Everything You Want To Know About Beginning Of The Cornell NYC Tech Roosevelt Island Construction Process - And Plans For Open Space Landscaping Too
An update to yesterday's report on the January 29 meeting of the Cornell Roosevelt Island Construction and Community Task Force ("Task Force") meeting.
The meeting began with Cornell NYC Tech Director Of Capital Planning Andrew Winters telling the Task Force that construction barging operations have already begun followed by Mr. Winters introducing Aric Domozick from PAL Environmental Services to present plan for abatement and demolition of the Goldwater Hospital Site.
Mr. Domozic prefaced his presentation to the Task Force by saying:
... We understand this is your community. We are coming into your community. We have a complicated project, we have a complicated mission to accomplish. However, we respect your community and we plan to work closely with you and make sure that we are as minimally intrusive to your lives as we can possible be.
We'll listen to everyone's concerns. We'll address concerns. We take very seriously your considerations and concerns as we address this project...
Here's the Cornell NYC Tech abatement and demolition plan for the site
with question and answers
followed by Karen Tamir of James Corner Field Operations presentation of the landscaping plan for the open public space on the Roosevelt Island campus
scheduled to open in the fall of 2017.
Don't forget the February 5 Town Hall Meeting on the Cornell Campus construction. You're invited to attend, learn about the project and ask questions.