so by difficulties involved in New York City wide crane permitting problems. Mr. Martinez also acknowledged that perhaps the original 6 month schedule to complete the project was a little too ambitious. The great majority of Riverwalk residents at the meeting agreed with Mr. Martinez assessment and thanked him for the work being done.

As to the liquidated damages against POMA, Mr. Martinez said that it would be the subject of future negotiation after the Tram is back in service.

Another resident asked about having some sort of compartment or space on the Tram for large dogs that cannot fit in a carry on case which is required for all dogs on the Tram. Mr. Martinez stating that he would look into it but advised that other Roosevelt Island Tram riders might not be very happy with large, non-guide dogs, out of a carry on case riding the Tram.

Finally, Mr. Martinez presented the new Southtown Traffic Plan with the West Channel Road facing Manhattan turned into a one-way north bound street and the addition of 30 additional parking spots on the subway station side of the West Channel. More on the Southtown Parking situation here.

All in all, an excellent job by Mr. Martinez informing Southtown residents on the Tram and parking situation.

Roosevelt Island Residents Association Southtown Common Council Delegate Dave Evans was also at the meeting and reports:
I was happy to be in attendance on Tuesday, November 9 when Fernando Martinez of RIOC provided Riverwalk-area residents an informative update on our beloved TRAM.  His presentation was essentially the same as provided during an open session of a September 2010 (I believe) RIOC Board Meeting that I attended at which Leslie Torres, then the pending new RIOC President, was in attendance.

The Riverwalk session was both bitter and sweet.  The former characterization is due to the angst some in attendance felt and vented due to 'perceived past unacceptable and unrealistically optimistic' RIOC promises and its performance and handling of the TRAM renovation program.  For the most part, Fernando patiently and gracefully handled the questions birthed from those perceptions, apologizing where appropriate while explaining the scope of the project and the fact of liquidated damage (that is, rebated money to RIOC) forthcoming from the contractor for missing the deadline.  Some asked, "how will RIOC use that money?"  Interesting question and we will await the answer. 

Of course, and appropriately so, Fernando received kudos from some attendees for RIOC's management of this major program and in a relatively short time.  Moreso, for the good news in the presentation was that the modern, two-cabin, aesthetically improved TRAM - - that can run concurrently in the same direction with a three-minute crossing of our wonderful river while providing fantastic views and with robust support of the morning and afternoon rush hour - - will be operational the end of November.  Some work will continue beyond year-end but the TRAM will be operational.  Yes, YES!

Hey, as a further treat, it might also accommodate and offer the rite of passage to any patron who has a large dog.  Is November end realistic?  Fernando firmly says "yes" because the Department of Labor is already scheduled and is gonna certify the system.  Let's hope so or otherwise in attendance Ms Wilder, whom Fernando advised would be available for future questions, will certainly be busier at her desk as RIOC Community Relations Specialist.  OK, no more bitter in future sessions here in Riverwalk land because the TRAM is near and parking, yes, expanded vehicle parking is on the horizon.  Well done, if done, RIOC!