Monday, August 5, 2019

Resident Asks RIOC To Paint Long Neglected Roosevelt Island Main Street Crosswalks To Improve Pedestrian Safety - RIOC Says We Hear You Loud And Clear, Will Begin Crosswalk Repairs Today

A long time Roosevelt Island resident shares this message sent last Thursday to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Presient Susan Rosenthal:

Cannot believe RIOC or NYS or whomever still hasn't gotten the Crosswalk by the Chapel or the other Crosswalks between 625 & 501 Main Street painted, nor the double-yellow stripe down the middle of Main Street restored either.

Pedestrians crossing at the Chapel / 540 Breezeway continue to be at extremely high risk for getting hit by all types of vehicles -- from regular or motorized bikes to cars to trucks to busses -- even with a slight increase in PSD presence at certain times of the day.

Last Saturday even with pedestrians of all ages & abilities right in the Crosswalk, drivers could hardly come to a full stop to let folks cross, especially between 10 am & 1pm. The PSD was called an asked to send a PSO over, which they did for a while.

Thank you in advance addressing this of as soon as possible.

On Friday, a RIOC spokesperson announced:
Crosswalk Repairs Take Place Monday, August 5th

The community spoke and we heard you loud and clear!

As part of RIOC’s ongoing commitment to the safety of our residents, RIOC contractors will be repainting the Main Street crosswalks from the Blackwell House turn-around to 40 River Road on Monday, August 5th. This work will take place during daylight hours. Traffic control measures will be implemented throughout the day so work can take place.

Please note that lane re-striping is also a priority, but will take place in the near future.
Another resident asks:

More reactions from Roosevelt Island residents:
  • " why? people just cross wherever they want anyway."
  • " We need more speed bumps."
  • " Bikes and cars barely stop!"