Roosevelt Island Youth Program Begins 16th Year Of Free Soccer Program Saturday, September 16 - Come Out To Octagon Park And Watch The Action
Roosevelt Island Youth Program (RIYP) Executive Director Charlie Defino reports:
The Roosevelt Island Youth Program's Free 16th soccer season will commence Saturday, September 16 at Octagon Field.A sample of action
Games will start at 9:30AM and continue to 7PM. The league has 20 teams and 400 youth participating in the co-ed league With over 400 youth in the soccer league, 250 summer camp participants and over 143 after-school registrants, RIYP has now registered an um-duplicated count of slightly over 650 youth.
We expects to service approximately 1000 residents over the next year with a wide-array of services. We would love to see everyone on Roosevelt Island supporting the Soccer League, so come out and see our kids in action.
from prior year of RIYP Soccer at Octagon Field.