Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Roosevelt Island Community Coalition Briefs Residents On Cornell Construction Task Force Meeting - Issues Discussed Include Demolition, Construction, Barging, Air Quality, PS/IS 217, Goldwater Murals & More

According to the the latest update from the Cornell Tech's Roosevelt Island Construction Project web site:

April 25 - May 9 Look Ahead
Work continues in multiple buildings across the site. Interior demolition is finished in buildings C, D, F, and H. Interior abatement is nearing completion in buildings C and H. Buildings on the southern half of the site are currently being prepped in anticipation of work that will start as buildings in the north reach completion. Barging will take place the week of April 28th to remove demolition debris.

The art conservation firms have made significant process with the three WPA era murals. The Ilya Bolotowsky mural canvas has successfully been separated from the wall. Removal of the Albert Swinden and Joseph Rugolo murals is ongoing and will be complete in early May. After leaving Goldwater, the murals will travel to conservation studios where restoration will begin.

The U.S. Geological Survey is in the process of taking final geothermal readings. Once complete, the data will determine the viability of a geothermal well field and ultimately guide the design.

Air quality monitoring data is available on the Cornell Tech construction website.
The Roosevelt Island Community Coalition (RICC) Board of Directors met last night (April 29) to report on their efforts to advocate quality of life issues on behalf of residents with Cornell NYC Tech, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC), elected officials and other decision makers as it pertains to the development of the new Cornell campus. Among the topics discussed at last night's RICC meeting was an overview by Christina Delfico and other RICC Directors of the April 28 meeting of the Roosevelt Island Cornell NYC Tech Construction Task Force.

Here's the overview by RICC of the April 28 Construction Task Force meeting.

Part A.

Part B.

Community Board 8's Roosevelt Island Committee will meet tomorrow 6:30 PM for a:
Presentation by Cornell NYCTech of the design for the residential building.
at 546 Main Street, 12th Floor Conference Room.

The meeting is open to the public and you're invited to attend.