Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Relocation Of Roosevelt Island Goldwater Hospital Patients Discussed At Manhattan Community Board 8 Meeting Last Night - CB 8 Holding Full Board Meeting On Roosevelt Island Today 6:30 PM

Image Of Roosevelt Island Goldwater Hospital Patients From Daniel Tepper via Gothamist

Last night the Manhattan Community Board 8 (CB 8) Health, Seniors and Social Services Committee (HHS) met with representatives from Coler Goldwater Hospital to discuss the closing of Goldwater Hospital and plans to relocate its patients. According to the CB 8 HSS Agenda:
LaRay Brown and executive staff of Goldwater Hospital to discuss the closing of Goldwater Hospital and other issues concerning New York City Health and Hospital Corporation.
Jacqueline Ludorf, Chair
Ms Brown reported that more than 300 patients will be relocated to new facility at North General Hospital in East Harlem at the end of October 2013 and other patients will be transferred to Coler campus on Roosevelt Island at the same time. There will also be 175 mobility impaired affordable apartments for Coler Hospital patients in a new facility being built on 99th street across from Metropolitan Hospital scheduled to open in the spring/summer of 2015.

Ms. Brown added that Goldwater patients will be completely out of Goldwater Hospital by the end of October or early November and the Goldwater campus will be given back to NYC by the end of November at which time it will be transferred to Cornell to begin demolishing the facility and construction of the new Applied Sciences and Technology school.

Will post more information on the meeting soon but here is the video of the discussion with questions from those in attendance and answers by Ms. Brown and Coler Hospital's Deputy Executive Director Floyd Young.

Part 1

Part 2 (a few seconds are missing between the first two parts as I had to change cameras)

More information on the relocation of Roosevelt Island Goldwater Hospital patients from previous posts.

CB 8,

which covers Roosevelt Island and the Upper East Side, will be holding its full Board Meeting on Roosevelt Island later today. What does the Community Board do? According to CB 8's web site:
Community Board 8 reviews and makes recommendations on applications for:

Zoning Text Amendments
Building variances and special permits
Liquor licenses
Sidewalk cafes
Street Fairs
Changes to landmarked buildings or buildings in historic districts

The Community Board also monitors traffic and transportation issues, capital projects in the parks, economic development, public safety issues and the concerns of seniors and youth. The Community Board and the Board office work closely with city, state and federal elected officials; community groups; and other city agencies on these issues. In addition to the work described above, every Community Board plays a role in the Citywide budget process. Each year, the board submits a "District Statement of Needs." Every Fall, the Budget Committee holds a public hearing to determine our priorities for the City's Capital and Expense Budgets. You are encouraged to attend! The District Statement of Needs is available online here and the Budget Priorities are available in the Board 8 Office....
Here's today's Agenda:
Full Board Meeting
Meeting Date:
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 - 6:30pm
Meeting Location:
Manhattan Park Theatre Club
8 River Road Roosevelt Island
New York, NY

1. Public Session – Those who wish to speak during the Public Session must register to do so by 6:45 pm
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Adoption of the Minutes
4. Manhattan Borough President’s Report
5. Elected Official’s Reports
6. Chair’s Report – Nick Viest
7. Committee Reports and Action Items:
• Parks Committee-Margaret Price and Barbara Rudder, Co-Chairs
• Street Fair Committee-Barbara Chocky and Hedi White, Co-Chairs
• Landmarks Committee-David Helpern and David Liston, Co-Chairs
• Street Life Committee-Domenico Minerva and Cos Spagnoletti, Co-Chairs
• Transportation Committee-A. Scott Falk and Charles Warren, Co-Chairs
8. Old Business
9. New Business

Nicholas D. Viest, Chair