Wednesday, April 1, 2020

NYC Health Department Releases Info On Coronavirus Covid 19 Statistics By Zip Code -116 Roosevelt Island Residents Tested, 49 Positive Results

The NYC Health Department released data about people who have tested positive for Coronavirus. According to their web site:
The data presented below reflect the most recent information the Health Department has collected about people who have tested positive for COVID-19 in NYC. We are discouraging people with mild to moderate symptoms from being tested at this time, so the data primarily represent people with more severe illness. All data included below are preliminary and subject to change.

This page will be updated daily....
The NYC Health Department reports to date that based upon Zip Code 10044, there were 116 Roosevelt Island residents tested for Coronavirus Covid 19  and 49 positive results.

The Gothamist web site created an interactive map of NYC Coronavirus Cases by zip code

including this screen shot for Roosevelt Island zip code 10044.

Image From Gothamist

Click here for Gothamist reporting - Coronavirus Statistics: Tracking The Epidemic In New York.

As previously reported, one Roosevelt Island resident is known to have died from Coronavirus Covid 19.