Cornell NYC Tech VP Cathy Dove Discusses Adoption Of Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217 With School Principal At Community Board 8 Meeting - The Roosevelt Island School Is Where Our Focus Is Going To Be In Perpetuity Says Ms. Dove
As reported last Monday:
The Manhattan Community Board 8 (CB 8) Youth & Education (Y&E) Committee will be meeting tonight to discuss an issue of great importance to Roosevelt Island - what will Cornell NYC Tech do to help Roosevelt Island students attending PS/IS 217.During the CB 8 meeting, PS/IS 217 Principal Mandana Beckman described current programs available at the school and her hopes for future collaboration with Cornell NYC Tech.
Later during the CB 8 meeting, Cornell NYC Tech Vice President Cathy Dove reported on the upcoming Girls Who Code summer program which will include Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217 students and discussed Cornell NYC Tech's intention to "adopt" Roosevelt Island's PS/IS 217. Responding to my question as to what Cornell adopting PS/IS 217 means, Ms. Dove said:
the Roosevelt Island school ... is where our focus is going to be ... in perpetuity...Here's the CB 8 discussion with Ms. Dove.