Friday, September 15, 2017

Roosevelt Island Youth Program Begins 16th Year Of Free Soccer Program Saturday, September 16 - Come Out To Octagon Park And Watch The Action

Roosevelt Island Youth Program (RIYP) Executive Director Charlie Defino reports:

The Roosevelt Island Youth Program's Free 16th soccer season will commence Saturday, September 16 at Octagon Field.

Games will start at 9:30AM and continue to 7PM. The league has 20 teams and 400 youth participating in the co-ed league With over 400 youth in the soccer league, 250 summer camp participants and over 143 after-school registrants, RIYP has now registered an um-duplicated count of slightly over 650 youth.

We expects to service approximately 1000 residents over the next year with a wide-array of services. We would love to see everyone on Roosevelt Island supporting the Soccer League, so come out and see our kids in action.
A sample of action

from prior year of RIYP Soccer at Octagon Field.