Friday, August 7, 2015

Con Edison Begins Roosevelt Island High Pressure Gas Upgrade Monday August 10, Staging Area Work Began Today - No Parking Or Walking On Portions Of Main Street August 10 -14

Get ready for the some more Main Street traffic headaches starting Monday morning as Con Edison begins work on the Roosevelt Island High Pressure Gas upgrade.

Image Of Roosevelt Island Main Street No Parking/Standing Site For Con Ed Gas Project Work

According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
No Parking- Con Edison Gas Project Work

There will be No Parking, Stopping or Standing on the West side of Main Street between 591-625 Main Street beginning Monday, August 10, 2015 at 12 AM until Friday, August, 14, 2015 at 3 PM. This area will be reduced to one lane traffic Monday - Friday from 9 AM to 2:30 PM.

The sidewalk on the east side of Main Street, in front of Capobianco Field, will be closed to pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians may cross over to the west side of the street either at the crosswalk near 591 or 625 Main Street.

Parking rules will be strictly enforced in the Commercial Loading Zone in front of 575 Main Street. Island House, as all deliveries will be directed to unload at this location.

We appreciate your cooperation during this project.
Con Edison contractors apparently did not wait until Monday to start work

Image of Site Where Will Begin Work On Monday, August 10 From 7/23 Con Ed Town Hall

as they were setting up a staging area today

underneath the Roosevelt Island Bridge Helix ramp.

More information on the Con Edison Roosevelt Island High Pressure Gas upgrade here and full video of Town Hall meeting on matter here.

At the same time there is ongoing building facade work going on at Roosevelt Landings

causing more Main Street traffic interruptions south of the Con Edison work between 505 and 543 Main Street.


UPDATE - From Con Edison: