Roosevelt Island Child School Open House - April 2
The Child School Legacy High School will be holding an Open House on Wednesday, April 2 and are inviting their Roosevelt Island neighbors. Here is the invitation.
The Child School
Open House
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
587 Main Street, Roosevelt Island
Roosevelt Island residents are invited to learn about our creative approach to special education. We’re opening our doors to the community so you can see our classes in action. Our administrative offices are set back off an open courtyard, down a short flight of steps on the west side of Main Street between M&D Deli and the RIOC offices.
is an academically rigorous, yet supportive community addressing the needs of a diverse population of special children, many of whom have not found success in other schools. Our children learn differently because of disorders in thinking, listening, speaking, reading, spelling, touch, or perception, etc. The School fulfills a vital function in the New York City Public School System, serving the needs of children with learning, social/emotional and developmental disabilities throughout the five boroughs. It is chartered by the Board of Regents of the State of New York to accept youngsters whose needs cannot be satisfied within the public education system. Under this authorization, The Child School is classified as an approved non-public day school, whose students may qualify for 100 percent tuition payment by New York State.