Monday, March 24, 2008

Beaver Loose at Motorgate Garage

You Tube video of Molson Attack Beaver

I kid you not on this. According to the 3/23-24 24 hour Roosevelt Island Public Safety Report there is a beaver on the loose in the Motorgate Parking Garage.
Loose Animal-At 688 Main Street (Motorgate Garage) PSD receive a report of a loose beaver. Search made with negative results.
There have been other public safety incidents at the Motorgate Parking garage during the past few days. From the Roosevelt Island 24 hour Public Safety report.

0700 hrs Saturday March 22,2008 until 0700 Sunday March 23,2008:
Criminal Mischief: In motorgate- vehicle window shattered; NYPD took

Hazardous Condition: Light out on level 6C and 6D; motorgate attendant

Unsecured Vehicle: Level 5A - rear door open; Motorgate attendant
0700 hrs. Friday March 21st 2008 thru 0700 hrs. Saturday March 22nd
Criminal Mischief - Petit Larceny - Motorgate property taken from

Unsecured Vehicle - Window left open in Motorgate.
With parking rates scheduled to increase soon, I would hope that the Motorgate operators will spend some money improving security in their facility. It would also help if people kept their car doors and windows closed and locked.