Thursday, December 22, 2016

Warning, Possible Electric Condition On Roosevelt Island Sidewalk Next To Riverwalk Building Across From Tram - Con Ed Investigating Contact Voltage Cause Since December 8

Have you noticed the yellow cones with Do Not Enter warning tape attached

on the sidewalk next to Roosevelt Island's 405 Main street Riverwalk building

in Southtown across from the Tram Station

for about the last 2 weeks? The signage says:
Warning, Possible Electrical Condition, Do Not Enter

On December 19, I asked Con Ed:
Do you have any information on Stray Voltage incident at 405 Main Street sidewalk?

For about a week a section of the sidewalk has been cordoned off with yellow tape that says Caution, Possible Electric Condition.
Con Ed Spokesperson Alan Drury replied:
We are investigating the cause of the condition you referenced. Once we find the cause, we will see that the condition is eliminated.

... We generally use the term “contact voltage,” as opposed to “stray voltage.” Our engineers say each term has a specific meaning and they are two different conditions...
I followed up:
Can you provide any details as to how you determined there was a problem and what is being done to remedy it.

What is the difference between "stray voltage" and "contact voltage"?...
Mr. Drury answered:
We have vehicles that scan the service area for contact voltage. We got a hit on this one on Dec. 8. To locate the source, our people are checking underground vaults (such as manholes) for obvious visual inspections. The search also includes the cutting and reconnecting of cables, and examination of the internal electrical equipment of buildings in the area.

... the main difference is that stray voltage is naturally occurring in an electrical delivery system, while contact voltage indicates faults.

As of today, the "possible electric condition" next to 405 Main Street has not been resolved.

More on contact and stray voltage at this Con Ed report.

UPDATE 12/23 -Spotted workers this afternoon

at the site.