Oh No - Troubling Indications That RIOC May Cancel Annual Roosevelt Island Family Halloween Parade March Down Main Street
One of the great Roosevelt Island traditions that makes living here so special is the annual Family Halloween Parade with kids, moms, dads and other residents of all ages marching down Main Street. dressed up in their ghostly, goulish and very creative costumes (Click on full screen image at bottom right of video for better viewing of costumed parade marchers).
Many others enjoy just watching the Parade heading down Main Street.
That Roosevelt Island Halloween Parade tradition may not happen this year. Yesterday, RIOC sent out this flyer
announcing a Halloween Extravaganza taking place inside the Sportspark facility, but no mention of the Main Street Halloween Parade. Upon receiving the Halloween flyer yesterday, I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Susan Rosenthal:
Rumor going around that RIOC is cancelling the Roosevelt Island Halloween Parade.Also, a Roosevelt Island tipster reported:
Is that true? I don't see any mention in the Halloween flyer about the Parade. Only events in Sportspark.
If true, what is reason for cancelling the Parade?
Any statement from RIOC about the Halloween Parade.
Just got confirmation that RIOC has cancelled for this year (and possibly permanently) our RI Halloween Parade down Main Street...A RIOC spokesperson replied that the matter is being looked into and will get back to me with info.
Here's the 2017 Roosevelt Island Halloween Main Street Parade.
Stay tuned - hopefully, the Roosevelt Island Halloween Parade will continue this year.
UPDATE 9:55 AM - Roosevelt Island residents react to news that RIOC may cancel Halloween Parade:
Say it isn't so Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation of the State of New York...Will all of those smiling faces be turned upside down this Halloween? Is it a budgetary decision? Has there ever been a crowd count based on past Halloween Extravaganzas'? This has to be the single most locally attended event we ever have on RI....and we don't need to worry about lines at the Subway.and:
Come on RIOC! This is a time honored tradition, for over 40+ years!! You really are just going to cancel it now and forever, without any to none community input?and:
What a shame. Shame on you!
The Sports Park event doesn’t compare and is not a replacement.
Let RIOC KNOW DON’T CANCEL THE PARADE call tweet or stop in the office let them know how the community feels2:15 PM - More comments from residents:
Generations of Islanders have marched in this parade and look forward to it every year! Some of us remember Al Lewis “Grandpa Munster” who lived here serving as Grand Marshall! The parade means everything to this community!And:
Should be pretty easy to reinstate once they realize the community cares this much about it. It can’t be a huge burden or expense to shut down Main Street for an hour. The event at sports park is fun for older kids but potentially overwhelming for little ones - the parade was perfect for them, and also gave the community (especially elderly people) the opportunity to enjoy and participate by observing.And:
Write letter , after letter, after letter, flood them with lettersUPDATE - 3:10 PM -
I thought in their view it was already a certainty. Parents network preparing to push back though. I get it that weather has been bad for last couple of years, but this is a tradition going back 35+ years. Not ok for @RIOCny to unilaterally cancel it without community input.— Minnehanonck (@minnehanonck) October 11, 2019
But there may be good news.
According to a RIOC spokesperson:
The parade is most definitely not being cancelled this year. We were – and still are - in the process of finalizing the program, which includes a new parade route to accommodate the new indoor location at Sportspark. We hope to release more information later on today on the new route.UPDATE - According to RIOC:
Yesterday, we shared the news about the Roosevelt Island Halloween Extravaganza.
Today, we’re sharing information on the annual Roosevelt Island Halloween Parade!
The parade begins on Saturday, October 26th at 11:30 AM, departing from the Lawn south of Rivercross (across from 500 Main St.), and proceeds to Sportspark for entry into the Halloween Extravaganza!
Please arrive at 11 AM if you’d like to join in. More Halloween Extravaganza details below.
We look forward to seeing all your costumes on display!