Workers Begin To Remove Roosevelt Island Main Street Arcade Windows Yesterday - Some Residents Pissed, Hudson Related Says Give It A Chance
Workers for Main Street Master Retail Leaseholder Hudson Related began removing the Roosevelt Landings/Eastwood Window Arcades yesterday. One resident wrote in:
I thought they weren't going to pull the shelter down by Eastwood? Really pissed watching them pull all the glass out on my way to work Monday!Hudson Related's David Kramer listened to some residents expressing their unhappiness with the removal of the Arcade windows during April 2 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Real Estate Advisory Committee meeting but maintained that he thought the area would look much nicer without the windows, would not be much of a burden on residents and urged residents to give it a chance.
Here's what the residents and Mr. Kramer had to say on the subject.
More on Mr. Kramer's Main Street retail update from this previous post.