RIOC Operations Committee Meeting Tomorrow Includes Discussion Of Roosevelt Island Good Shepherd Roof Repair, Will Material Be Original Slate, Fake Slate Or Asphalt - Cost Versus Landmark Preservation Priorities At Issue
Among the items on the Agenda for March 21 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Committee Meeting is the status of New York City landmarked Good Shepherd Church roof repair:
... 4. Status of Chapel Roof Project...As reported in this previous post, the issue of the Roosevelt Island Good Shepherd Chapel roof repair is a balance between the cost of using slate to return the roof to its original condition, delighting historical preservationists, or a less expensive synthetic slate/asphalt material that some budget minded RIOC directors wish to consider:
... The subject of replacing the landmarked Good Sheperd Community Center Roof was discussed during the November 28 RIOC Operations Committee meeting. As reported in this previous post:During the December 28 RIOC Board of Directors Operations Committee meeting, a thorough discussion was conducted on the Good Shepherd Church preservation history and the relative merits of possible roof replacement materials. Here's what happened:
... Also discussed was the replacement of the Good Shepherd roof - whether the roof will be a slate roof as was it's original condition or some other less expensive material such as fake slate or asphalt....Although repairing the roof with the original slate material was approved at a prior RIOC Board meeting, some RIOC directors are becoming increasingly concerned with the higher initial cost of the slate and may wish to use a less expensive material to repair the roof....
Other items on tomorrow's RIOC Board Operations Committee meeting include the status of Roosevelt Island Water Ferry study and Mobile Food Trucks.
An audio web cast of the Operations Committee meeting will be available soon after the meeting is held.