Monday, November 5, 2007

Roosevelt Island Schools Receive Grade of B

The New York City Department of Education has just released city wide Progress Report cards for each of their schools.

Progress Reports grade each school with an A, B, C, D, or F. These reports help parents, teachers, principals, and others understand how well schools are doing—and compare them to other, similar schools. Most schools received pilot Progress Reports for the 2005-06 school year in spring 2007. Progress Reports for Early Childhood and Special Education schools will be piloted during the 2007-08 academic year.
Roosevelt Island's P.S./I.S. 217 received a B grade. More statistics regarding Roosevelt Island school are here.

According to NY Times:
Under a blunt new A through F rating system, whose results Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg unveiled today, 50 public schools across New York City, most in Manhattan and the Bronx, have been designated failures, placing them in danger of closing as early as the end of the school year and putting their principals’ jobs on the line.
Here is more on Roosevelt Island public schools.
Roosevelt Island 360 has more on the report here.

UPDATE - 11/27/07 - NY Times article - New York Grades Set Off Debate on Judging Schools


Anonymous said...

There is a very huge caveat you have to consider if you would like to use the grades alone to compare schools.

Since 55% of the grade is from how much the kids have improved over the last year those grades are skewed in favor of schools that have a student population that needs a lot of improvement. Top performing schools (since we are in the elementary school admission process right now I only know things about elementary schools) like NEST only got a B (Anderson, for example, just made it to an A) because the students are already high performing.

If you look at schools like PS 111 that got an A you can see how student improvement matters. It still wouldn't be a school that many parents would like to send their kids to.

All in all I think the DOE is trying to find its way. Considering the size of the NYC school system I think they are doing a superb job.