Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation Celebrates Purim With Worship Service, Holiday Fun Performing "Will The Shusan Island Chiefs Win The Super Bowl" Purimschpiel Play, Singing, Dancing And Delicious Hamantaschen Fruit Pastry

Janet Falk reports on the Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation (RIJC) Purim celebration last Thursday evening. According to Ms. Falk:

Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation Presented Will the Shushan Island Chiefs Win the Super Bowl?

Purim, a joyous and comedic holiday celebration, filled with fun and parody based on the Biblical story of Esther, was celebrated by the Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation (RIJC) on Thursday night, March 13, with more than 50 people participating in a full evening of activities for all ages.

The evening began with a pizza and salad dinner, organized by Nina Lublin, Michal Melamed, Amber Seligson Levanon, Laurie Stull and Annica Stull-Lane. Cantor Sarah Myerson led the worship service. It included the reading of the megillah or traditional scroll, which recounts the story of the holiday, marking the survival of the Jewish people at a time of a threatened massacre. She was assisted by multiple readers in Hebrew, English, Spanish and Hungarian: Keren Bachi, Susan Berks-Seligson, Ben Fhala, Dvir Koenigstein, Gad Levanon, Anna Levenstein, Michal Melamed, Laura Palermo, Charlie Schwartz, Eden Shaveet and Uri Shusterman.

The reading was interrupted by children and adults wielding graggers to blot out the recitation of Haman, the name of the man who purportedly attempted to destroy the Jews. Led by Cantor Myerson playing the ukelele, the congregation joined in singing songs in Hebrew, English, Yiddish and Ladino about the holiday.

The evening included a Purimschpiel, or play based on this narrative. Written by Mickey Rindler and directed by Janet Falk, Will the Shushan Island Chiefs Win the Super Bowl? drew inspiration from contemporary themes of professional football, Artificial Intelligence and Taylor Swift. It also wove aspects of the current political scene and references to Roosevelt Island.

The cast featured Janet Falk, Michal Melamed, Mickey Rindler, Charlie Schwartz and Annica Stull-Lane as well as children of the RIJC Hebrew School and community.

The audience joined in singing new lyrics to songs by Taylor Swift, I Knew You Were Trouble and Shake It Off. The Purimschpiel's broad humor and political-themed puns, plus references to Roosevelt Island affairs, drew laughter, groans and cheers from the audience, who applauded enthusiastically.

The evening concluded with refreshments and delicious Hamantaschen , a triangular holiday fruit pastry treat, donated by the Levanon-Seligson family, which has become an annual tradition.

Mishloach Manot holiday gifts were prepared and donated by RIJC friends and neighbors.

For more information about the Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation, which is the oldest, active egalitarian congregation on the Island, please visit or email RIJC President Nina Lublin at The next Shabbat worship service is Friday, March 28 at the Cultural Center, 548 Main Street.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Researchers At Cornell Tech People Aware Computing Lab Recruiting Roosevelt Island Participants For The Calming Moments Study Using iPhone + Apple Watch For Personalized And Unobtrusive Anxiety Intervention

Yiran Zhao is a PHD Researcher at the Cornell Tech People Aware Computing Lab which:

... develops mobile sensing systems for capturing, learning, and interpreting people's context, activities and social networks. We are building applications that improve people's well-being and quality of life.

The People Aware Computing Lab is seeking volunteers for their Calming Moments Study:

... to understand how well does the subtle vibration on the wrist can help with anxiety in-the-moment.

The study will be one-week long. During the week, participants will wear a heart rate monitor throughout the day. The anxiety intervention will be delivered at random times throughout the day. After the intervention and at the end of each day, participants will fill in a short questionnaire....

According to Yiran Zhao:

Do you experience anxiety? The researchers at Cornell University are looking for participants to try out a novel, personalized, and unobtrusive anxiety intervention. This intervention detects when you might experience anxiety and delivers a subtle vibration to calm you down.

We are looking for people who:

  • Live in the United States and are fluent in English
  • Between 18-65 years old
  • Have internet access
  • Use iPhone + Apple Watch

Participants will use the intervention application for a week. Participants will also wear a heart rate monitoring band that will be provided by the researcher.

 Participants can be compensated up to $175.

If you have any questions, please contact the research team at

We are recruiting now until the beginning of April. If you are interested, please use this link for more information and sign up.  

Click here to learn more about the Cornell Tech Calming Moments Study and for the sign up form.

Monday, March 17, 2025

You're Invited To Coler Hospital Open Doors Reality Poets Wheeling And Healing 2 Book Release Party Thursday March 20 At RIVAA Gallery - Also, Watch Video From Last Week's Roosevelt Island Open Doors Nursing Home Lives Matter Vigil

Our Roosevelt Island neighbors at the Coler Rehab & Nursing Facility, the Open Doors Reality Poets are:

... an artist collective of current and former residents of a long-term care facility on Roosevelt Island in NYC. Guided by the Reality Poets’ lived experience and vision, our work focuses on disability justice, community building and gun violence prevention...

According to Open Door Associate Director Alex Eshelman:

Good afternoon OPEN DOORS Family,

I hope you all had a great weekend. Thank you to everyone who came to our Nursing Home Lives Matter Vigil last week. Anyone who was unable to make it can view the recording here on our YouTube channel.

It’s important for us to come together and celebrate life despite all that we’ve lost, so thanks for being with us.

Another event, join us this Thursday March 20th, 6pm EST at the RIVAA Gallery on Roosevelt Island for the Wheeling and Healing 2: Holding the Mic in the Middle of the Storm book release party. 

It’s been a year and a half since we started work on this project, and we are extremely proud to finally present it to you all. Get your copy of the book, see live poetry, and remember– it’s a party, so come ready to have a good time! We look forward to seeing you all, have a good evening.

RIVAA Gallery (527 Main Street) adds:

OPEN DOORS’ long awaited poetry anthology is here! Wheeling and Healing 2: Holding the Mic in the Middle of the Storm includes writing from friends and allies near and far.

Hosted by renowned slam poet Steven Willis, we bring to you a night of poetry sharing featuring many of the talented poets who contributed to this anthology. Join us for a special book release party on Thursday, March 20th at 6 PM at RIVAA Gallery. All are welcome!

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Roosevelt Landings Main Street Facade Work, Update On Roadways Status And Discussion Of Upcoming Roosevelt Island Projects On Agenda For March 17 RIOC Real Estate Development Advisory Committee Meeting - Local Officials and Media Informed But No Prior Notice To The Public

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Real Estate Development Advisory Committee (REDAC) will meet Monday March 17. Among the items on the Agenda is a discussion of the upcoming facade work for the Roosevelt Landing building complex facing Main Street and how that work will impact pedestrian and traffic.

Here's the Agenda attached to an email sent to local officials and local media on March 13, 2025.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the Real Estate Development Advisory Committee of the RIOC Board of Directors will be held on Monday, March 17, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. at the RIOC’s Operations Office, 680 Main Street, Roosevelt Island, New York 10044.


1. L&M Presentation: Facade and Atrium Work Along Main Street;

2. Update on Roadways’ Status;

3. Discussion of Upcoming Projects; and

4. Any Other Committee Business That May Be Brought Before the Committee.

As of Sunday March 16, there is no community notice announcement of the REDAC meeting 

on RIOC"s website.

UPDATE 3/17 - RIOC sent out a public notice today about 10 AM.