Monday, December 15, 2014

Former RIOC CFO Questions RIOC Racial Discrimination Claim Procedures, Administrative Leave Policies And Notes Employee Salary Increases During 12/11 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Board Of Directors Public Session

Former Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Chief Financial Officer Steve Chironis made a surprise appearance at the December 11 RIOC Board Of Directors Meeting.

Image Of Steve Chironis Speaking At December 11 RIOC Board Of Directors Public Session

Mr. Chironis spoke during the RIOC Board's Public Session inquiring:
  • if the RIOC Human Resources department meets with an employee who files a racial discrimination claim and
  • if an employee is put on paid administrative leave, does anybody from RIOC meet with the employee to explain why the employee is placed on administrative leave?
Mr. Chironis did not receive an answer to his questions although RIOC Director Margie Smith replied that she did not know the answer but is happy to find out and send him the answer. RIOC President Charlene Indelicato also replied that RIOC will send the requested information to Mr. Chironis.

Mr. Chironis then noted that based on the Proposed RIOC Fiscal Year 2015-16 Budget, out of 128 RIOC employees only six RIOC employees merit salary adjustment increases and named those employees.

Here's what Mr. Chironis had to say.

There was obviously more going on behind the scenes on this matter that was not revealed.

Stay tuned.