NYC EDC Roosevelt Island Ferry Presentation And Public Purpose Funds Recommendations On Agenda For Tonight's Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Meeting - Come Learn What Is Going On
The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council
will meet this evening, November 4, at 7:30 PM in the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main Street).
As always, prior to the start of each monthly meeting there is a Public Session in which residents can come and address the Common Council Delegates on any issue of concern.
The New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC) will be conducting a Citywide Ferry Service outreach presentation to the Roosevelt Island community during the RIRA Public Session starting at 7:30. The EDC Roosevelt Island ferry presentation is jointly sponsored by Community Board 8's (CB 8) Roosevelt Island Committee and RIRA. You're invited to attend and learn about the upcoming Roosevelt Island Ferry service scheduled to start in 2017..
Following the Public Session, which will also include statements from representatives of Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and NY State Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright, RIRA will hold it's November Common Council meeting.
Among the items on the RIRA Agenda for tonight is the report and recommendations from RIRA's Public Purpose Funds (PPF) Committee on distributions of Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) PPF Funds to local Roosevelt Island organizations. Here's video of presentations made by Roosevelt Island organizations to the RIRA PPF committee seeking a portion of the $100 Thousand available from RIOC and the full RIRA Agenda for tonight.
You're invited to come to tonight's RIRA meeting and learn what's happening on Roosevelt Island.
UPDATE 12/5 - The RIRA PPF Committee did not submit its recommendations to the the RIRA Common Council during last evening's meeting. PPF Committee Chair reports:
It is with regret that the PPF Committee report did not arrive in time for proper distribution to the Common Council for its review. For that, I take full responsibility. I am also fully aware of the fact that the applicants are anxious to know, and for valid reasons, the extent of funds that could possibly be availed them. I sought confirmation of when the decision of the Council would be acted upon at RIOC, the answer effectively being as early as a Board Meeting in December though there would be staff work required in advance of that. As evidenced during the November meeting, the Council will find a proper way to make this happen.No explanation for the delay was given.