Friday, February 8, 2013

NYPD Deputy Inspector Stephen Cirabisi Speaks To Roosevelt Island Residents - Answers Questions On Policing Strategies, Public Safety Brutality Allegations & More, Officer Sitaris Receives Commendation and Manhattan DA Rep Reports On Trespass Affidavit Program

NYPD Deputy Inspector Stephen Cirabisi, Commander of the 114th Precinct in Queens (which covers Roosevelt Island) spoke to the February 6 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) meeting held at the Good Shepherd Community Center.

Inspector Cirabisi began his presentation saying that Roosevelt Island is one of the safest neighborhoods in NYC and presented crime statistics for Roosevelt Island showing a decrease in major crimes from the previous year - a total of 3 robberies, 7 assaults, 10 grand larcenies (mostly credit card fraud), 5 burglaries and 2 rapes (victim and complainants were known to each other said Inspector Cirabisi). Inspector Cirabisi also noted that the NYPD has a good relationship with Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department.

Inspector Cirabisi then took questions from the audience mostly dealing with brutality allegations against the Public Safety Department as well as his thoughts on alternative policing strategies for Roosevelt Island including using off duty NYPD officers paid by RIOC to patrol Roosevelt Island (as is done at banks and other retail establishments). Inspector Cirabisi did not think using off duty NYPD officers to patrol Roosevelt Island was a feasible tactic but indicated that he will research the issue further.

Inspector Cirabisi was also asked if NYPD would respond to residents calls for assistance if residents were being assaulted by Public Safety Officers. Initially, Inspector Cirabisi indicated that NYPD would not investigate another law enforcement agency but later said that if a call was placed to 911, NYPD responds to all 911 calls including those on Roosevelt Island.

Here's Inspector Cirabisi's full presentation including questions from residents.

After Inspector Cirabisi's presentation, NYPD's Roosevelt Island Community Officer Dino Sitaris was presented a commendation for his service to Roosevelt Island by RIRA Public Safety Committee Chair Erin Feeley-Nahem.

Officer Sitaris then spoke about helping to improve relationships with NYPD, Public Safety and the community followed by Inspector Cirabisi's invitation for residents to attend the 114 Precinct Community meetings held on the 4th Tuesday of every month at Riccardo's restaurant 21- 04 23rd Avenue in Astoria.

After Inspector Cirabisi and Officer Sitaris spoke, Manhattan District Attorney Community Affairs Officers Linda Janneh-Jones reported on the Trespass Affidavit Program (TAP) which many Roosevelt Island building are enrolled in at the request of their building managers. TAP allows NYPD and Public Safety officers to enter buildings enrolled in the Program to conduct vertical patrols without receiving a 911 call and arrest people for trespass who are not permitted to be in the building.

Here's Ms. Jones presentation on TAP.

Will have more later today tomorrow soon on the February 6 RIRA meeting including unanimous approval resolutions calling for the removal of top management at RIOC Public Safety Department and a February 16 public demonstration to address Public Safety Concerns.

Also, it was announced at the RIRA meeting that residents have created a Facebook Page, Roosevelt Island Citizens Blotter, to document allegations of Public Safety brutality.

UPDATE - More here.