Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Vertical Patrols, Security Cameras, Youth Relationship, Culture, Dog Policy, CERT & More Discussed By Director And Deputy Director With RIRA PSC Committee

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee (PSC) hosted a meet and greet session with Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department (PSD) Director Jack McManus and Deputy Director Lynda Marmara last Monday evening (December 15) at the Westview Community Room.

 Image of Director McManus & Deputy Director Marmara at 12/15 RIRA PSC Meeting

Here what happened.

Part 1.

RIRA PSC Chair Erin Feely-Nahem introduced Director McManus and Deputy Director Marmara. Mr. McManus began by introducing Ms. Marmara who was the first Roosevelt Island Community NYPD officer from the 114th precinct. Ms. Marmara spoke about her recent work with the Roosevelt Island Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).

Part 2.

Director McManus reported on Roosevelt Island PSD Vertical Building Patrols. He noted that from January 2014 to date there were a total of 8738 about 15,000 Roosevelt Island PSD Vertical Patrols.

He also reported on issues involving a group of 13-15 year olds congregating inside buildings and causing damage.  Director McManus discussed trying to reach Roosevelt Island youth through family intervention, Roosevelt Island Youth Program/PSD sports participation and mentoring assistance from the Hope Church volunteers rather than making arrests.

Part 3.

Discussion of Roosevelt Island Youth Program athletic activities with PSD Department for young residents. Also, introducing new PSD officers to the community through the media.

Part 4.

Director McManus discusses the security cameras at Motorgate Garage and other Roosevelt Island locations. Resident Frank Farance questioned Mr. McManus regarding the usage and placement of the cameras.

Part 5.

More question on Island House Vertical Patrols. Also, marijuana smoking in hallways and adjoining apartments. Marijuana possession is not a crime but will receive summons, same policy as NYC.

Part 6.

More on Building Vertical Patrols, access to community rooms for kids to congregate instead of roaming hallways or using vacant apartments and Roosevelt Island Youth Program services.

Also negative perception by some of PSD officer who always wears dark shaded eyeglasses and a Roosevelt Island school crossing guard position available.

Part 7.

Discussion of PSD training, disciplinary proceedings, report writing and union representation.

Part 8.

Street lighting and pedestrian and traffic safety near Motorgate garage.

Part 9. Missed a little bit of time between Parts 8 and 9.

PSC Committee member Ike Nahem acknowledged great improvements at Public Safety department over 1 and 1/2 years.

Also discussed were dog off leash and poop collection policy, status of emergency evacuation plan, procedures for making complaints about Public Safety and the culture of Public Safety Department.

Good job by PSD Director McManus, Deputy Director Marmara and the RIRA PSC engaging in a dialogue on important Roosevelt Island Public Safety issues.

Following the question and answer period, the RIRA PSC approved by a 13 to 0 vote a proposed resolution condemning the decision by the Staten Island Grand Jury not to issue an indictment of the NYPD Officer in the choking death of Eric Garner. The resolution will be sent to the full RIRA Common Council for discussion at the January 2015 monthly meeting.