Thursday, May 31, 2012

Roosevelt Island Meditation Steps Repairs Approved By RIOC Board of Directors - $359 Thousand For Brazilian Hardwood But Won't Be Open Before August

Image of Fenced Off Meditation Steps

Reported previously on the disrepair and closure of Roosevelt Island's Meditation Steps - a wonderful place to sit and relax on the East River waterfront.

During the May 24 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors meeting (video of meeting is here), the RIOC Directors approved spending $359 Thousand to repair the steps with a tropical hardwood from Brazil. RIOC VP Of Operations Fernando Martinez estimated that the project could be completed by early August. Here's the presentation by Mr. Martinez on the Meditation Steps repair to the RIOC Board

and a previous presentation to March 21 RIOC Operations Committee meeting.

Video of Meditation Steps presentation to RIOC Operations Committee meeting is here.

I am looking forward to the reopening of Roosevelt Island's Meditation Steps.