Up Close And Personal View Of Roosevelt Island Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Conducting Tram Rescue Drills Last Sunday
Roosevelt Island Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) member Frank Farance reports on and shares photos from Roosevelt Island Tram Evacuation Drill held Sunday April 12.
Roosevelt Island Tramway staff acting as "passengers" to be evacuated from the tram.
Posted by Frank Farance on Sunday, April 12, 2015
Getting explanation of rescue procedures from tram supervisor.
Posted by Frank Farance on Sunday, April 12, 2015
According to Mr. Farance:
Roosevelt Island Tram Evacuation Drill: As Tram staff explained: there are many redundant and backup systems to return tram cabins to stations, including having the second tram pull up side-by-side -- evacuation like this is a last resort.
A second tram rescue is one of the options before resorting to passenger drop evacuation.
Posted by Frank Farance on Sunday, April 12, 2015
Mr. Farance explains evacuation procedure for lowering Tram Riders to the ground from the Tram Cabin.
The passengers are first fitted into a "diaper" that is attached to the pulley (which holds 9000 lbs), then they would drop down (slowed by centrifugal braking) while rescue workers on the ground use guide ropes to reduce swaying, and they land on the ground (the 5 mm cable supports passengers up to 900 pounds). Notice that while the diaper holding the passenger going down, a second diaper on the other side of the pulley goes up to ready the next passenger. See passenger drop video below.
Photo 1/4: Passenger is readied, wearing orange "diaper".
Posted by Frank Farance on Sunday, April 12, 2015
Photo 2/4: Passenger descends as second "diaper" returns upward on other side of the pulley.
Posted by Frank Farance on Sunday, April 12, 2015
Photo 3/4: Passenger descends, workers below holding guide ropes so passenger doesn't sway.
Posted by Frank Farance on Sunday, April 12, 2015
Photo 4/4: Passenger lands, workers on the ground detach "diaper" to release passenger, workers above are readying the next passenger with second "diaper".
Posted by Frank Farance on Sunday, April 12, 2015
Pulley holds 9000 pounds, has centrifugal brake that limits passenger drop speed, 5 mm drop cable holds 900 pounds.
Posted by Frank Farance on Sunday, April 12, 2015
The second part of the emergency drill is pulling the tram's haul cables back and swapping drive wheels (big orange gear) -- think of pulling a rubber band off a pulley. Here workers are bolting on sleeves onto the cables that are pulled back via hydraulic jack, which gives them enough slack to thread the haul rope on the backup drive adjacent to it (big yellow gear behind big orange gear). Truly amazing.
Main drive wheel (orange), backup drive wheel (yellow) is behind. Haul rope (the cable) is swapped onto the backup drive.
Posted by Frank Farance on Sunday, April 12, 2015
In order to pull the haul rope (cable) off the drive wheel, there must be some slack to pull it back. Workers bolting...
Posted by Frank Farance on Sunday, April 12, 2015
Roosevelt Island CERT team members: Georganna Galateau (Deputy Team Chief), Howard Polivy (Team Chief), Lynda Marmara (RIOC Public Safety Department Deputy Director), Frank Farance
Posted by Frank Farance on Sunday, April 12, 2015
Mr. Farance also participated with NYC wide CERT Teams assisting following the March 26 East Village Building fire, explosion and collapse. He reports on the experience here.
More on NYC Office Of Emergency Management Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) here.