Roosevelt Island Main Street Subway Sandwich Shop Grand Opening Tomorrow - First New Store From Hudson Related Master Leasehold
At long last, the first new Roosevelt Island Main Street retailer signed up by Master Leaseholder Hudson Related Companies will have its Grand Opening tomorrow. That's right, Subway Sandwich Shop at 513 Main Street will now be open on Roosevelt Island starting tomorrow.
Subway Sandwich Shop joins Trellis Diner, Gallery RIVAA and these other new (yet to open) Roosevelt Island Main Street retail tenants with signed leases:
- Wholesome Direct, an organic grocer at 530 Main Street,
- Island Spirits, a wine shop at 605 Main Street and
- Coach Scot's Main Street Sweet's at 599 Main Street
UPDATE 10/17 - I had lunch at the new Roosevelt Island Subway Shop - a Chicken Teriyaki sandwich
that was pretty good and the store was crowded at lunchtime.