Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Operation Patriot New York City 5K Trot With Troops Coming To Roosevelt Island Sunday June 3 - Still Time To Register

You Tube Video of Trot With Troops

The Operation Patriot Foundation is bringing its 5K Trot With Troops downstate to New York City right here on Roosevelt Island this coming Sunday June 3. According to the Operation Patriot Foundation:
... The mission of Operation Patriot Foundation, Inc., is to pay tribute to those who protect us daily - fire fighters, law enforcement, emergency responders and our active and veteran military forces, and to raise money for organizations representing these men and women who protect us.

Our intentions are simple. To pay tribute to and help those who risk their lives for us daily and provide support to these people and their families through fund raising and ceremony in their honor.

Operation Patriot Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization...
... Trot w/ Troops is not a race, it's a charity walk/run with proceeds supporting our troops returning from combat. There are two components to Trot w/ Troops - the March and the Trot. If you enjoy running, the Trot is a full-blown double-time run. For those who want to participate in the fundraiser but running is not for you, simply join the Military March. Both will be in formation and lead by U.S. Military personnel calling out cadence. LOUD & PROUD is the theme so prepare to make noise!...
More info: 


Start: Sunday, June 3, 2012 @ 10:00 AM

Additional Date Information

Registration / Check in - 9:00 A.M.


Roosevelt Island - Firefighter's Field
425 Main Street, Roosevelt Island, NY 10044 New York, NY


$20 thru May 14th | $25 thru June 1 | $30 Day of | $15 Students 12 - 18 | Under 12 FREE

Registration Closing Date

Friday, June 1, 2012 PST
Here's a Rochester NY Trot With The Troops

and the Roosevelt Island 5K Trot With The Troops route.

Image of Route From Trot With The Troops

A local sponsor for Roosevelt Island Trot With The Troops is the Riverwalk Bar & Grill.

More information including registration on the Roosevelt Island 5K Trot With The Troops here.