Monday, December 19, 2016

Roosevelt Island Seniors Holiday Pop Up Market Vendors Donate $1,000 From Event To Carter Burden Center In Appreciation For Their Contribution To RI Seniors Community

Vendors from the December 10-11 Roosevelt Island Seniors Pop Up Holiday Market showed their appreciation for the contributions made by the Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center Program to our community by donating the proceeds of the Holiday Market to the Carter Burden Center.

Roosevelt Island Pop Up Market Vendors Donating Proceeds To Carter Burden Center

Last Friday, December 16, Roosevelt Island senior Wendy Hersh and her colleagues handed a check in the amount of $1,000 to Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center Director Lisa Fernandez. Ms. Hersh noted it's nice to see people:
... come in here and see them smile and spend time in the center where they just used to just come in get their lunch and walk out.....  

and adds:
It is all about working as a team..working with these ladies was great...As seniors, we just want to help in any way that we can to give the seniors on RI what they need and what they deserve. It's not about the credit of who did what, but how working together resulted in a success.
38 vendors attended the 2016 Roosevelt Island Seniors Holiday Pop Up market in what is hoped to become an annual event. Here are some of the vendors

and attendees.