Scenes From the Grand Re-Opening of Roosevelt Island's New Southpoint Park - A Great New East River Waterfront Park For New York City
As reported in previous post, today was the Grand Re-Opening of Roosevelt Island's Southpoint Park. Not willing to wait for the official 9 AM Park opening ceremony to take place, some biker riders and joggers got a taste of the new Southpoint Park a bit early.
Here what happened at the Grand Opening Ceremony and a peek at the new Southpoint Park.
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Leslie Torres welcomed those in attendance and thanked those responsible for developing the Park
followed by New York City Council Member Jessica Lappin who gave a brief recap of the Project's history. Ms Lappin secured $4.5 million in NYC funding to help build the park.
Andy Stone, from the Trust For The Public Land (TPL), then spoke about TPL's role in developing Southpoint Park's Master Plan together with Roosevelt Island residents in order to bring more green and open space to the Island.
RIOC Director David Kraut wanted to make sure that among those being thanked for the contribution to the park's development was a former resident, Shirley Margolin.
TPL's Andy Stone then led a tour of the new park.
Some more scenes from the new Southpoint Park.
I think all those who attended the Grand Opening Ceremony were very happy that Southpoint Park has opened as will future visitors to this new East River Waterfront Park. Southpoint Park will be open from 6 AM - 9PM.
Not all of Southpoint Park is open to the public just yet. Construction is still going on at the Louis Kahn/FDR Memorial Boondoggle just south of the newly opened Southpoint Park and is expected to continue for a couple of more years. Here are the latest renderings.
Unfortunately, it looks more like a cemetery to me than a waterfront park. What a pity that TPL's Master Plan for all of Southpoint Park, (including the area of what is now the location for the Kahn/FDR Boondoggle) was not accomplished.